Why MU T'Pol...

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Rigil Kent » Tue May 24, 2011 7:14 pm

Forgive me for coming in late ... but I sincerely and honestly don't understand how anyone can say that MU Tucker (who is never called Trip, by the way - not once) and T'Pol are the same as RU Trip and T'Pol. To wit:
  • At what point in the series did RU Trip choke a man to death - gleefully, I might add - like MU Tucker did to Phlox?
  • At what point did RU T'Pol blatantly abuse her telepathic gifts to mind-rape someone and force them obey her will?
The entire point of the Mirror Universe is to show different versions of the characters, not to show the characters themselves (else we'd have these events play out in the real universe, not in a warped, distorted universe.)

The characters are not interchangeable in any way ... which was frankly the point of the original Mirror Universe episode in TOS. Drop MU T'Pol in the RU and she'd be considered V'Tosh K'Tur (or however its spelled) ... or honestly more like a telepathic Romulan than any Vulcan. Drop MU Tucker in the RU and he'd be considered a sociopath. Drop either of the RU characters into the cracked universe and I expect they'd be eaten alive - RU Trip is frankly too passive to survive and RU T'Pol is too indecisive.

So really, I simply do not understand how anyone can make this claim. At best, they're distorted twins, but they certainly aren't the same people.
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Asso » Tue May 24, 2011 8:09 pm

Mh, I begin to feel the uncomfortable feeling that this debate may be transformed from confrontation of ideas into confrontation of words.
Oh, I desire to appear clear: this is not wrong per se - this a matter of fact - however not infrequently it is a way to proceed that makes people diverted from the exact and correct final purpose of the whole debate, because the attention gets fixed on the match of the reasoning, rather than on the primary issue.
Anyway, I feel I should reply something to you, TransWarp, at least still for this time; then we shall see...

Transwarp wrote:Asso, I think I have you on the ropes. I am about to destroy your argument using your own words. (Sorry, but you leave me no choice!) Read what you wrote again *very* carefully, paying attention to the words I have emphasized.
You agree with me that Trip would feel loss. But what did he lose? He lost HIS T'Pol. Trip (and YOU) are both making a DISTINCTION between the two T'Pol's. If Trip considered them to be identical, he would feel no loss. He ONLY feels this loss and grief because he lost someone he can never get back. Someone unique. Someone, if you will excuse me, who is irreplaceable.
They are not and will never be the same person.
Ah, but you attempt to modify your argument so you can sneak it past me by appending the word 'practically' to 'the same'. Not even you can believe they are 'actually' the same.
If they were completely the same, and totally identical, then Trip would feel no grief because he would have lost nothing. He would have no reason for grief: HIS T'Pol would still be with him. Ridiculous, you say? Of course. But that is what MUST be, if your thesis is correct. After all, they are identical. The same. Interchangeable.
But Trip is an illogical human. Maybe he grieves because he does not realize MU T'Pol is really HIS T'Pol and he hasn't really lost anything. Eventually he discovers this and now he is happy again. Whole again. They stroll along the beach, hand-in-hand and remember all the good times they had together... Oh, wait. MU T'Pol can't do that. She wasn't there for those times. How can this be? I thought she was 'the same'. 'Interchangeable.' Now our poor Trip finds out that he can't do the same things with the same T'Pol? Perhaps 'practically the same' and 'the same' are vastly different.

It seems to me, frankly, that you want to - a little artificially, grant this to me - take, say, to the extreme what I said. I realize that words have an enormous weight, but I think that they should also be correctly interpreted. If we give them, and the reasoning that they carry with them, a too literal interpretation (and, above all, an interpretation useful to bring water to our own mill), the end result will be, allow me again, a kind dialogue of deaf.

I said you, in various ways, that I agree with you about the importance of experience and environment.
If I am not mistaken, you, on the other hand, said me that you agree with me about the potential that both our couples have.
Finally, about the fact that the genes pool of our couples (I try to find the exact terms, so as not to give rise to incorrect interpretations) is the made up of the same (identical) genes, working in the same (identical) way, connected in the same (identical) way, etc etc etc... that - I believe - may be given for granted.
So, we have two Trip, genetically identical (I hope this is good word), born in two different places, and two genetically identical T'Pol born in two different places.
These, I believe, are as it were our points in common.
If I am not mistaken the divergence between us is that for you the differences created on our two pairs by the influence of environment and experience are such that they cannot be identical: in the sense that these differences can not be undone .
And for that reason, our friends cannot and will never be interchangeable.
For Trip there will be always his own T'Pol: that's what you said, right? Even the mere fact that he could learn to love the other T'Pol but that he must wait to learn to love her, it is a clear demonstration that we are talking of different (once again I hope I am using the right term) persons, so different from one another that it's impossible thinking that they might be something else from what they are; or, rather, from what you assert that they are.
Once again I think it's just a different way of interpreting the term identical and interchangeable.

Your words, again:

Transwarp wrote:Asso, I think I have you on the ropes. I am about to destroy your argument using your own words. (Sorry, but you leave me no choice!) Read what you wrote again *very* carefully, paying attention to the words I have emphasized.
You agree with me that Trip would feel loss. But what did he lose? He lost HIS T'Pol. Trip (and YOU) are both making a DISTINCTION between the two T'Pol's. If Trip considered them to be identical, he would feel no loss. He ONLY feels this loss and grief because he lost someone he can never get back. Someone unique. Someone, if you will excuse me, who is irreplaceable.
They are not and will never be the same person.
Ah, but you attempt to modify your argument so you can sneak it past me by appending the word 'practically' to 'the same'. Not even you can believe they are 'actually' the same.
If they were completely the same, and totally identical, then Trip would feel no grief because he would have lost nothing. He would have no reason for grief: HIS T'Pol would still be with him. Ridiculous, you say? Of course. But that is what MUST be, if your thesis is correct. After all, they are identical. The same. Interchangeable.
But Trip is an illogical human. Maybe he grieves because he does not realize MU T'Pol is really HIS T'Pol and he hasn't really lost anything. Eventually he discovers this and now he is happy again. Whole again. They stroll along the beach, hand-in-hand and remember all the good times they had together... Oh, wait. MU T'Pol can't do that. She wasn't there for those times. How can this be? I thought she was 'the same'. 'Interchangeable.' Now our poor Trip finds out that he can't do the same things with the same T'Pol? Perhaps 'practically the same' and 'the same' are vastly different.

Why not try to see things in a way (eh, eh) a little 'different'?

Trip and his T'Pol (the, so to say, new T'Pol, to attempt to be clear) are on a beach, hand in hand, and Trip (Trip, listen to me) remembers all the good times they had together. Eh no, no: he is mistaken, the wonderful T'Pol who is with him is a T'Pol who cannot possess these memories, she is T'Pol, but she has had other experiences.
“But…” - he suddenly finds himself thinking - …”the touch of this T'Pol ... I know this touch. I know this connection that there is between her and me, this correspondence, deep and innate. I know her soul, her Katra, in the depths. There is something, over there, something that is only of T'Pol, of my T'Pol, that no else has.!”
And - the great man he is, our beloved Trip - he will finish in saying to himself: “Thank you my God! Thanks, my T'Pol to still be here with me. I thought I'd lost you, and you come back to me.”
Meanwhile, T'Pol (which one? Well, please think the T'Pol you prefer) is finding herself holding the hand of Trip (which one? Again this is at your discretion).
“What's going on?” - She thinks – “What is happening to me? What is this I feel? This thing for which I ... I feel I should be born? I ... I do not understand. It seems to me to be with this man for the first time. Yet he has satisfied my Pon Farr. Or wasn't he? No! Yes! It was him! I feel it! I know!”

Now let's try to change a bit the scenario.

This time we are in the Mirror Universe. Trip - the MU Trip - is dead, a rebel has recognized him and has seen fit to wipe away with a well-aimed blow this hated symbol of the Empire.
But in doing so, somehow, for some reason, something happened, and another Trip is suddenly appeared, dressed differently, no scar, and looking dazed and amazed.
Well, you do not believe it, but T'Pol - the MU T'Pol - immediately avenged the death of MU Trip (what a idiot, this T'Pol!) and she finds herself staring at this Trip with no scar, trying to understand .
And, of course, considering the expert scientist and intelligent woman that she is, it does not take much to her to understand everything.

Several things then happen, they are not important, we can neglect these things.
Suffice it to say that, at some point, Trip and T'Pol (and stop to ask which ones) are in a battle field.
Fire, explosions, blood, cruelty, just MU.
The two are close.
They feel and perceive one another.

Trip to himself: “All this is horrible, but ... but ... It has its own fascination. And then there is here T'Pol. I feel her ... her resentment - even if I do not know why - and her contemporary being attracted to me just as ... just as I feel ... I do not know ... something ... hatred and malice ... and attraction - IMMENSE ATTRACTION! - on my part for her.
She is ... she is T'Pol! I found her, here! The T'Pol... right for me!”

Wow! Tremendous the influence of the environment, is not it? Especially if this environment is MU.

And T'Pol? This MU T'Pol? Well, the environment has already done enough on her, do not you think? All in all, even if she just doesn't understand why, she is glad that she still has her loved-hated Trip; things are not so bad.
Same strength, same - ahem - sexual potency - the same lack of scruples. Just the Trip right for her.
With a small improvement, however: the absence of the scar.
Certainly, however, this scar gave him a certain dark fascination. And. .. and if she procures it to him again?

Once again your words:

Transwarp wrote:No, the water is not powering your mill, it is washing away your arguments!
When I say someday he could develop an equally close relationship with MU T'Pol, you say, "Ah-Hah! That proves my point!"
Sadly, no. All it proves is that Trip has the capacity (as do we all) to put grief behind him and get on with his life. He could also come to love a human woman (call her Vera). Would you then claim that Vera is 'the same' as T'Pol? I would hope not!

Do not be sad for me, it is not the case.
At most I might be sad because I am unable to make you understand me.
I would add, that honestly, I do not understand what it does the example that you bring about an eventual life of Trip with 'Vera' with what I'm saying.
In Italy, my friend, we would say that you're covering the gold with straw.
We're talking about T'Pol, not Vera, or any other woman.

A little of your words, once again:

Transwarp wrote:Really, I can't understand your argument. It seems to me you have gone overboard in your zeal to prove that MU T'Pol and RU T'Pol have more similarities than they have differences. But rest assured, the differences are there and they are not insignificant. They may have the same DNA. They may have the same personality. But they have a vastly different set of experiences, and memories. This, to me, is indisputable. This, to me, precludes them from being 'the same.'

I am displeased you can't understand my argument. Anyway, if you feel I have gone overboard in my zeal to prove that MU T'Pol and RU T'Pol have more similarities than they have differences, that's because I believe and feel in this way, and for me I haven't gone overboard.

Sadly, as you said to me, this is your own idea: I think, for what I am persuaded, that the phrase: This, to me, precludes them from being 'the same.' should be completed with 'for me', because as I am incapable of making you in agreement with me, evidently 'the same' is for you.

Just still a little one issue. You stressed this: Perhaps 'practically the same' and 'the same' are vastly different. If I understood well, there is - a little suggested - the idea that I was slightly playing with words.

Believe me, it wasn't my intention. I can understand that I have my heritage to defend (byzantinism and machiavellism), but it wasn't the case.
I am persuaded that the smart pragmatism that is your own is able to make you aware that sometimes we can search for subtle distinctions where these don't exist.

And, Rigil, I know this is an unsatisfactory response to your claim. However I have the distinct impression that 'the same' term is for you completely different from what it is for me.
Cultural differences, by chance? In any case - forgive me - probably a little more of συμπάθεια would not be too.
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Cogito » Tue May 24, 2011 9:30 pm

Rigil Kent wrote:
Drop either of the RU characters into the cracked universe and I expect they'd be eaten alive - RU Trip is frankly too passive to survive and RU T'Pol is too indecisive.

I think you are completely right. Without a lifetime of training, I don't think many people from the RU will live long in the MU. And I don't think many people from the MU will prosper in the RU, because MU survival traits of paranoia and suspicion would prevent them from cooperating with the people around them. The Vulcans probably have it right: in order to live long and prosper, you have to be in the universe that fits you.

A question though: do you think the newly-weaponised "Divergent" Trip and T'Pol would survive in the MU? They're physically and mentally tough, intelligent, observant and self-sufficient.

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Rigil Kent » Tue May 24, 2011 10:03 pm

Cogito wrote:A question though: do you think the newly-weaponised "Divergent" Trip and T'Pol would survive in the MU? They're physically and mentally tough, intelligent, observant and self-sufficient.

T'Pol is also terminally ill, and I doubt Trip would long survive her. Even with that taken into account, they're still fundamentally good people, whereas the MU versions are decidedly not. To thrive in the MU you have to be paranoid all the time, and even DivPath TnT don't want to do that. So the short answer is no.

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Kotik » Tue May 24, 2011 11:17 pm


Speaking of which; Did your muse by any chance make a comeback yet ? ;)

On the topic. I agree with the sentiment that RU/MU people are only the same on the deoxyribonucleic acid level. That's why I hate the MU with the passion of a thousand white hot suns. I see no reason in protraying our favourite characters as evil jerks.

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Transwarp » Wed May 25, 2011 2:09 am

Asso wrote:I begin to feel the uncomfortable feeling that this debate may be transformed from confrontation of ideas into confrontation of words.

That is because our words are vehicles for our ideas.

I just read your previous post, and I found it to be much more clear (The examples helped.) I can actually agree with what you said. I do believe the sticking point is our varying definition of 'the same.' Perhaps it *is* cultural. Or maybe doctors and engineers have different views of the universe? I can't really say.

All I know is they are each unique individuals with the potential to learn and grow and change. MU T'Pol has the potential to one day become Trip's soul mate, and vice versa, but they are still distinct individuals in their own right.

And yes, I did take what you said to the extreme. I was employing a little reductio ad absurdum to try to make my point. It seemed the only way to get around the confusion. You seemed to be insisting that when I said they weren't 'the same', that I was denying the possibilities of the scenarios you painted in your last post. (I wasn't.)

So, perhaps now we are in agreement? (Unless the meanings of other words are now in dispute...)
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Asso » Wed May 25, 2011 5:07 am

Transwarp wrote: MU T'Pol has the potential to one day become Trip's soul mate, and vice versa, but they are still distinct individuals in their own right.

My friend, this sentence is in a position to give peace to my turbulent spirit.
It is a perfect synthesis of my thinking, and if - as I think - it is also a perfect synthesis of yours, this means that, yes, we two are ultimately in agreement.
This is important, not just or not simply because we are in agreement but because the ultimate meaning is that we managed to make us understand one another, which is anything but a pin-point, nowadays.

Transwarp wrote:Or maybe doctors and engineers have different views of the universe? I can't really say.

Yes, I think so, and I think that after all it's rightly so. However, fortunately (or unfortunately, many would say, who knows, perhaps with good reason), there are both.

Merit of God (or the fault of the devil).
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Transwarp » Wed May 25, 2011 6:49 am

Asso wrote:Merit of God (or the fault of the devil).

Merit of God, for sure! I, for one, can't believe He intends we should all think the same.

Uh-oh! There's that phrase 'the same' again. What have I done..?
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Asso » Wed May 25, 2011 11:13 am

Transwarp wrote:Uh-oh! There's that phrase 'the same' again. What have I done..?

I had 'the same' thought. :borg:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 25, 2011 10:12 pm

Oh well, all I know is that I am not good at articulating what I meant about this. Not even to my mom. So I give up.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Asso » Thu May 26, 2011 9:24 am

WarpGirl wrote:Oh well, all I know is that I am not good at articulating what I meant about this. Not even to my mom. So I give up.

Well, certainly I cannot be your mom, but after all I am a father. It is not the same thing, I know, but anyway ...
Why not try?
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

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But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.

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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu May 26, 2011 4:10 pm

Kotik wrote:That's why I hate the MU with the passion of a thousand white hot suns. I see no reason in protraying our favourite characters as evil jerks.

On one hand, I don't disagree with you - I don't really see the point in showing characters be evil simply for the sake of being evil - but of the MU characters, I did find MU T'Pol the most sympathetic character in those episodes. Tucker I found mostly pathetic - the way he reacted when he found out T'Pol had mindscrewed him always stands out to me - whereas T'Pol was a second class citizen at best so I rooted for her.

Still, I found them sufficiently interesting to try my hand at a Mirror Universe Endeavour fic...
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Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Asso » Thu May 26, 2011 7:25 pm

It's possible to put a bit of order in this idiotic world. Yes, I believe it's possible.
I'm trying.
But ... well ... honestly ... I must say that its evil tends to be a little contagious. :?
What do you think? Is it possible that I have 'the same' genes pool of Trip? :mrgreen:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.


Re: Why MU T'Pol...

Postby Kotik » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

Rigil Kent wrote:Still, I found them sufficiently interesting to try my hand at a Mirror Universe Endeavour fic...

Writing a good MU fic is probably the most tricky thing to attempt. I think pdsldl made it work in his/her (?) Epic "Double Vision", sort of, but most of the few fics I've seen have been hideously bad at best (for my liking at least). There seem to be a lot people, who like it. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. Ever since reading a particularily horrible MU story, which managed to cause a rather violent depressive episode, I'm steering clear of any MU story, except "Double Vision".

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