FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

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FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby Kotik » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:13 am

O, hai!

Is anyone of you gals 'n guys coming to the FedCon 2011 in Düsseldorf?

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Re: FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:48 am

Nothing against Dusseldorf, but just the idea of going to anything called FedCon again gives me hives. :roll:
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Re: FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby enterprikayak » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:26 am

weeeeeeeeeeird........the girls at work just found my "I survived" fedcon tshirt today in the closet at work and I was explaining it to them and then this shows up.

I had so much fun with you guys, and John Billingsley was just so cool that I have trouble remembering to get hives over the name FedCon (which of course, you SHOULD! :lol: )
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Re: FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby Kotik » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:26 am

*puzzled look*

Whass wrong with FedCon? Granted, it doesn't quite have the ring to it, like, let's say Hell-Fest, but doesn't sound particularily dirty to me either :shock:

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Re: FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:09 pm

There's nothing wrong with FedCon per se. I hear that the European FedCons are terrific. Unfortunately a couple of years ago an American decided to do a "FedCon" in Texas. Initially he had backing and support from the guys in Germany, but something happened, he either lost funding or maybe embezzled it, and the con got cancelled in the middle of everything. They were shutting things down and kicking people out of the hotel conference rooms at noon on Saturday.

It was very traumatic, especially for people like EK who invested quite a bit of time and money. Imagine if you flew 2000 miles for a once-in-a-lifetime event and it was cancelled. Check out EK's sig. The "Non-con" she refers to is the same con. We had a surprisingly good time visiting despite everything, but it's still a sore spot for me due to all the time and effort I invested in the costume contest which never took place. I doubt I'll be going to any FedCons ever again.

Well...Maybe once I'm a famous author and they invite me to do a panel. If they ask me nicely. :twisted:
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Re: FedCon 2011 Düsseldorf

Postby enterprikayak » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:27 pm

And then you can tell your story. :twisted:

But noncon wasn't so bad for me. I mean, look at my signature. *I* am taking that pic of John Billingsley and Bonita and Connor Trinneer. That's MY eye-view. Nice eye-view... yes?

In that shot, Connor's :lol: saying something like :lol: "This pregnant gal's CRAZY!" or something. He's TALKING about me! He's JUDGING me! :lol: He thinks I'm INSANE! CONNOR! :lol: :guffaw:

hooooo. :lol: that's funny. so worth the 2000 miles. Just for that moment frozen in time. :tears:

that's just a *me* moment. Smiling and pregnant and vomiting and visiting friends 2000 miles from home at a cancelled nerd tv show gathering and hassling the local talent with pictures of their heads shopped into American Gothic paintings.

And John Billingsley was just so talented at crowd controlling angry Klingons. I mean there were enough real nerd-blades and batleths in that place for it to turn into an actual blood bath.
:reddawn: :mulsr: :reddawn: :klingon: :reddawn: :mutrip: :reddawn: :muhoshi: :reddawn: :mutpol:
Imagine CNN later that night. :lol: :lol:

(And yes...that's our very own Distracted there on the end ↑ :lol: And she's {understandably} seriously pissed. :lol: )
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