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Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:20 pm
by Distracted
EK wrote: I always felt bad for them, anxiously trying to stockpile enough pain meds to last a while at home.

I doubt that very many of your customers were in pain. Codeine is cheap in the US but doctors won't give unlimited supplies because it's a drug of abuse. It's quite addictive and distribution is strictly controlled by the government. If we docs prescribe too much of it or give prescriptions for it without documentation of legitimate medical indications we get our licences yanked by the DEA or maybe even get arrested for illegal distribution. If your customers had legitimately painful conditions and weren't abusing the drugs they could get them at home in reasonable amounts. So you can add "pusher" to your resume, EK. ;-)

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:30 pm
by WarpGirl
Oh Dis I'm sure some of them were legit. I certainly am, in fact my sis always tells me if I lived with her I could get better drugs. She forgets codine doesn't do a dang thing for me but make me throw up. In any case I wouldn't call Ek a pusher.

BTW I am getting used to the PEI accent. But you should here it when a little Tennessee gets in there. It's totally adorable. You know they've never had a real Canadian accent on Trek I think it's sad. :cry:

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:30 pm
by Alelou
Doesn't Shatner count?

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:37 pm
by WarpGirl
Nah I know there were Canadian Actors on Trek. But Shatner's accent isn't all that strong. But the accent I'm thinking of is in the area of Nova Scotia. Ek would know what I mean. But I have never heard even a slight Canadian Accent on Trek. Ek Help!!!!

Anybody see Due South around here. Although Bennton Fraiser didn't have a Nova Scotia accent either, it was still a strong Canadian accent.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:39 pm
by Distracted
I always thought Shatner had a neutral sort of accent. A non-identifiable "North American" accent. He doesn't sound Canadian to me even though he was born there. Of course, Nova Scotians don't sound Canadian to me either. At least their French sounds familiar, though. When they speak French they sound a lot like Cajuns.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:54 pm
by Alelou
Well, a lot of trained actors have a neutral accent, don't they? Even Stewart has a neutral British accent, doesn't he? Or at least neutral educated British accent? Most of the professional actors I knew in NJ sounded like they had come from some really good private school.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:19 pm
by WarpGirl
It depends. All actors usually get vocal training not just for singing but for accents... Of course there are born mimics, but every actor pretty much needs to have a "neutral" accent for work, so they can put on others.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:40 am
by Aquarius
In Shatner's day I'm sure the accent was trained out of him. Back then, you pretty much had to be White Bread Middle America if you wanted to bank; nobody wanted an actor who "talked funny" unless it was some character part. We're talking about an industry who, even as far into the last century as the 70s, wouldn't even let a real Asian guy play a lead role who was supposed to be an Asian guy. (Kung Fu, anyone?)

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:24 am
by Silverbullet
Hey, how about Charlie Chan? A Swede and an American white. His kids though were all real Orientals. Of course if it was Evil then the role would go to an Oriental. Anna Mae Wong had quite a career playing Oriental bad girls.

Key Luke played an Oriental good guy insome Seriels.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:32 am
by Aquarius
You basically just proved my point. In one case, you have a white guy playing an Asian. In the others, you have Asians playing supporting "character" roles, not the regular leads.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:23 am
by WarpGirl
OK to be fair there were some very notable exceptions to this rule... Silverbullet would probably know these names the best... Felix Bressart, SZ "Cuddles" Sakall, these two men made their way playing brilliant European characters in white bread movies. I can't think of one time they ever played the villian even in the raging WW2 years. Nancy Kwan was a beautiful leading lady that sometimes played the risque role, but again I can't think of a time she played an evil role.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:42 am
by enterprikayak
WarpGirl wrote:Oh Dis I'm sure some of them were legit. I certainly am, in fact my sis always tells me if I lived with her I could get better drugs. She forgets codine doesn't do a dang thing for me but make me throw up. In any case I wouldn't call Ek a pusher.

BTW I am getting used to the PEI accent. But you should here it when a little Tennessee gets in there. It's totally adorable. You know they've never had a real Canadian accent on Trek I think it's sad. :cry:

You're right about it being a free for all for peeps who just want the stuff for "fun". It was behind the counter, but not prescribed, so people could really buy as much as they wanted. Of course there were also a lot of regular-looking older folks with stories of bad backs and what have you. Probably a little from column a and a little from column b. The time I worked as a REAL pusher was telemarketing carpet cleaning at the age of 17. :lol:

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:47 am
by Aquarius
WarpGirl wrote:OK to be fair there were some very notable exceptions to this rule... Silverbullet would probably know these names the best... Felix Bressart, SZ "Cuddles" Sakall, these two men made their way playing brilliant European characters in white bread movies. I can't think of one time they ever played the villian even in the raging WW2 years. Nancy Kwan was a beautiful leading lady that sometimes played the risque role, but again I can't think of a time she played an evil role.

Still white guys playing white guys, right? That's not what I'm talking about.

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:52 pm
by crystalswolf
Just wanted to add this in the old conversation for what it's worth. Born and raised in NYC, moved down to Atlanta and noticed something about accents. A lot of the regional accents are dying out and it seems the loss becomes more significant as you move closer to the center of the city.

The large number of people moving to NYC (friends and family call them Sex and the City crowd) they do not pick up the accent probably because there are so many non native NY'ers they are not constantly bombarded with the accent. But if you go into the several self-contained neighborhoods you will hear the accent from the older generation and some among the younger generation. "Whatta you toh-awkin abou'?" Remember Archie Bunker & "turlet" I know people with that accent but it's spoken by older people and is definitely dying out.

When we moved to Atlanta, we noticed the same thing. The closer you go into the city, the less of an accent people have. It's not the same as NYC but it's noticeable. But the farther you go from the city the heavier the accent. I once spoke with an older gentleman during one of these trips out and his accent was so thick I couldn't understand him. Might as well have been a different language.

I don't generally write accents because it's suppose to be that particular word just pronounced differently. The only time I do is when I want to highlight a certain meaning ("you know" vs. "y' know").

Re: Does Trip have much of an accent?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:18 am
by Silverbullet
Crystalwold. If you want acccents that are really different in the same Lan guage go to England. A Cornishman, or a yyorkshireman. but especially a Cockney born within the sounds of the Bow bells (Only one born with those sounds can turely say he is a Cockney) The Play "My Fair Lady" brought out that.