"The Abomination"

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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 1:29 am

Oh be nice I was just teasing! MEN! :roll:
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu May 28, 2009 2:20 am

KTR & WarpGirl - I completely disagree with you! I think the series was beginning to find itself and hit its stride - I was left dying for more especially sfter Demons/Terra Prime!!

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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 2:32 am

I agree that the series was much improved by season 4. But I honestly didn't want T'Pol's father being revealed as a Romulan especially in light of T'Les' sacrifice finding the Kir'Shara and the fact that the Romulans were infiltrating the Vulcan Govt. UG! It was bad enough that the Trellium happened but to blame it on Romulan DNA HELLO Romulans aren't stupid. Also what was the plan, make Shran a theif and then let Archer save him by taking him into Starfleet? Excuse me while I destroy my TV. I'm not saying that it would have ALL been horrible. But those are certainly NOT two plot ideas I can get behind. If you look up *the_abomination* on memory alpha you find that we were always going to get the whole holo episode, (pointless) but Trip wouldn't have been killed. Trip not dying is a good thing. But come on, it didn't sound promising either.

Look here for proof... http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Star_Tr ... e_Season_5 and here... http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/These_A ... ._(episode)#Background_Information
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Thu May 28, 2009 2:52 am

Aikiweezie wrote:KTR & WarpGirl - I completely disagree with you! I think the series was beginning to find itself and hit its stride - I was left dying for more especially sfter Demons/Terra Prime!!

Well, perhaps I overstated my comments. I would have loved to see more ENT too, especially after season 4. Between the choice of more ENT (that might get screwed up) or no ENT, of course I'd chose more ENT.

But I cannot escape the nagging suspicion that TPTB might have screwed stuff up. What if B&B decided to come back in a more active role, or if Coto had left for a better gig, or something. Given how Hollyweird works, that's a reasonable fear. And some of the ideas they toyed with I'm not that keen on - like Guinan (didn't care for her on TNG), half-Rommie T'Pol or Shran as a crew member (as much as I like him, he'd chew the scenery and is way overqualified to be one of Archer's men).

The question is academic at best now... :?
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Silverbullet » Thu May 28, 2009 2:53 am

I could have lived with more seasons if Trip had lived, TnT had been really a couple instead of the on again off again crap with had to put up with and lastly if Archer had been promoted off Enterpise and anew Captain put on board. also more an ensemble series.

Not too much to ask is it?

Seems that Shran and Trip got the shaft but good.

BTW, I have had season 4 for four weeks and have yet to play one DVD. I guess I don't want my wife to see a grown man cry.
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 3:12 am

Some women think their husbands crying is sexy.

I have to say that as a child of TNG, I wouldn't have minded Riker, Troi, Guinan, or any other cast member guest star. Hey Wesley as a Traveler would have made me shout for joy. (I was between the ages of 6-12 and he flew the ship OF COURSE I was in love with him!) I don't even mind the idea of Riker using a holo of ENT to make a hard command decision. But make it in the "Present" sometime after Nemesis on the Titan with a really big Romulan problem. Heck bring back Brent Spinner as Soong and make the Augment Arc have an actual purpose for the series instead of just being really cool with great acting. Don't make Shran a minion of Archer's autocratic domain, and for God's sake enough with ignoring the other crew members! Make Soval a regular cast member.

Would all of this ever have happened? I really don't think so. So the loss of the series doesn't bother me. But I loved many of those characters and if they had been given the respect they deserved, I would have been a committed fan.
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Aquarius » Thu May 28, 2009 4:02 am

WarpGirl wrote:Still, I'm with AQUARIUS it's just a holo-program. And I have always loved Will and Deanna. I've been loving them since 1987 when I was 3 years old. So I'll take seeing them whenever I can. I enjoyed their proformances and ignore the rest because IT WAS POINTLESS!

Word. :thumbsup:
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 4:14 am

I thought you might like that. :wink: Every week TNG was on it was "Mommy are Will and Deanna getting married yet?" Sure I had to wait until I was 17 for it to happen! But still, you love what you grow up on. But *the_abomination* was just pointless.
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Alelou » Thu May 28, 2009 11:30 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:the ideas they toyed with I'm not that keen on - like Guinan (didn't care for her on TNG), half-Rommie T'Pol or Shran as a crew member (as much as I like him, he'd chew the scenery and is way overqualified to be one of Archer's men).

I have to agree. Except when she was being used for comic relief, Guinan was just a lazy writer's shortcut; I couldn't stand TNG episodes (or movies) that relied on her all-knowing explanations. Half-Rommie T'Pol would have been annoying because it's so hackneyed in Trekdom at this point, not to mention what the heck was up with T'Les in that case? And the Shran we know would never have been willing to serve under Archer on an Earth ship. He's much better as an unpredictable, entertaining, larger-than-life outside force.

I suspect that after living under the threat of cancellation for so long those guys were pretty burnt out. Either that or these ideas just came up with a bunch of other ones and would have ultimately been discarded if they hadn't naturally tweaked the interest of Trekkie historians. It's moot at this point anyway, but it's probably telling that no fanfic has ever gone in these directions (as far as I know).
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Aikiweezie » Thu May 28, 2009 1:00 pm

***** I KNOW that I'm probably the only one who is going to say this, but I think the T'Pol being 1/2 would have been cool **********

Please don't fllame me - I'm not planning to defend my arguement.

I think the appearance of Alice Krieg as the "to be Queen Borg" would have been great! I love that whole Borg thing.

Guinan - meh.

As far as my Trip dying - It would suck, but I'd be okay with it if it were handled in a way that made sense with his character and how the others cared about him.

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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 2:25 pm

I'm sure other people would like T'Pol as a half Romulan. Just not me. But I hated the fact that they brought the Borg into ENT at all!!!! That was the worst idea ever besides killing Trip! In fact in my list of worst ENT episodes "Regeneration" is at the very top of the list. What Archer never made a report about the machine men and Picard never read it when Q introduced the Borg to them? :bitch: NOPE! Sorry but it soesn't work for me. So I'll just let it end with Terra Prime and be happy for the few good things ENT had.
Last edited by WarpGirl on Thu May 28, 2009 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Alelou » Thu May 28, 2009 3:45 pm

I didn't mind Regeneration once it finally got to Enterprise (what is it, twenty minutes after it begins ... yawn...). There's a nice little 'out' with all that stuff from Enterprise's era -- you can imagine that records were damaged or lost in the Romulan War.

Which forced twits far in the future to make up details like Commander Tucker's death...
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 28, 2009 4:16 pm

Sure but that just makes it more irritating for me. Because then none of it matters at all.
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Alelou » Thu May 28, 2009 5:00 pm

Well, I can't imagine there are any Enterprise fans who weren't irritated or disgusted with that episode. Maybe, just maybe, someone who was really dying to see Archer wear a dress uniform and hug T'Pol might have found something to like there... (Shudder)

If I think of it as purely AU, though, I don't really mind the shuttle pod scene. It had enough angsty tension to keep me interested to see more, anyway. At least until I actually saw more...
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Re: "The Abomination"

Postby Silverbullet » Thu May 28, 2009 7:18 pm

Archer giving T-Pol a hug and she doesn't deck hiim?

Wearing a dress Uniform. Pity he was not the one beig buried that would have been apppriate to be buried in.

NOw let's see Archer instead of Trip being killed along with the baddies. Warms my Heart.
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