Smut question *grown-ups only* :P

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Postby dark_rain » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:31 am

I felt compelled to state the obvious.
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Postby Distracted » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:45 am

You go, girl! (You are a girl, right? I got an email from you with a girly name on it. Your location is confusing me, but each to his/her own. JB IS mighty hot. Wink )
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Postby dark_rain » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:48 am

Distracted wrote:You go, girl! (You are a girl, right? I got an email from you with a girly name on it. Your location is confusing me, but each to his/her own. JB IS mighty hot. Wink )

Umm, NO! Where'd the hell did that email come from F#&%ing hackers. (No seriously, I don't remember sending anything like that)
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Postby Distracted » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:55 am

Hmmm. Guess Kathleen must be somebody else, then. Sorry, dude. I must have assumed a reponse about a poetry submission came from you.
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Postby dark_rain » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:56 am

Ahhh, I know where you got that from. The is set up in JK's name, which is Kathleen, right! And I replied to you with that account so thats why you thought I was a girl. <Panic over>
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Postby Distracted » Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:07 am

Good. I'm glad I'm not getting senile. Wink
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Postby Mitchell » Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:13 am

^^^ LOL!!!! Laughing Laughing

Confused Ya know Im tryin to figure out how a thread about the state of Trip's d*ck in certin Adult fics, some how turned into a French bashin, Military, chest thumpin thread? Laughing

Not that it isnt an improvment IMO.

As for the Military issues. When I considered joining up (an it should be pretty obvious that I didnt join up, an lose the family farm in the process), Any whos I only looked at 3 of the 4 services. Navy, Army, an The Marines.. When ever a Airforce recruiter called I had to poke myself in the leg with my pocket knife to keep from laughin. Sorry but no blood relative of mine has ever served in the Airforce. Confused Ofcourse I did have a Great uncle in the 101st in WWII, but thats pre Airforce days, so he slipped by with out ruining the familys honorable history. Razz

An I agree with ya 100% Rigil. All other branches are ment to support the infantry, during the ground battles ofcourse. Since their are rare battles that dont always involve infantry. Wink For the Sake of the Safety of the USA lets hope all those Air To Air battles are fought By US Navy fighters, other wise were up a creek with out a paddle if its left to the Airforce. Razz

Wink I hope CX knows were just teasin him. Wink The US Airforce is still better then every None US Military force in the world. Just not beter then the rest of the US Military services. Razz
TnT I love em. Very Happy

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Postby Elessar » Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:49 am

CX wrote:
Rigil Kent wrote:
Elessar wrote:But to their credit, the AF DOES have elite combat teams right? Base security and such stuff? I mean there really are Airforce Special Forces units like what Jack O'Neill did before the stargate program right?

They'd like to think so but so far, the only ones who really impress me are the PJs. I'm sure CX will come on and try to rave about the SFs, but whatever... Cool

The SFs I've met would give any Jarine a run for his money, they're just thought of as a whole lot brighter. Wink We don't say "Marine-proof" when we're planning operations for nothing. Razz

And yes, we do have SPECOP forces. We also have people who are on the ground with Army and Marine combat units called Combat Weather. We also have people in Delta Force. You know one of theose two snipers from the Black Hawk Down incident that were awaded the Medal of Honor? One of them was Air Force.

You grunts can have the ground, give me some AIR POWER! Cool

The USMC has airpower...FA-18, AV-8 Harrier, C-130 Herc, AH-1W super cobra, ch53 super stallion, mv-22 osprey, ch46 chinook, ch47 sea stallion, the list goes ON! Smile Plus, they're going to soon be flying the F-35 Lightning II JSF, most advanced aircraft in the world Razz

And as for the friggin AF specfor...

I am convinced that there is no smarter, handier, or more adaptable body of troops in the world.
Prime Minister of Britain, Sir Winston Churchhill

The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.
Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, U.S. Army
Commander of American Forces in World War I

Very Happy

I bet the AF troopers know their stuff... but nobody's feared worldwide like the Marines Smile

Yeah it IS pretty funny (and WEIRD!) that a thread about circumcision turned into one about armed serviecs Laughing

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Postby ptiboudesucr » Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:32 pm

Distracted wrote:BTW... Bienvenue, ptiboudesucr. Love your name. Was it a nickname from when you were a child? I can see calling a baby that.

*pinch cheeks and put on a sicky-sweet "talk to the baby" voice* "OOH, you're such a sweet little sugar cube, yes you are!" Very Happy

Thanks Smile

It's always nice to be welcome Smile

And for my nickname, it's a little bit complicated to explain. The simple version is a friend on a chatroom gave it to me. I was looking for something girly and sweet to check anonymously members activities. He thought that it suit me... I had my doubts... but in the end i kept it. Smile
It did suit me Smile
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Postby CX » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:07 pm

As demonstrated by Kosova, air power is irrelevant if you don't have boots on the ground. Every branch of the military are support to the infantry

That isn't hat General Mitchell said. Wink Actually it's the other way around.

I have a choice quote from Churchill too, probably made after the RAF saved his country from the Germans. Wink

Sorry guys, but none of the other branches have the ability to deploy as fast as the Air Force. In fact, most of them hitch a ride with us when they really need to get somewhere fast. Razz

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Postby chrisis1033 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:01 pm

How fitting that foreskins and Air Force are mentioned in the same thread. Wink Very Happy Twisted Evil Cool

Not trying to be mean but since the topic has shifted somewhat I feel compelled to add my opinion. I spent too long in the Infantry to see it any different...

Nobody can hold ground except an Infantryman and his rife. Thats why ALL service branches exist to support the Infantry. This is true since the dawn of warfare.

Now more on Topic...

What about being "Cut" in the Mirror Universe? Is there a potential there of it having a deeper meaning?

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Postby Distracted » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:39 pm

Do you mean a cultural meaning, chrisis? I can see that potential. Warlike cultures throughout the centuries have had a "manhood" ritual. Many African tribes still practice ritual circumcision in the early teens with homemade knives passed down for several generations. I won't even GO into the infection potential there... not to mention the bleeding complications and the sheer agony. Jeez.

But maybe there's a warrior subculture within the MU with their equivalent of a mohel for teenage boys. They have this "and now I am a man" ritual involving circumcision without anesthetic. Tough enough for ya? Twisted Evil
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Postby chrisis1033 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:52 pm


Thats what I mean!

Lets forget the debate on hygiene or the religious part of it...

In the MU what if it was a ritual as part of their becoming men! There is a Family Knife...just as you say...LOL...

Many cultures have a ritual when the boy enters manhood.

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Postby Distracted » Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:04 pm

I think in a technological society there would also be a person who receives training in doing the procedure and in properly caring for the required equipment (as I mentioned before, perhaps similar to the Jewish mohel, a specially trained rabbi). They wouldn't let just anyone do it with just any old knife. No point in killing off their young warriors before they even have a chance to serve the Empire, right? Perhaps it's a secret society, like the Knights Templar or the Masons, with a hierarchy and a hereditary aristocracy seperate from the controlling government. So it's not a religion, but they'd have their own "Grand Poobah" or whatever, who's received training in performing the procedure and presides over the ceremony while the young men are attended by a sponsor like their father, uncle, or older brother who's already a member.

I can envison the candidates kidnapped from their homes in the dead of night and brought to the lodge where they "become men". Rejected candidates (if they scream or run away or whatever) don't become members and are somehow visibly marked so that "brothers of the lodge" will know to shun them (a brand, maybe?). They can't make it into positions of power because no member will hire them or trust them. The sons of rejected candidates would be in the same boat unless they could find a sponsor and prove their worthiness to the lodge. This would make a great back story for Malcolm... or any of the MU guys. Maybe MU Malcolm is so twisted because he's the son of a reject and has had to prove his worth all of his life?
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Postby chrisis1033 » Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:18 pm

yes! A Mal twist...

Thats a great idea! Very Happy

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