T'Pol's Father

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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby aadarshinah » Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:57 pm

maybe humanoid is in the whole two-arms, two-legs, similiar nervous system, etc. fushia blood is probably caused by whatever klingons use for hemoglobin. Humans use iron, vulcans use copper... and, oddly enough, if you take a hemoglobin molecule and replace the iron with magnesium, you get chlorophyll...

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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Alelou » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:34 pm

If it's the two arm etc. thing, then Vulcanoids would be a subset of Humanoids, which makes sense.

And I will readily agree the Klingons of TOS were Humanoids, which to me basically suggests intelligent primates that stand on two feet. Those Klingons were just Humans with devilish facial hair, a bad temper, and excessive sarcasm, as I recall. (So are the Tellarites Humanoids? I tend to think of them as upright-swine-oids.)

Anyway, I ain't arguing with you, WG. Hmmm does not constitute arguing. It amounts to stroking my beard thoughtfully, if I had one. Besides, I think Ent forgot about the fuschia blood thing, didn't they?

However, TPTB are not the source of Memory Alpha. It is my understanding that Memory Alpha is a wiki created by fans. Am I wrong?
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:38 pm

Alelou wrote:Anyway, I ain't arguing with you, WG. Hmmm does not constitute arguing. It amounts to stroking my beard thoughtfully, if I had one. Besides, I think Ent forgot about the fuschia blood thing, didn't they?

I think the only time we saw that was in that Trek movie with Chang. Beyond that, every Klingon's blood is shown to be just like human blood. Somebody (maybe Memory Alpha?) theorized that it was due to Augment stuff being weeded out (since their facial ridges weren't that large.)
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:48 pm

I wasn't arguing either Alelou I was just talking. I preface with "hey" all the time. And I was trying to convey that TPTB were pretty lame throwing around the term humanoid. Because it makes everything very silly not to mention confusing. I'll remember my smiley next time. :D

As for Klingon blood... VOY did it, just not with B'Elanna given that she's half human. I think TNG did it once with Worf but that was so long ago...

ST's definition of humanoid....http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Humanoid
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby panyasan » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:23 pm

WarpGirl wrote:If we knew anything about T'Pol's dad, maybe we could say for sure. My only objection is in the idea that all people are drawn to traits their parents have when they meet their "soulmates." Do a great number of people seem to do so? YES! But its not true for everyone, and does not have to be true for TnT.
Sorry to go back to this discussion, but I did found it very interesting. I don't think my husbands personality looks a lot like one of my parents - some aspects he is the opposite, which I like very much. However, there is one trait that my mother and my husband share: the color of their eyes. Because of my mother I always associated brown eyes with trust. So my hubs brown eyes were the first thing that I was attracted to.
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:27 pm

Cool Panyasan! BTW I was also remembering this about Vulcanoids...http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Proto-Vulcan_humanoid
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby panyasan » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:49 pm

I think it's much easier to tell a story with several humanoid aliens - but a not so humanoid can create a very scary atmosphere. For me the most creepy non humanoid alien I have seen in sfi is in Torchwood in Childern of the Earth. Totally creeped me out.
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:14 pm

Its cheaper too. I think that's why George Lucas made the Clone Wars TV series a cartoon.

At any rate yeah I know Memory-Alpha is a fan wiki, but I find that most fan wikis, like wookieepedia, and Memory Alpha are usually 90-95% accurate, more accurate that sites like ST.com or the official SW's database. Truth be told I like to compare both. However the ST.com is very hard to navigate, and since I had done the research there before, and I knew Memory-Alpha got it correct I just found the links there because its an easier site to get around... I actually think fan wiki sites are much more trustworthy than sites like Wikipedia because fans are so obsessive and not as willing to let people get details wrong. Where as on general online encylopedias like Wikipedia don't have rabid members waiting to tear you to pieces if you mess up.
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby aadarshinah » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:22 pm

I actually read an article somewhere that suggested that any species that might reach a space-faring level of development would have to be generally humanoid in shape, for various reasons, though obviously the internal chemsitries and whatnot could be very different... oh, if only I could find it....


Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Kotik » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:28 pm

aadarshinah wrote:I actually read an article somewhere that suggested that any species that might reach a space-faring level of development would have to be generally humanoid in shape, for various reasons, though obviously the internal chemsitries and whatnot could be very different... oh, if only I could find it....

That theory doesn't work with the Xindi-Aquatics, does it? They looked quite space-faring to me. :dunno:

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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby aadarshinah » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:32 pm

In real life, not syfy... it was something to do with manipulation of instruments and neverous systems and oh, why can't I find it?

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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:02 pm

For sure the aquatics couldn't build a space ship. they had flippers not hands. I would think that some kind of grasping appendage would be need with digits. Insectoids the same. Plus, if the Aquatics lived in water thier space ship would have to be a giant fish bowl and any electronics heavily shielded. Cannot see the Aquatics as space faring. Come to that neither the insectoids. but then i am sure someone can prove me wrong.

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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Alelou » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:10 pm

You do have to wonder if the Aquatics require some sort of symbiotic relationship with another species in order to actually make anything. And I think they did more or less suggest their ships were giant goldfish bowls in space -- when they got wrecked, liquid splashed out.

Why would insectoids have an issue, though? Insects are master builders here on Earth. Give them too much intelligence and we might be doomed.

I finally rewatched "Rajin" last night and for the first time realized that weird thing with the gun was an Insectoid who came aboard with the Reptilians. For some reason I'd always assumed it was a robot. Doh.
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:44 pm

Alelou, I believe that in one Episode it said the Enterpise was carried inside of an Aquatic ship. If it is a fishbowl the ship must have had some sort of area that other species could use when visiting. Archer said he had beeno an Aquatic ship.

Insectoids. they didn't seem to have hands just hose little hook like things. don't remember exactly.

Always thought the Aquatics had someone else doing the building for them but how did they pay? I wondered why the Aquatics weren't made Amphibions instead. would make more sense and they could have been given hand like appendages.
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Re: T'Pol's Father

Postby Brandyjane » Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:22 pm

I always thought the way the aquatics were presented was dumb. I like Silverbullet's amphibian idea a whole lot better. However, to make it make sense, I decided that one of the other species - probably the sloths or the ones that looked like humans - built the aquatics' ships for them to save them from extinction. I can't remember the episode, but I seem to remember one of the Xindi lamenting the extinction of the avians. I could see another Xindi species deciding to build aquatic ships to avoid losing another sentient species.

And this has to do with T'Pol's father because... :dunno:

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