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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby honeybee » Sun May 02, 2010 9:24 pm

Well, I think the best thing is to make moral judgments/quality judgments (unless it is praise, which is harmless and always welcome) off limits in this thread. I'm not an admin on the board - but I'm going to suggest this. Comments and story specific threads (which people are welcome to start) should be where people can declare their objections to the premise or writing of a fic.

This thread should be for promotion only - so that everyone can feel free to check this thread.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Alelou » Sun May 02, 2010 9:31 pm

I am reminded of the idea awhile back of a special decon thread, though -- so we can discuss off-color stuff without offending people who are just browsing the board.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby honeybee » Sun May 02, 2010 10:00 pm

A good idea! I think the idea was scrapped because unlike the decon chamber - there may not be a way to put an age warning on a thread. But it's still worth thinking of a work around that. We do have underage people on the board - and that is more the issue rather than just people who avoid certain subjects.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby justTripn » Sun May 02, 2010 10:42 pm

Alelou wrote:IF you are over the age of 18 AND you would not offended by a very kinky E2 episode with Trip, T'Pol AND Archer, you might want to check out this new story by a new author at the warp 5 complex: ... &warning=1

Personally, I think I need to wait to finish Chapter 2 until the house is empty! :oops:

I may have to go over there and review this story. Just to be sure the E2 aspect of it is authentic. ;)
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Aquarius » Sun May 02, 2010 11:32 pm

Personally I'm more offended by fics that insist that T'Pol is nothing more than a human with pointed ears. :roll:

Thanks for the heads-up, Alelou. If it warrants a link from you, I think it's something I definitely want to check out! :thumbsup:
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby WarpGirl » Sun May 02, 2010 11:40 pm

Aquarius wrote:Personally I'm more offended by fics that insist that T'Pol is nothing more than a human with pointed ears. :roll:

Me too! I don't normally go for a ton of smut, but human T'Pol is much harder to deal with because it's harder to avoid. With smut its easy don't click the link.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Aquarius » Sun May 02, 2010 11:45 pm

WarpGirl wrote:
Aquarius wrote:Personally I'm more offended by fics that insist that T'Pol is nothing more than a human with pointed ears. :roll:

Me too! I don't normally go for a ton of smut, but human T'Pol is much harder to deal with because it's harder to avoid. With smut its easy don't click the link.

Precisely! :thumbsup:
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Silverbullet » Sun May 02, 2010 11:59 pm

I don't recall being judgemental about anyone or thier reading habits. Or what they read for that matter.

Asso made a statement that I agreed with. Nothing more than that.

I am not sophmoric, naive or prissy. I am not a Prig. Believe me, I have seen and read much worse that this Fic probably contains. But I don't read that sort of thing anymore. If you want to then by all means do so. But please, allow Asso and myself to say that we won't. It was not an attack on anyone or their Morals. I am sorry that it was taken as that. It certainly was not meant in that way.

I believe that Asso is upset because he innocently said somethng that has caused this and he is not the type to say anything to insult anyone or imply that they are not as moral as he is. He is a very good man.

Anyway, I think that there has been some msiconceptions here and perhaps some misunderstandings. It is too bad as it leaves a bad taste in ones mouth a sour taste that is unwanted.

So, please excuse Asso and me if we have caused any hard feelings. We certainly did not intend to.

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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Aquarius » Mon May 03, 2010 12:54 am

Let's all take a deep breath. I understand that nobody meant to offend anyone, but I'm going to give an example here, so maybe we can all understand what may be going on.

When it comes to food, I've never really been a picky eater. There are a few things I don't like, but I'm always open to trying new things, and I'll eat any nationality of food. That said, it makes me pretty crazy if I'm at work or something, trying to eat my lunch, not hurting anybody, and yet a coworker (or five) has to sit there an make rude comments about what I'm eating while I'm trying to eat it, because they don't like how it looks or they've never heard of it before or whatever. I'm not making them eat it, and they sure as heck don't have to watch while I'm trying to eat. It's okay if they personally don't care for what I'm eating, but they don't need to sit there and talk about it--it gets kind of annoying, like they think there' something wrong with me for liking something they don't, like they're trying to shame me out of eating it. If I offer to share it, thank me for my kindness and politely decline; don't go on and on about how nasty it looks and how you'd never eat it. They're certainly entitled to their opinion, and they're entitled to not eat the food in question, and I support their right to do so. But my dietary choices aren't hurting anyone.

So, in short, I think some people just felt like you were talking about their lunch.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby JadziaKathryn » Mon May 03, 2010 1:04 am

WarpGirl wrote:
Aquarius wrote:Personally I'm more offended by fics that insist that T'Pol is nothing more than a human with pointed ears. :roll:

Me too! I don't normally go for a ton of smut, but human T'Pol is much harder to deal with because it's harder to avoid. With smut its easy don't click the link.
Yes, I completely know what you're talking about. That's one of the great things about this site: standards! There's plenty of room in the world for different types of stories, because not everyone enjoys the same kinds of things. For that matter, depending on my mood I don't even always want to read the same kinds of things. But let's at least have the characters act like themselves (unless a reason why they might not is presented.)

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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby justTripn » Mon May 03, 2010 2:27 am

You know, I think we have to be as considerate of off-site authors as we are of each other. There is in fact a rule/guideline already that we don't rip apart some fanfic/episode/character/movie/book that someone else is trying to enjoy. Maybe Silverbullet and Asso did not feel that expressing their distaste was "ripping apart" and maybe it wasn't, but the moderators will err on the side of caution. And unless Elessar wants to change the rule, we now have a rule that

WE DO NOT CRITICIZE AUTHORS OF FANFIC IN THIS NEW FANFIC THREAD or anywhere else on the forum, unless the author invites you to. If you want to leave a criticism of a story, do it under the story and do it with respect. Occastionally, an author will start a thread for the purpose of discussing his or her story in more depth, in which case, oaky doaky.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby panyasan » Mon May 03, 2010 4:04 am

When I saw the link and the description of the story, my first impression was that it was a story about a love triangle between Trip, T'Pol and Archer. I wanted to comment that the story wasn't problably my cup of tea or let it uncommented. I understand that this thread is for promotion only as JustTripn stated, so comments have no place in this thread. I always thought that New Fanfic up was for promoting fic's that are published on this site (stories that you can commented on the site) so I wondered if a thread with "Recommended fic's", for other fic's was an idea.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Aquarius » Mon May 03, 2010 4:19 am

No matter what, someone's going to be offended. If we eliminated things based on possible offensive material, we'd end up with a pretty short list of what we can recommend here. No matter what rules we make up, we won't be able to please everyone.

People have posted links to things off this site for as long as I've been here. One such story that I know of is heavy with BDSM content. But the fact that it's Trip and T'Pol makes it okay to post a link here, despite the fact that someone may find BDSM highly objectionable. I don't--but it is a hot-button thing that many mainstream people tend to grab the moral high ground on.

It's just a link. Its presence isn't hurting anyone. Everyone has a choice to click or not click. Everyone has a choice to read or not read.

I respect Alelou as a writer and I rarely resist an opportunity to fangirl her to death. Given the quality of the work she writes, to me it speaks volumes that she would think enough of this fic to recommend it here, Archer's involvement notwithstanding. I'd think that this fic has got something going for it despite the "objectionable" element, or she wouldn't bother.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Elessar » Mon May 03, 2010 5:58 am

JT's rule stands...

I think it should be easy to know if something's a little edgy or racy, and so if you post a link to an externally hosted story and you know it's content is in that category, please post an appropriate warning. It's the same reason we have a Decon section, in order to allow people to moderate what they expose themselves to.

Also, this thread isn't even really designed to be used by anyone but admins. I could lock it just for us to post in, but I don't want to. Just keep commentary out of this thread, please, and post it wherever it belongs - whether it's in the comments of a story here, or if it's external, put it somewhere there. Thanks.
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Re: New Fanfic Up!

Postby Transwarp » Mon May 03, 2010 6:47 am

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