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Postby panyasan » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:14 pm

Thanks, Kotik, for the list of the Neighbour-serie, they are one of my favorite series.

Even when you're not a moderator you still can post of course. For me personally, I always enjoyed the prompts and challenges that were created by Aquarius. I think most of my stories were inspirated by the prompts and challenges. My first story to be posted on TRIS was inspired by one of the first prompts. Being a moderator costs a lot of time and effort, so a big thank you for Aquarius and all the other moderators for their hard work.

"Haunted" sounds like a good prompt - but Halloween is my least favorite festivity -sorry, but this European has seen too many dorky Halloween movies to understand what is so funny about it. ;-) :lol:
Last edited by panyasan on Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!

The Naked Truth and other necessities of life ... es-of-life



Postby Kotik » Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:31 pm

belatedly my, silly contribution...

Seleya Hills 90210 - Episode 5: Educating The Terrible Duo

Another short drabble from my whacky little Seleya Hills universe and more mischief from Henry and T'Mir :)

Episode 1: The Meaning of Toast
Episode 2: Sport is good for your Health
Episode 3: Inconvenient Damage
Episode 4: Accidental Nerve Pinch

"That was interesting," little Henry stated and grinned from ear to ear. T'Mir's answer was a giggle and a raised eyebrow, much in the fashion of her mother.

"We shall do that again some time," he continued and took her hand.

"That would be nice," T'Mir giggled as the two children trundled back to the house, were two sets of motherly eyes stared them down. They had seen it all.

* * *

"Evening chaps," Malcolm quipped as he sat in his usual place - the big comfy armchair in Shran's basement. "Where's Kov?"

"I am here."

"Good grace," Malcom gasped with a surprized expression. "You've managed to get out of the doghouse for the first time in a whole year?"

"Anna is visiting her parents with the children," Kov delivered dryly. "It might have had a conducive impact."

"You really need to write an 'alien's guide to the human female'," Shran added, while refilling any glasses that weren't full. "Could have spared me dozens of bruises."

"How do you write about something that no one understands," Trip prattled and downed another ale.

"That explaines a lot," Shran grumbled. "When Amanda tried to find a dress for tonights Ladie's dinner, she asked me if it made her look fat. What is a male supposed to answer?"

"The truth," Kov supplied and held out his glass for a refill.

"That is most likely, why you are perpetually residing in the canine's domicile," Koss, the latest addition to the neighborhood, theorized.

"Color me stunned," Trip started. "You've been married to Jane, like what, 2 months? And you of all have riddled out the human female?"

"I did not claim to have deciphered their erratic reasoning. Answering a female question, which involves her appearance, her weight or her age, truthfully would be the most logical choice. That means it is the choice you must not choose."

"Sounds like a man of experience," Trip laughed and others followed his example.

"No finger nookie for a week," Travis added with a chuckle.


"Now I know, what's off," Malcolm babbled guzzling down another glass. "Where's Jon? He never misses our weekly ale-bash."

"He had to stay home and be the guinea pig for T'Pau's mind-melding bootcamp," Trip explained with a lopsided grin.

"Guinea pig?" Phlox asked.

"Yeah. T'Mir and Henry decided that holding hands and kissing isn't thrilling enough anymore and their mothers caught them mind-melding in the backyard," Trip remembered with a drunken giggle. "Since forbidding it would be useless, T'Pau decided to show them how it's done properly, before any of them comes down with a bout of Pa'nar."

"And what is Jon's part of the proceedings?" Kov asked.

"Well, he is human," Phlox provided. "So he cannot contract Pa'nar Syndrome, even if the children do not initiate the meld properly during their education."

"Yeah, but Henry could fry dad's brain. T'Pol told me that Jon was out cold for hours, when T'Pau tried to poke Surak's katra out of his skull," Trip snorted.

"Aren't they a little young for... kissing or mind-melding?" Travis asked, downing the next ale.


"No, really," Trip laughed. "They're only 11, but if you'd ask them, when they started dating, they'd probably say 'when we were two'. Those two have been an item, since they stopped soiling their diapers."

"Fascinating," Phlox mused, but was interrupted by a loud thud, as Malcolm passed out.

"He'll never learn to hold his liquor," Shran grumbled. "I'll get the wheelbarrow."

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