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Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:11 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Rajin & Similitude
Replies: 387
Views: 17476

Re: Rajin & Similitude

Warpgirl. I have not read Tons of those stories. but those I have read were not from T-Pol's POV and were romances between Sim and t-Pol the writers I have read seemed to go long with Trip being in a coma the whole Episode (story) and he was out of it. So they concentrated on Sim and t-Pol. In the e...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:01 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Trip's Mistakes
Replies: 1028
Views: 41834

Re: Trip's Mistakes

Warpgirl, I know that. but much of what you see in TOS and later series and read in the Encyclopedia are things that people sitting around a table thinking up items that they thought would make the characters (aliens) in the series sound alien. That and still make them humanoid enough so a human Act...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:41 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

I have no sympathy for Archer. He was supposed to be the commanding Officer and in the series somewhat of a Superman. Yet his failings were monumental at times. Poor t-Pol she was written so badly. the character was treated with so little respect. Bounty was an embassement for the character and the ...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:25 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Trip's Mistakes
Replies: 1028
Views: 41834

Re: Trip's Mistakes

I have never gone along with the location of the Vulcan Heart. always thought it belonged in the chest Cavity. As far as enlarged lung capacity for the rarefied atmosphere, People who have lived and evolved high in the Andes also have larger Lung capacity but their hearts fit comfortably in the ches...
by Silverbullet
Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:01 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Warpgirl, you got that right. Archer ordered T-Pol to mix with the Rougue vulcans even after she saiid she didn't trust them and was afraid of them. He insisted that she go on board their ship. T-Pol was just following orders and she got burned for it. Punishment? Give me a few minutes with him and ...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:23 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Rajin & Similitude
Replies: 387
Views: 17476

Re: Rajin & Similitude

Anyone ever think of writing Sim from T-Pol's POV and making it a love story between TnT?
Could be done even if Trip is in a coma.

I never did click on the Sim T-Pol thing. Did not make a whole lot of sense to me. Unless it was done by the writers as a one time romantic thing with T-Pol.
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:16 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Trip's Mistakes
Replies: 1028
Views: 41834

Re: Trip's Mistakes

KTR, Good question. How did/could T-Pol learn about Human Sexuality, mating. she could have, of course, ran up to Hoshi and asked but doubt if Hoshi would say anythiing and just profess ignorance. Even though hoshi had a one night stand on Risa. Ask Trip? NOw that brings up all sorts of possibilitie...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:02 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Okay, can we agree that Tolaris was a dirtbag. That T-Pol was/injured/infected by tolaris.

that she had to live with this because she could get no help from the vulcan community.

That tolaris SHOULD have been punished.
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:47 am
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Sorry for the double Post. What kind of Punishment could tolaris receive? Since he had vulcan strength Archer would need Vulcan restraints and he could have got them from the Captain of the Vulcan ship. ARcher could have held tolaris until a vulcan shp met the enterprise and took toaris into custody...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:37 am
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Pdsil, it was the direct link between the two minds however brief that allowed the syndrome to pass from tolaris to T-Pol. It was not that it was ended wrong but that it existed at all. Like Human infections some can be passed in an instant and others take a prolonged exposure. It may have taken a w...
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Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:22 am
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Pdsil, It is my belief that Tolaris gave T-Pol that syndrome through that illegal mind meld that he tricked her into agreeing to the mind meld and when she realized what was happening she fought him off but the damage had been done and she was infected. He got away scot free and as a result was free...
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Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:06 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Warpgirl. Since tolaris never was stopped but simply boarded his ship and departed Enterprise he was free to Mind Rape and infect others. The attitude of the vulcan doctors that it was t-Pol's fault that she had the syndrome and they would do nothing about it upset me a great deal. I know that the e...
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Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:42 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Warpgirl. Please let us know what you think of Stigma inlight of what Tolaris did to T-Pol.
by Silverbullet
Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:29 pm
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: Rajin & Similitude
Replies: 387
Views: 17476

Re: Rajin & Similitude

Warpgirl, this has been beat to death elsewhere. Trip was First Officer and XO by way of the Enterprise chain of command. Enterprise was a Starfleet Starship and Star Fleet was a human Organization. Enterprise was officered and crewed by Humans with the Exception of Phlox who as a Doctor would nver ...
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Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:33 am
Forum: Trip and T'Pol Discussion
Topic: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior
Replies: 642
Views: 24675

Re: T'Pol's Un-Vulcan Like Behavior

Warpgirl. Not being female I cannot possibly view Rape of any kind from a womans aspect. Reading about just doesn't seem to cover it. Mind Rape, Physical Rape. both are a violation of the woman. I believe that a Mind rape could be hidden from others than a Physical Rape as it seems that a Physical R...

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