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March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:45 am
by Aquarius
If you're not done with February yet, don't panic! There is no technical deadline, so the "water" prompt (or any other for that matter) is still there for the writing. Mine isn't done, either, so don't worry.

In the meantime, for those who are ready to move on, I bring you the March prompt. Most of you know the 411, but for the benefit of those just joining us, it goes something like this: I give you a word, and you write a story about Trip and/or T'Pol inspired by that word. Any style, any genre, any length goes. You can either post the result here, or submit it for archival. The word changes every month, but I'm a firm believer in "it's never too late!" These prompts are just meant to be fun little excuses to keep us writing, so if this one doesn't inspire you, go back and see if an older one does anything for you.

This month, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a fic inspired by the word:


Have at it. 8)

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:36 pm
by Linda
As in nature calls? :lol:

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:32 pm
by Aquarius
If that's what the word inspired! :lol: Didn't imagine any submissions where any characters had to pee really bad, but why the hell not??!!

"Cap'n, can we pull the ship over? PLEEEEEZE??"

"Didn't you go before we left???"


Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:25 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Aquarius wrote:Didn't imagine any submissions where any characters had to pee really bad, but why the hell not??!!

Well, Porthos had to go really bad once, and that proved nearly fatal for him, plus it almost caused an interstellar incident... :razz:

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:12 am
by evcake

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:26 am
by Asso

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:43 am
by JadziaKathryn
Aquarius wrote:If that's what the word inspired! :lol: Didn't imagine any submissions where any characters had to pee really bad, but why the hell not??!!

"Cap'n, can we pull the ship over? PLEEEEEZE??"

"Didn't you go before we left???"

Well, there is that whole no-bathrooms-on-the-shuttlepods issue. Which is just idiotic. Even if there isn't room for a shower, on a vessel designed so it could be away from the ship for days at a time, wouldn't you want a toilet and sink? I mean, really, let's be realistic here. If you can make a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light to the fifth power, which is awfully fast, you'd think someone could manage to get a toilet in a shuttlepod.

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:30 pm
by Linda
Uh, no head on the shuttlepod? No wonder Malcolm and Trip were so testy with each other in the episode "Shuttlepod One". They are guys, so I suppose they could have used a coke bottle or something. :badgrin: "Head" comes from the old sailing ships where the guys used to do their business next to the figure head. I don't suppose the shuttlepod had a figure head.

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:44 pm
by Alelou
Yeah, they showed us on the U.S.S. Constitution how they'd pull a thick rope up out of the water and use it to wipe themselves. Those perches must have been really, really pleasant on a brutal cold day...

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:30 pm
by Linda
Doesn't it make you glad you live in the 21st century? Flush toilets, dentists with good pain killers, freeways? Uh, flush toilets and dentists with pain killers (drop the freeways). :roll:

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:09 pm
by panyasan
The conversation on this thread has lead me to a little, very silly story. Still have to find an ending. If you got one, you're more then welcome.
This is un-beta-ed and I just typed something.


Trip was tucked away in Jeffrey's tube 123, section 14, when suddenly he got a very distinct feeling in his belly. He tried to ignore it, pressed as he was against a bulkhead and trying very hard to fix a manifold that should have been repaired months ago. But nature was calling. Why did he have that bean salad for lunch. He dropped his tools and crawled back on his hands and feet to the nearest exit. Back on the corridor he hurried to the nearest bathroom.
He found all of the toilets occupied. He didn't want to start ponding the door and screaming to the unknown users to hurry up, so he headed for the next nearest bathroom. When he passed T'Pol's quarters, an crazy idea crossed his mind.
As the Vulcan science officer and XO, T'Pol had the special privilege not only to a shower like every crew men, but also to a separate toilet. He knew the codes to her quarters and this was a natural emergency. Quickly he pushed the buttons on her door lock and runned to her toilet. Afterwards, he was looking for some matches in her room to remove the smell in her toilet – the least he could do – when he realized he wasn't alone.
In a corner of T'Pol's quarters, on her meditation cushions, the Vulcan resident was sleeping softly. Streaks of her chestnut hair were gently spread on her head cushion. Her whole face was softened in her sleep.
She looked so young while she was sleeping. Trip looked down on her gently and smiled.
Then a shiver went up his spine and he noticed there was something wrong. Why was T'Pol sleeping in the middle of the day?

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:23 pm
by Alelou
Hey, you definitely have to end that one!!

And not just that he'd knocked her unconscious with the smell. :lol:

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:25 pm
by panyasan
Alelou wrote:Hey, you definitely have to end that one!!

And not just that he'd knocked her unconscious with the smell. :lol:

The smell...I didn't think about that one. :lol: :lol:

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:32 pm
by Asso
Alelou wrote:Hey, you definitely have to end that one!!

And not just that he'd knocked her unconscious with the smell. :lol:

Alelou is absolutely right! :)
Maybe she is... dreaming? And why, in this case?
Nah! This doesn't work. But T'Pol's image is enthralling. It deserves an end: something hilarious and sweet, at the same time.

Re: March '09 Word Prompt!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:49 pm
by Aquarius
Seriously, finish it!