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Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:07 pm
by TSara
JadziaKathryn wrote:Well, it's a little irresponsible of Hoshi to charge out like that when she has a young son whose father is already dead, as far as everyone knows, but I guess from an earlier scene that she wants to protect him from Romulans getting to Earth. Sneaky, sneaky Romulans with this new thing.

*sigh* It just gets me where she's thinking about Malcolm. Crying or Very sad

I see what you are saying however think of it this way.

Hoshi is in job that is basically a form of the military.....and while it may seem a bit irresponsible for her to volunteer for the mission...she also knows the risks.

Having a kid doesn't bar you from combat.

And unless StarFleet allows a discharge due to pregnancy she would have been stuck.

In today's military a single parent always has a guardian named in case something happens to them. I doubt StarFleet is different in that regard.

I also think she would do everything in her power to protect her child....if that included volunteering for a mission than so be it.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:49 pm
by Reanok
It's nice to see Hoshi back in action again. And also interesting that all the smugglers are missing as well as the ship's black box and what do the Romulans want with the crew for.It's nice that Hoshi will be able to put her language skills ato use and and has to get used to the new communication upgrades.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:26 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Nice scene! I like that you continue to show things from Hoshi's point-of-view.

I'd like to see an image of wht those Assault Re-entry Craft look like. I kinda picture them as a cross between a shuttlepod and a Dropship from Aliens.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:41 pm
by pookha
Rigil Kent wrote:
pookha wrote:as for why they were not heard from for so long. well possible fear of reprisals for bombing vulcan as they left.

That doesn't make any sense to me. They established during season 4 of ENT that T'Pau and the Vulcans were having problems staffing their ships and the Vulcan ideology of pacifism doesn't lend itself to "reprisal" raids. That's more a Romulan thing, IMO, and really doesn't track with what we've see about the Vulcans.

As to why they disappear for so long, well ... that'll show up later...

you are looking at it from more modern view..
they may have been afraid that the teachings of surak might not take in the long run.
especially if they learned that surak was dying as the result of the bombardment.

and remember for all the talk of vulcans and their peaceful ways there are the lines in journey to babel about vulcans will kill if they have a logical reason to do so.
that an ambassador like sarek even knew how to execute someone with his bare hands.

the romulans might have been concerned they didnt do enough damage and the vulcans as a matter of logic would have gone after them since they now could be considered a threat.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:42 pm
by Rigil Kent
Oh. You're talking about why the Vulcans didn't hear from them after the Rommies bugged out. I thought you were talking about why the Federation didn't hear from them after the E/R War. My bad.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:52 am
by Mitchell
Rigil Kent wrote:Oh. You're talking about why the Vulcans didn't hear from them after the Rommies bugged out. I thought you were talking about why the Federation didn't hear from them after the E/R War. My bad.

Didnt you already establish that the Reason in yer fic Verse, that no one heard from the Rommies for so long. Is cause they were hidding out on the other side of the now gone Expance? Confused Or did ya just tell us that in regualr conversation? Confused

Laughing Hard to imagine a Vulcan that could get sick of learning. But you found away to get one. Great Soval scene. Cant wait to see what T'Pau eventualy has to say, an how much she knows about the "brothers" return.

Ofcourse their wouldnt be anything left on that Cargo ship. Wouldnt of been very Romulan to leave evidence behind now would it.
I first started to wonder why they simply didnt destroy the ship, or set it up as a trap to possibly cause damage to an investigatin Starfleet vessel. Then I realised that intact, an salvagable would cause a distration an also tie up other resouce for the sneak rommie ship to do their work. Laughing Yes Im stating the obvious, Im tired give me a break.

Well that Hoshi stuff sure is thought prevokin. Confused Poor women wants to do here duty, but she's gota lil one back home that depends on her to. Confused Part of me is saying "That child lost one parent to the War." So why risk having the child lose both parents?
The other part is saying this a war. An in War Service men an women have their duty that agreed to willingly.

Sorry not in any way tryin to tick anyone off, just the thought of a child being raised without either one of their parents, can really get to me. Sad

Great scene BTW. Cool

Cool Oh an One more thing. Rigil Just cause I find a character interesting, in no way means Ill ever route for them. After all I find Hannibal Lector Pretty derin interesting to, But I in noway what so ever will route for the guy. Laughing

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:07 am
by TSara
Mitchell wrote:Well that Hoshi stuff sure is thought prevokin. Confused Poor women wants to do here duty, but she's gota lil one back home that depends on her to. Confused Part of me is saying "That child lost one parent to the War." So why risk having the child lose both parents?
The other part is saying this a war. An in War Service men an women have their duty that agreed to willingly.

Sorry not in any way tryin to tick anyone off, just the thought of a child being raised without either one of their parents, can really get to me. Sad

Agreed....that is actually one of the reasons why I got out when it came time to re-enlist.

I see what my God daughter who is three is going through....her Mom is active duty Army and now is deployed in the middle east... and well it's hard.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:11 am
by hth2k
Perhaps she like many others see a greater threat and realizes that by serving they are helping to protect their child from a greater evil.

If they loose what is in the future for her or anyone elses children?


Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:53 pm
by Rigil Kent
Image presents...

Act Two, Scene Three.

Shadowy meetings...

=/\= =/\=

Up at for those of you who prefer it there.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:16 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
I like this "conclave of the dark". Very disturbing and I feel for Reed to have gotten sucked into it.

So the Section is aware of Daniels. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the tech that Enterprise acquired wound up into their hands. And that Suliban stealth ship?

Ouch, little Lizzie was attempt number 36! WTF Sad Gah! I suppose it makes some twisted sense... but those poor babies! Sad

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:15 am
by JadziaKathryn
You know what's freaky to me, is that all this secret stuff isn't confined to fiction. It actually happens in real life. Although I sincerely hope nobody is kidnapped and forced into it against their will. That gets me every time.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:51 am
by Rigil Kent
The best fiction cannot beat what happens in the real world...

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:And that Suliban stealth ship?

I'm pretty sure that I implied in one of the Endeavour fics that the crew of the Enterprise basically tore it apart to reverse engineer it. That's one of the reasons that Starfleet is able to so readily defeat the Romulan "holo-cloaks". I think that was in Icarus, but I don't quite recall ...

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:11 pm
by Shakabutt
I've read the last 3 chapters ,brilliant and intriguing as usual Rigil ,the meeting and friendship between Soval and Tavaris was bellievable and sad ,the debrienfing was amazing to ,talk about some serious spying agency ,your section 31 is great.
This gets better and better ,with some amazing twists ( the dead stop station ) ,it keeps you in suspense until everything blows up and 3 quarters of the carachters die Laughing .

Great job Thumbs Up

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:27 pm
by Rigil Kent
It's my goal to not create any plot element that isn't necessary. The show was absolutely astounding in their complete lack of follow-up to major discoveries or events, something that is entirely understandable as its a canned show. And given the state of the war for the humans, it just seemed logical to assume the section would be interested in seeing if they could bend that to Earth's use. I can't think of a more important tactical resource than a station that could conduct major repairs like that in such a short span of time. At the cost of one person, I can totally see the section considering it a worthwhile expenditure.

Hell, I'd think it was a worthwhile expenditure if it came down to sacrificing one person for the sake of billions ... but then, I'm a callous SOB...

Image presents...

Act Two, Scene Four.

Unpleasant discoveries...

=/\= =/\=

Up at for those of you who prefer it there.

Re: Rigil's New Endeavour thread...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:10 pm
by Reanok
Smile Great new chapter with Rick Eissler examing the Romulan ship .Boy those Romulans are devious having a mole and having a way to trick starfleet into ignoring that ship.