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Re: Edward II

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:32 pm
by Reanok
:shock: I saw that Edward poster xabitrip posted afew days ago at trek bbs :drool: :twisted: Silverbullet last year Connor was very unhappy about the small parts he got in that series on the Family channel and a small role he got in the closer he was on screen for only 30 seconds. :-x A friend of mine went to a convention Connor attended and he said he fired the person who got him the bit parts,He wants a larger role in a tv show or series or a really excellent movie role.Hopefully we'll be hearing some news from at the upcoming conventions he's supposed to be coming to the Stargate convention in Vancouver in a few weeks.

Re: Edward II

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:35 pm
by Alelou
Curious about Edward II, I went exploring and found this very entertaining site for anyone who is interested in how historical fiction plays fast and loose with the truth, often in favor of weird sexual relationships and utterly anachronistic attitudes. It's a support group for much-maligned historical figures featuring not just Edward II and gang, but Anne Boleyn, etc.:

Re: Edward II

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:56 pm
by honeybee
That's funny. I read Alison Weir's book on Isabella of France - and the way she presented it was that Isabella wasn't so upset that Edward was unfaithful, as royal husbands were whether with men or women, but that Edward allowed Gaveston and later Despenser to usurp her position of influence and honors she should have had. She was a royal and creature of politics, and so she was enraged at the public disrespect more than the adultery.

Re: Edward II

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:00 am
by Alelou
Oh, she seriously rips into Alison Weir, if you read her "Myths Debunked" section.

Re: Edward II

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:25 am
by honeybee
Just read it. I don't remember that passage specifically, but I didn't get the impression from Weir's book that Isabella was a heartbroken and weak woman - but, again, a woman of politics and pride. Weir is sympathetic to her, but she quotes some of the more misogynist things said about Isabella over the years in the prologue and does announce her intent to reclaim her from that. I didn't get the impression that Weir thought she was some kind of innocent, victim of love, though.

Re: Edward II

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:01 pm
by Reanok
There's a really good Biography about William wallace that details the reasons why King Edward1 wanted to conquer Scotland. After King Alexander 3 was assasinated he wanted his Grand daughter on the throne so he could control Scotland.It's a fascinating look into the scottish side of the story of King Edward 1 and Edward 2 And William Wallace.the biography is written by A.F. Murison.The Scottish Ballad Scots whay hey by Robert Burns describes this turbulent time in history.

Re: Edward II

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:30 am
by Alelou
That's by Burns? I'd always assumed it was older than that.

Scots wha hae and Wallace bled/Scots wham Bruce has aften led/Welcome to your gory bed/Or to victory!
Now's the day and now's the hour/See the front of battle low'r/See approach proud Edward's power/Chains and slavery!

And please don't quote my Scots spelling.