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Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:47 am
by JadziaKathryn
Hey, I forgot the shameless self-promotion in this thread! 8) The fic I'm advertising in my signature was written for this prompt.

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:40 pm
by bluetiger
krn, I very much liked your MU whisper fic. I am a sucker for evil Trip and T'Pol getting it on.

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:32 pm
by krn
^^aren't we all :D

thanks - glad you enjoy

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:28 pm
by Aquarius
I love it, krn! Thank you. :D Any chance you're gonna follow it up with a "scream" this month???

Hopefully this weekend I can spend some time in the archives and catch up on JadziaKathryn's piece and all the other good stuff that's been posted lately. I'll read it all, I promise!

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:14 am
by michelle

in the 'Stage'

"but he could feel it when it happened. Like music just beyond hearing, the hint of a breeze against one cheek, a flash of light on the horizon, it just was without ever actually being."

Is this Lorians Birth?

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:00 am
by Chelle-sama
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, Michelle, but my computer sort of died on me a couple weeks ago. (And by 'sort of' I mean it made noises I ususally hear when my car needs to go in.)

'Stage' wasn't beta'd, so yes and no. It was originally Lorian's birth, but then I re-did the math and realized that Lorian was probably born before Charles Senior, while his farther Chester was a still a young man. I tried to re-use the wording, but it really was very confusing.

The execution was pretty sloppy on this, but now that I'm up and running again, I'm going to re-work it because I like the idea of the bond making sure that it'll exist. Anyone with any thoughts on the matter, feel free to PM me!


Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:27 pm
by justTripn
Linda posted a late Whisper challenge poem:

Gone, Yet Not

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:10 am
by WarpGirl
Ooooh these were some brilliant pieces... Aquarius I darn near cried with yours, it was perfect. MU fics make me realize why Trip loves Horror Movies. Now because my entry for "Scream" dealt with a human woman in labor, I think "Whisper" will deal with a Vulcan woman in labor. (Guess who?) So this takes place after the Romulan Wars, and the dialog is completely "in Vulcan"...

It had been almost thirty-six years since Charles David Tucker III, experienced this particular event in his life. And he could safely assert that the two occasions bore no resemblance to each-other whatsoever. Right now he and his ko-telsu were deep in the sacred caverns under Mount Seleya, accompanied by only Phlox and T'Pau, while T'Pol labored to bring their child into the world. The first time he had experienced this he had been in a warm room surrounded by family, technology, and doctors. Here the caverns were cool almost chilly, there was no technology other that Phlox's portable scanner, and his family was waiting for them at the house. His child would be born and raised according to Vulcan tradition for their absolute safety. Years ago he would have chafed at this, but now few things would have felt so right. There was one element that he felt was missing, there was no screaming. T'Pol's only sounds were deep and heavy breaths that reminded him of the soothing whispers that she gave him at night when his demons threatened his sanity. He wished he could touch her right now, but T'Pau the old battle-ax that she was insisted he would throw off T'Pol's focus during the delivery. They had already gone through so much to make sure this baby would be born healthy and safe that he let it go. Still he knew T'Pol wanted him to hold her, but she truly needed to focus on their son, he could wait. In the mean time he would sit here and meditate, helping T'Pol control the pain and the chaotic emotions surging through her. The emotions were easy he'd been handling those for years. The pain was harder, and once again he was overwhelmed that this amazing woman, his Vulcan Goddess deemed him worthy of her love. That and she eagerly and willingly demanded to bare his child. And this would not be the only one if she had her way. He promised himself that if all went according to plan he'd give her as many children as she wanted. So far everything was perfect. So perfect that Phlox said that going to the caverns was perfectly safe. A shift tore through the bond and he knew the time was here.

A tiny cry echoed through the ancient walls and T'Pol gasped with unrestrained joy. Ashalik come! Come and see our son. she cried out.

In an instant he was by her side ignoring Phlox and T'Pau, all there was, was T'Pol and they're miracle child. The one they had longed for and planned for during years of hardship. This was their long awaited vengeance for Elizabeth. "You've done it Ashal! He is perfect, so very beautiful just like his mother and his sister." he whispered into her ear kissing the tip. Normally he would have never done so in front of others but this time it was permissible.

"We have prevailed Ashalik. Thank you with all of my heart I thank you." she whispered breathless from exertion and joy.

Now I can't have any babies of my own so the last two were a little hard but I hope you like them.

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 1:34 am
by Aquarius
That was very sweet and moving, Warp Girl. I have an absolute fascination with Mama T'Pol, so way to get on my good side! :D 8)

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 1:50 am
by WarpGirl
Awe thanks. Well I had a hysterectomy when I was 20 so it's not easy when the thing you want more than anything is a baby. I totally understand how difficult it must have been for Trip and T'Pol when it came to babies. They knew it could work, but that's no guarantee that it actually would. And it seemed at the end of "Terra Prime" which I have seen that they both wanted it badly.

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 2:22 am
by Aquarius
WarpGirl wrote: And it seemed at the end of "Terra Prime" which I have seen that they both wanted it badly.


Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:28 am
by anaM
Ah, Warpgirl, words seem to flow from you very easily and they are always good. Now this little piece I absolutely loved, creating a life and giving birth is just a miracle and TnT are worth it. Thanks for it

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:33 am
by panyasan
Warpgirl, I loved this one (haven't read the other). Moving, beautiful, chilling. You capture the moment very well.

Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:36 pm
by Eian Flannagan
My response to this word challenge, Dissonance, is up at my website and can be found HERE.

I've also submitted it to TRIS and imagine it'll be up sometime this weekend.


Re: December '08 Word Prompt

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:38 pm
by Aquarius
Eian, I'll try to get on that tonight. My boss is having a psychic party which I'm leaving for in a few minutes, and when I get home I'm gonna start uploading some stuff. :)