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Re: Status and Support

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:59 am
by panyasan
You know, WG, your thread about kareoke sort of inspired me to write the following dialoque (my attempt of humour, please tell me if it worked or not ;-) .)

[..]"I got the feeling they are now getting to the part of singing stupid song by young ensigns. I getting too old for this kind of parties. The time that I amused my fellow officers with songs like “I am too sexy for my shirt” are over,” Trip grinned.

“I can't recall you ever sing that song,” T'Pol replied, thinking that Trip always looked too sexy for his shirt.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:04 am
by WarpGirl
It's 4:03AM here. EVERYTHING is funny. But yeah I'm laughing. Glad I could inspire something. I gotta try to sleep now.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:05 am
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:It's 4:03AM here. EVERYTHING is funny. But yeah I'm laughing. Glad I could inspire something. I gotta try to sleep now.

Good night, dear.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:15 am
by Asso
And, by reading what you wrote, good day for me, Panyasan. :D

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:21 pm
by Silverbullet
Panysann, I spent three years in Holland, stationed in Den Haag. I have visited Delft. also Amsterdam, the Rijks Museum and the Maurits house (Sp) where they have the Painting "girl in Red Hat." As far as I know there are only 36 authenticated Vermeer paintings in the world. the largest collection is in the Hermitage unless the russians have sold their collection. It would be worth billions. I have been in the rijks museum standig in front of the "Milkmaid" wishing very much that I could own it.

but yes, I have been to delft where we blught some Blue Dleft Ware.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:30 pm
by honeybee
Well, I just finished "Family Secrets" - 30 Chapters plus an Epilogue. I'm behind on polishing it up for this site - but a new installment should be posted soon.

:D pats self on back:

My attempt at answering the question . . ."What if Enterprise had been on HBO?"

Answer: Lots more sex, violence and drug use. Plus some swearing.

T'Pol meets her long lost family, and they are mostly nuts. Malcolm and Hoshi get high accidentally and fall in love. Hoshi and T'Pol get kidnapped - then rescued. Twice. The Romulan War starts. Trip introduces T'Pol to his family. Trip gets promoted to Captain. T'Pol gets to know her brother. Crazy sh*t happens on Romulus. Enterprise has to rescue a Romulan defector. Everything turns out all right in the end.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:52 pm
by Alelou
I'm looking forward to reading the finale (sighs -- once she finishes grading -- one more class to go).

Oh man, I wish HBO would do Star Trek.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:46 pm
by Aquarius
Alelou wrote:Oh man, I wish HBO would do Star Trek.

Me, too. Especially the swearing. :guffaw:

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:58 pm
by honeybee
In Family Secrets, T'Pol's brother is learning English. And he goes off on the bad guys in English - in a total tribute to Al Swearengen of Deadwood. It seems that Hoshi was teaching him some colorful metaphors. He may be an aristocrat, but he's also a soldier - so I figure he'd want to learn some profanity.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:24 am
by enterprikayak
Silverbullet wrote:Panysann, I spent three years in Holland, stationed in Den Haag. I have visited Delft. also Amsterdam, the Rijks Museum and the Maurits house (Sp) where they have the Painting "girl in Red Hat." As far as I know there are only 36 authenticated Vermeer paintings in the world. the largest collection is in the Hermitage unless the russians have sold their collection. It would be worth billions. I have been in the rijks museum standig in front of the "Milkmaid" wishing very much that I could own it.

but yes, I have been to delft where we blught some Blue Dleft Ware.

you may like these:

Image Image
I did some of them and then only later, when reading the girl with the pearl earring, did I realise I had chosen quite a few vermeers to mess with! :lol:

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:50 am
by WarpGirl
Now I might make a few people mad, but here is my status report. I know I said I'd finish my karaoke story quickly but something suddenly came up. Lots of inspiration for KOTOR. So I've been immersed in the world of the ancient Jedi, and Sith... BUT I've gotten what I had to get done, done, and I can move on for a little while. Unfortunately I promised my mother two chapters of an origional novel I'm working on, BEFORE her birthday in January. SO Karaoke has to wait until Febuary at the earliest. Sorry but I have to live with my mother, not you guys. As for May We Together... Maybe March for ch 5 I make no promises. It depends how KOTOR goes.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:27 pm
by Transwarp
WarpGirl wrote:Now I might make a few people mad, but here is my status report. I know I said I'd finish my karaoke story quickly but something suddenly came up.

I certainly have no standing to chastise anyone for not writing fast enough!

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:30 pm
by WarpGirl
Yeah but considering your job NOBODY can chastise you either. Me I'm just slacking because I wanna write other stuff. Oh well so many ideas so little time. ;-) :twisted:

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:19 am
by Transwarp
Warpgirl, you let us know if those KOTOR people are being mean to you, and we'll swing by and go Klingon on them. Give 'em a good ol' fashioned TnT butt-whoopin'. They'd rather be on a ship full of Vulcans juiced on trellium-D.

Re: Status and Support

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:32 am
by WarpGirl
Transwarp I assure you my fellow KOTORians are wonderful, well one or two not-so-much. BUT I have protectors with big lightsabers and I carry a double-bladed silver lightsaber myself. Hey even a few Sith like me. Sometimes I wish they were here. Anyhow thanks for the offer. I think one of my KOTORians might drop by here, SHE LOVES VULCANS more than anything.

Status report: Halfway through the first chapter owed to my mother of origional fiction. As soon as the second one is done KARAOKE!