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What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:06 am
by WarpGirl
OK so, I'm looking for ideas for a wedding rings. Yeah yeah I know Vulcans don't wear them, but I've got an idea that if you're married to a human, and you're not an ambassador, a Vulcan girl might wear one. Two ideas have been floating through my brain...

1. Celtic Love Knot

2. Claddagh Rings

The reasons for this are, I like the idea that Trip has an Irish heritage; and Vulcans love geometric designs in their jewelry anyway. Of course if anyone has any idea for plain old presents ie: just because, anniverseries, honey I screwed up and I am so sorry I will never nearly die on an away mission ever again... Those Ideas are welcome too. ;-)

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:44 am
by Aikiweezie
Interesting question! I have no idea, though. I think that Trip is a romantic kind of guy and would put a lot of thought into that of gift for T'Pol. Sigh...... :loveeyes:

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:50 am
by WarpGirl
Well I think Claddagh rings could work because, well they could wear them on their right hands so nobody would know they're married. And even if people got suspicious, they could say that the rings symbolize their loyalty, aand friendship (which they do) and they wear them to honor Baby Elizabeth. (Also true) But there are other cultures with similar symbols, for that so I'm interested in ideas.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:09 am
by Aikiweezie
WarpGirl wrote:Well I think Claddagh rings could work because, well they could wear them on their right hands so nobody would know they're married. And even if people got suspicious, they could say that the rings symbolize their loyalty, aand friendship (which they do) and they wear them to honor Baby Elizabeth. (Also true) But there are other cultures with similar symbols, for that so I'm interested in ideas.

My husband bought me a claddaugh ring while we were dating. He said it was to symbolize love, loyalty and friendship. I still have it, but I can't say that I wear it anymore. I wear my wedding ring and that's it. I'm not Irish, and neither is he.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:14 am
by WarpGirl
Well my Irish side is fighting for dominance tonight so I will just elaborate by saying the whole symbol represents "Let Love, Loyalty, and Friendship reign forever" The heart is love, the hands are friendship, and the crown is loyalty. I think it fits TnT because they have love, loyalty, and friendship, together or not. But like I said I want more ideas, because people are "more cool" than I am.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:37 am
by anaM
Since I still ship Angel and Buffy, I'll go for the claddaugh ring. ;-) I'm sure Vulcans don't use objects as reminders of emotions or friendship or trust, but T'Pol would wear it as a recognition to Trip and -another- little act of defiance.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:38 am
by JadziaKathryn
I would say something fairly simple - not big and thick or anything approaching bling. Maybe something sleek with an inscription inside... if you want to be really poetic, maybe bicolor gold. Two colors, like two people from different species.

Example 1 (it's a bracelet, not a ring, but you get the idea)

Example 2

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:41 am
by Transwarp
Jewelry in general? Anything simple and elegant. Rings and necklaces only; I can't see a Vulcan wearing earrings or bracelets.

For wedding rings, Trip is a traditionalist. He would want a pair of simple gold bands.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:47 am
by Kotik
Claddagh Rings are a good idea, if you play out their meaning. As far as I know as an Irish folk nut, they have more meanings than just wedding rings - depending on which hand you wear them on. Lots of romantic potential *happy sigh*

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:54 am
by WarpGirl
Wow! Thank you. Yeah I like the idea of two metals. Red gold for T'Pol Titanium for Trip maybe. I want that bracelet. Oh and just for balance Trip IS getting an IDIC, but I thought T'Pol needed a wedding ring too.

Vulcans do wear earrings, and Bracelets actually. In Search For Spock the priestesses pile on the stuff. Actually lots of Vulcan jewelery is INCREDIBLY blingy! Huge stones, complex designs, and head peices too. Amanda and Perrin wore TONS of it. So did Sarek.

But I realize T'Pol can't do that on a ship. And I agree the rings should be simple, BUT they have to pass as something other than wedding rings. It's supposed to be a secret from Starfleet. Sorry no plain gold bands, too obvious. Also FYI most men like plain gold bands because they think they're practical and unfussy. Not always true, believe me, I've gown up around men who do hard physical labor (like Trip) and plain gold bands are a nightmare. Gold particularly yellow gold is fragile and has a rather low melting point. Person who works with tools and high tempatures are at risk for ring accidents. My uncle is a plumber he works with sodder, you would not believe the burns he's gotten under his ring. And how many he's melted. My brother is an electrician he got a titanium ring because his boss warned him a gold one isn't worth the hassel. So while plain gold bands are simple and unfussy asthetically they're not the most practical rings for someone who works hard and can be exposed to heat with their hands. I wouldn't recommend a Gold band to Malcolm either.

Thank you Kotik , I know all of the meanings. And it is my favorite idea. I'm just fishing.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:13 am
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:OK so, I'm looking for ideas for a wedding rings. Yeah yeah I know Vulcans don't wear them, but I've got an idea that if you're married to a human, and you're not an ambassador, a Vulcan girl might wear one. Two ideas have been floating through my brain...

1. Celtic Love Knot

2. Claddagh Rings

The reasons for this are, I like the idea that Trip has an Irish heritage; and Vulcans love geometric designs in their jewelry anyway. Of course if anyone has any idea for plain old presents ie: just because, anniverseries, honey I screwed up and I am so sorry I will never nearly die on an away mission ever again... Those Ideas are welcome too. ;-)

Like your ideas, but I am not sure waht a claddagh rings is. Loved the ideas of Jk. I am wearing a celtic love knot as a wedding ring for almost 12,5 years now :loveeyes: , so I vote for the celtic ring. :D BTW, you're right about the lack of jewelry in T'Pols time. What do you think about a necklace you can wear under your cloths instead of a ring? I really liked the idea of the IDIC's as wedding rings in Dinah's story.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:18 am
by WarpGirl
Well like I said Trip will be getting an IDIC pendent. I just really didn't want to rip off Dinah. She's brilliant, wonderful, and I can't take from her. I wish I could. But I love her work too much.

Claddagh rings are Irish rings with a heart in the center with two hands that make up the band holding it, on top of the heart is a crown.

PS I want your wedding ring! Hubby did good!

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:24 am
by panyasan
I can understand you don't want to use the same idea as Dinah. Yes, hubbie did good. He is doing good for the last 12,5 plus years. :lol:

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:32 am
by WarpGirl
Amazingly my not wanting to steal from Dinah has nothing to do with my own ego. I just want her to have all the glory her beautiful work deserves. Every little detail is hers. I don't want to take away from that. But if I did want to stroke my own ego, I'd steal from her in a nanosecond. I'm not proud of that but I would.

Re: What Kind Of Jewelry Does A Guy Buy A Vulcan?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:35 am
by JadziaKathryn
WarpGirl wrote:Vulcans do wear earrings, and Bracelets actually. In Search For Spock the priestesses pile on the stuff. Actually lots of Vulcan jewelery is INCREDIBLY blingy! Huge stones, complex designs, and head peices too. Amanda and Perrin wore TONS of it. So did Sarek.
I suppose this is an ancient carryover, a way to denote status that survived the reign of logic. Hmm. It's interesting because it's not really logical, strictly speaking. Which I think points to the idea that logic alone doesn't rule Vulcan. Tradition also plays a big part.