September Chicago Con

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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:16 pm

Oh don't tell me that please. I've been "in crush" with him since Murder She Wrote :tears: :oops: He is to me what Bruce Boxleitner, is to my mother... The ultimate fantasy guy... Nope can't meet him you're absolutely right!
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby justTripn » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:34 pm

Actually, you'll be fine. He doesn't look anything like Tom Paris anymore. But he's awfully nice. Also I am trying to match up the WarpGirl we know with this shy, receeding little girl you describe. :roll: :tears: :peach:
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:44 pm

That's easy jT in the internet you don't have to worry about whether people care about you one way or another. The likelyhood of me meeting anyone here face-to-face are more astronomical than me winning the lottery. I don't play the lottery. So...

Actually, I've had quite a few panic attacks doing this. When you don't see me for a while. I'm usually huddled in a corner wonder how did I get into trouble this time! That... And my modem is probably is probably broken.

PS. I've seen what RDM looks like now. Don't care he's still #1! :loveeyes: :drool: Nothing will ever effect those eyes. And if you tell me they're contacts......... :faint:
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby Cogito » Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:24 pm

justTripn wrote:I am trying to match up the WarpGirl we know with this shy, receeding little girl you describe. :roll: :tears: :peach:

Me too. :D

I am convinced that were anyone to get on the wrong side of WarpGirl, they would discover that she had a light saber or a bat'leth (or both) cunningly disguised as part of her wheelchair.

(And if this online alter-ego is completely unlike the person she shows to her real-world friends and family, well I have no problem with that. I think it's probably healthy to 'let your hair down' from time to time, even if it's from behind the anonymity of a keyboard.)

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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:24 pm

I wouldn't say I have an online alter-ego, more like... This is the me I would be if I didn't have all the stuff that I have going on in my day-to-day life. It doen't matter if I have a wheelchair and nobody here drives me to my drs appointments, or drags me to the hospital. So... I can just not worry.

I'm a very passionate person day-to-day, just like here. I argue a lot, just like here, if I have too. In the end here I have almost no impact on anybody. I can just be...

And when someone gets on my bad side, I scream for about 5 minutes. Then I go somewhere where I can be alone and blast some music till I'm calm. Then I cry and guilt myself for at least a week.

Bottom line is. I have a pathological fear of disappointing people. You can't do that online.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby Cogito » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:15 pm

WarpGirl wrote:This is the me I would be if I didn't have all the stuff that I have going on in my day-to-day life.

Quite right too.

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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby marchale » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:28 am

WarpGirl wrote:
Bottom line is. I have a pathological fear of disappointing people. You can't do that online.

You can't disappoint people online? Oh hon, if I had a buck for every time I've either disappointed or pissed off someone online, I'd be rich! The bottom line there should be to hell with what other people think about you, as long as you can live with your decisions and like that person you see in the mirror, that's all that should really matter to you. Screw what other people think, you have to do what's best for you whether they like it or not. That might sound a little cold hearted, but look at it this way, no matter what you either think, do or say, X number of people won't approve of it; but you have to live with yourself and walk in your shoes, they don't - so why should their opinion matter so much? BTW, I think you sound like a really wonderful person, but I wish you would concentrate more on WarpGirl and just to hell with what others think. If they don't like something, then that's their problem, not yours, right? Right!
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:51 pm

Well nobody is going to dislike WarpGirl and let that actively affect their lives now are they? If I annoy anyone it has absolutely no impact on the day-to-day. They'll go back to their lives and forget I exist. I mean it would be really scary if anyone here started ranted at the dinner table about how much they hate me.

It's not like I'm Snookie or something! :lol: And I never understood people who get so vitrolic about celebrities anyway. :dunno:
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby marchale » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:11 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Well nobody is going to dislike WarpGirl and let that actively affect their lives now are they? If I annoy anyone it has absolutely no impact on the day-to-day. They'll go back to their lives and forget I exist. I mean it would be really scary if anyone here started ranted at the dinner table about how much they hate me.

It's not like I'm Snookie or something! :lol: And I never understood people who get so vitrolic about celebrities anyway. :dunno:

Oh, now I see what you were getting at here, I'm afraid that I probably misunderstood you earlier because I probably do take online relationships or inter-actions with others on the internet more seriously than you do (guess thats the result of my getting most of my real life companionship from my cats :lol: ). BTW, I'm not complaining about that, I've got several "lukewarm friendships" with others living in my building I could warm up if I wanted to, but I just prefer to leave it as is because folks tend to take it personally if you don't call or get together with them often enough to form a closer friendship (and it's not that I mean that as anything against them at all, it's just that I'm glued to my computer alot and prefer the companionship of fellow trekkies, etc over real world acquaintances who wouldn't know a warp core from a phase pistol as one online friend put it, or would think my fakes or an interest in TnT was 'weird').

No, I was just a bit alarmed when I read what you said about your fear of disappointing others, because I just didn't want to see a nice young lady like you fall into the clutches of a real creep who'd take advantage of your fears and use that against you - and too, I'd like to see you more concerned about what you want and what you think rather than caring that much about the opinions of others (either in the real world, online, or whatever). Thats not being selfish, thats just not giving the creeps out there the opportunity to use your vulnrebilities against your own best interests, that's all.

BTW, who the hell is Snookie? I've heard that name mentioned before but I have no idea who that is or why that reference would apply. (and like you said, "I never understood people who get so vitrolic about celebrities anyway" - yeah, me neither, people should realize that whatever those famous folks do is just their jobs, period and respect their privacy outside of anything they do in their work. I mean, I'm sure the folks who gossip or read tabloids, etc wouldn't like it if folks were talking about them behind their backs or were trying to stick their nose into private matters which are clearly nobody else's business to be discussing in the first place).
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby Aikiweezie » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:56 am

The Chicago Convention is now a memory! I'll get started with my report, but don't think I'll get through everything at once.

Day 1 - Friday

I arrived at the Westin O'Hare around 2:00. As I passed the bar to go check into my room, I observed :mal: Dominic Montogomery and :trip: Connor Trinneer together in the bar. Dominic took the stage at 2:30 He was hilarious! Lot's of colorful language (f bombs) and he called all the women ""luv." The time spent in the bar had him pretty loose. He looked great, was in great shape. I think the time in He said one of his favorite episodes to work on was Shuttlepod One, because of its simplicity. The episode was meant to be a cheap and easy episode for the network (I guess they like to slide those in when they can to save $), but it turned out to be hugely expensive because they had to rent huge air conditioners to make the shuttlepod ice cold. Cold enough to see their breath. They were really shivering there. He talked about how he got the part, and meeting John Billingsly. Very entertaining.

After Dominic's presentation, i went to the bar myself and had a glass of wine. I didn't know ANYONE there yet and wanted to loosen up a bit. BAD IDEA. :crazed: I'm a major light weight.

Connor Trineer was on Shortly after that He started off by talking about his knee surgery and how it led to a blood clot that was extremely painful and landed him in the hospital for a week. Then he said something about liking the painkillers a little TOO much, and how he was still on them at the Vegas con. He said he was going to the Art Institute of Chicago the next day and wanted to know where to get the best hot dogs in Chicago. Then he opened up for questions. Like an idiot I ran up to the mic. Instead of asking something reasonable, I decided to ask him if he could do a Chicago accent. Then I demonstrated mine. He said "Is THAT your question?" and then I said yes and sat down. OMG I am such a moron. :duh: I have NO idea why I did that. BTW, I'm an background actor/extra for movies and TV and I see celebrities all the time and I don't get flustered. Something about CT turned me into a blubbering idiot. :upchuck:

Anyway, them some sane people asked him questions. He talked about the scene in Harbinger where :tpol: Jolene drops the robe, but it wasn't Jolene and that's why he had a weird look on his face. He said Jolene was totally NOT shy and it would have been less uncomfortable if she did it than this complete stranger who did not share her um..."assets."

He loved "Similitude." Liked the fact that the finale was all about Trip, but recognizes that it was a big F-U middle finger to the fans and that was no good.

He talked about "Terra Prime" and how he really lost it in that last scene because he just found out his wife was pregnant. He said Jolene was really sweet and went to hug him and make sure he was okay.

He didn't say what he was working on now.

Auctions, autograph sessions and photo ops followed. I only signed up for the autograph for "he who I humiliated myself in front of."

My husband (who was at a golf tournament) arrived at around 6:00 and we went to get our pic of CT signed. He was impressed when I told him CT was the voice of Nike Golf and Dominic, who was at the next table, did a voice in "Beowolf." CT was saying something about how people keep telling him he looked tired, and that he WAS tired because it was a long day. When we got to him, I immediatley appologized for asking THE WORLD DUMBEST question, and then he said something to the effect of "oh, don't worry about it, but it sounded really ugly," when I spoke that way UGLY?!? Groan. But he was smiling at me and I must admit there was something sort of charming in his admonition, so I felt a little better. And that was that.

We went to dinner, and then had another drink in the bar and watched a hocky game for a while. Connor and Dmonic and a couple of the Creation staffers came in and sat behind us and I could hear them (Connor mostly) laughing a lot!

Day 2

Breakfast in the restaurant net to John DeLancie (Q). Do you know he was in only 9 episodes in the 10 years NG was on? He sure left an impression.

Something kind of funny. My husband went to the room to get something, so I sat in a comfy chair outside the restaurant to wait. Johnathan Frakes walks by with his "handler" and I give him a big smile and say "Good Morning!" He stops, give me a big smile and says the same. Then he turns to his companion and says "who was that?' amd the guy said "I dunno."

Then presentations by John, and then Brent Spiner and Johnathan Frakes (together). They were absolutel HILARIOUS, and if you haven't heard Brent's impressioon of Patrick Stewart you really are missing something great. Side note - I saw Patrick Stewart at Comicon in August and he said one time Brent called up his wife pretending to be him and gave her some story how he was going to be late for dinner and she fell for it.

Nichelle Nichols, Brandon Braga, a Klingon Christmas Carol and Leonard Nimoy followed, but I will get to them at another time. I need to go to bed. has a fuller, better review on their site, in case you would like to read more.

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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby justTripn » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:06 pm

OMG OMG!!!!! Jonathan Frakes saw you and went, "Obviously she's an actress . . . which one?" LOL :happyjump:

And I could cheer you up with tales of the stupid things I've said to Connor Trinneer. Yes, he does turn one into a babbling idiot, I've found. Either that or completely mute. I can't even remember the geeky question I asked him, but it was along the lines of in Season One and Season Two this, but then in Season 3 that . . . and especially in episodes X and Y. How do you address this burning controversy? He stared at me in horror and I realized I had just become the complete caricature of a Trekkie.

I am very jealous that you saw Dominic and Brent Spiner, who I've never seen. I wouldn't mind seeing Brannon Bragga, either. LUCKY!!!! :surprisehug: Tell me more!!!!
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby Aikiweezie » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:51 pm

I understand that I am in good company as far as loosing my mind in front of CT. :oops: If I remember correctly someone DID ask him to autograph that picture of him from college with his friends where he was wearing nothing but boxers and some kind of mud or something. It makes me feel MUCH better that I am not alone.

I don't have a lot of time to write much now, but I met Brent Spiner at Comicon last year and I did get to talk to him a little on Sunday. He's a bit of a curmudgeon, but I think that's part of his "schtick." I like him. Smiled at Johnathan Frakes agaion on Sunday, too. Said "Good evening Ms. Nichols" to Nichelle in the restaurant. She's a reall class act. I admire her SO much.

Didn't see much of Braga's presentation but I did hear him basically admit to the fact that "the-abomination" was a mistake.

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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby justTripn » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:46 pm

OOooo . . . what did you say to Brent Spiner????? What did he say to you???? :D

Also, what did Brannon Bragga say about "the abomination"? :deadhorse: Did you hear him talk about Terra Nova?
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby panyasan » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:12 pm

Thanks, Aikiweezie, that was a great read. And I agree wit Jt: I like to hear what did Braga say about *the_abomination*.
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Re: September Chicago Con

Postby Asso » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:22 pm

panyasan wrote:Thanks, Aikiweezie, that was a great read. And I agree wit Jt: I like to hear what did Braga say about *the_abomination*.

Me too. :marine:
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