Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

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Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Postby Aquarius » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:28 am

:raspberry: Fine.
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Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Postby Lady Rainbow » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:51 pm


Here's a little summary of what's been going on (through Chapter 8). I'll be posting updates to it as the story progresses so no one will get lost.

Various plots:

TnT and their unborn child: TnT have (reluctantly) agreed that the artificial womb is the best chance for their unborn son to survive. The medical team consists of Doctor Phlox, his wife Feezal, Healer V'Ren, Doctor Penda Nadhari (an exobiologist) and her husband, Dr. Andrew Beckett (an exogeneticist). Feezal is helping to make the actual modifications to the artificial womb, while Beckett is mapping out the genetic manipulations needed to ensure the fetus's viability. The artificial womb is planned to be housed at Starfleet Medical in San Francisco.

TnT and their family situation: Trip's parents are currently visiting them on Jupiter Station. Soval is en route from Vulcan. V'Ren is T'Pol's cousin, but she's also a key member in their family. How are T'Pau and V'Lar related (if they are?). They still have to "get officially married" on Earth, their marriage bond is getting stronger and what about their bond w/their son?

TnT and Vulcan's reaction:News of their marriage has caused controversy on Vulcan, and when the news of their unborn child becomes common knowledge, it may put TnT, their son, and their families in danger from radical groups (both Terran and Vulcan). The Enterprise crew (plus TnT's families and the medical staff) have closed ranks around TnT and their son, but it may not be enough. Harris, Malcolm, Kelby and the rest of the S31 organization must find a way to safeguard TnT.

Enterprise's refit: Trip's in charge of refitting Enterprise to include the new Warp 7 engine that he worked on during his 10-month stint on Columbia. The Armory, too is getting new Mark II torpedoes and phase cannons. Refit was planned for 10 weeks at the outside, but it might be longer than that.

The unknown enemy

Warp 7 conspiracy: Brian Masaro nearly succeeded in stealing the Warp 7 specs. There's some sort of group on Enterprise that's been leaking information. But to whom?

Mysterious communications: Coded messages from Jupiter Station, Tranquility Base, Copernicus Base (both on Luna) and Utopia Planetia (Mars). Hoshi's been recruited by Section 31 (Harris) to break the codes. She's employed the help of Travis Mayweather, who confirms the code is a mix of Boomer, Akrarian and other trade codes. Who's using the codes and to whom are they sending the information?

Mysterious attacks: The Akrarians (they were a quiet non-aligned trading group) have inexplicably begun to attack ships on the Earth-Alpha Centauri run, one of the busiest trading routes. Damaged ships are filling up the docks at all 4 major space docks. Richard Kelby, new dock chief of JS, has found an odd residue on the hull of one of the damaged ships. He's investigating this, but it might put him in danger.

New Earth Fleet: As a response to the attacks, Earth's government and Starfleet have accelerated their shipbuilding program, constructing the Challenger, Intrepid and the Atlantis, as well as other smaller vessels for a new Earth fleet. Enterprise is being refitted, with Columbia to follow. Apparently Starfleet is taking this threat very seriously. But who's behind the threat?
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