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Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:39 pm
by Silverbullet
I second Lady Rainbow. I too am open for a challenge. Hint, hint.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:48 pm
by Linda
Silverbullet, what about jumping ahead from Mestral's first year on earth, to his last year. He is dying and he manages to contact T'Mir's descendant T'Pol. He wants her to visit and tell him what happened to his old shipmates. Are either of them still alive? Did their time on earth effect their lives on Vulcan? As they lived their lives out on Vulcan, did they see anything in human culture which they favoribly compared to things in Vulcan culture? How did Mestral manage if he did not marry again after Maggie died? Did Maggie's son's desecendants help him? And Mestral wants T'Pol to help wind up his affairs so his presence on earth remains a secret. How does she accomplish that and why did he want his presence still kept a secret?

Take any of these ideas and work with them. You don't have to do them all. But it would be nice to hear T'Pol's conversation with Mestral. I don't think any fan fiction writer has done that yet.

What do you think? Would you like to do more on Mestral?

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:23 pm
by Silverbullet
Linda, much of what you ask is answered in chapter seven. I am waiting on my Beta JT to let me know if it is ready to go up.

However, Can I do it this way? After the End of Chapter and the epilogue, T-Pol wants to know what happened to Mestral. So she contacts Archer, asks if he can conact Daniel. Archer does, she asks Daniel to take her back in time to Mestrals Last Year. Daniel does and tPOl talks to Mestral He tells her why he Never remarries, etc and then asks her what happened to T-Mir and Ston. She then tells him their story. If that sounds all right I will accept the challenge to do this.

Doubt if Earth Technology would enable Mestral to build a time Machine. Of Course T-Pol by then would believe in time Travel to she tells Mestral that it is possible and that she is not an hallucination.

So, yes if I can do it the way I outlined I accept.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:33 am
by Linda
Silverbullet, I am kind of confused here. Maybe your answer is in chapter 7 of your current story. But I am assuming that Mestral is still alive when T'Pol visits Carbon Creek. If in your story, he has died BEFORE T'Pol visits Carbon Creek, then, yes, Daniels might have to be involved. If you want to make it a time travel story so T'Pol can talk to Mestral, that would be a good challenge too.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:55 am
by Silverbullet
Got part of it written in my mind now. I will have it as a Time Travel story. Mestral finishes his days in tibet studying Meditation with the Monks there. Chapter seven should be up tonight so you can see what hapened to him. Epilogue also explains a bit too.

I wil concentrate on T-Pol telling Mestral what happened to T-mir and Ston. also asking him what he had done after Maggie died why he didnt remarry, etc. this may take a chapter or so. but it is intersting thanks for the Challenge. Accepted happily

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:56 am
by Aquarius
Top post updated. 8)

I urge all participants go and check out the first post of the first page. If you're eligible to challenge someone, go lob one!!

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:35 pm
by Linda
Um, Aquarius, I accepted a challenge from Dinah, not Silverbullet.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:22 pm
by Aquarius
Okay...but did you not issue a challenge to Silverbullet? And he accepted? Because that's what I've got on the top page, not that you accepted one from him.

So, just to make sure I'm clear, what I'm missing from that list is that Dinah challenged you and you accepted?

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:51 pm
by Linda
Okay, LOL, this is taxing my poor little human brain, so I reread what you have.

Correct that I challenged Silverbullet and he accepted. :thumbsup:

Wrong that Silverbullet challenged me and I accepted. :doubt: It was Dinah who challenge me and I accepted. :D

There, I believe that is the way it goes. :popcorn:

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:03 pm
by Aquarius
Right on, Linda. Posting from my phone now, so I'll take care of it from home.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:37 pm
by justTripn
Silverbullet has finished his challenge from Distracted:

At long last (because of the delays of the beta) here is the finale to Mestral's Adventures:

Mestral's Adventures - The Conclusion

With a short epilogue. :)

Awwhh . . . very sweet. I think you're going to like this.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:22 pm
by Aquarius
Top post should be fully up to date.

The people of the following list need something to do. The people on the list after that are eligible to tell them what to do:


Lady Rainbow

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:54 pm
by Silverbullet
I want to thank Distracted and Linda. distracted for her Challenge which gave me achance to explore Mestral and create a love story (as others have done) between Mestral and Maggie.
Linda because she is giving me a chance to further explore Mestral, T -mir and Ston.

I just wish I had been able to fill in more of the holes in the Episode that have bothered me. Carbon Creek is one of my favorite episodes of Enterprise because it got JB out of that Cat suit and into clothing that didn't make her look lie a Sex Kitten.

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:07 pm
by Distracted
I challenge Kotik to write a spy story. Assume that a Romulan spy gets aboard Enterprise. Do a story entirely from the spy's POV. What does he or she think of Enterprise? Of Archer? Of TnT? Of the other characters?

This can be in any season but the spy cannot be any known character. He or she must be an original character. He or she may be masquerading as a Vulcan visitor or even as a Human if you want. Tell us why the person is aboard and what their mission is. Do they get away with it?

What about it, Kotik? You up to it?

Re: Tag! You're it!!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:50 am
by pdsldl
In order to avoid reading back through 12 pages on this thread I need to know where we submit our completed challenges? It can be published in the archives so do I just email it like normal or PM it to you Aquarius?