"Divergent Paths" Discussion

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"Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Alelou » Wed May 12, 2010 2:43 pm

Okay, for those of you following "Divergent Paths," I had an extremely visceral reaction to the last chapter, and Rigil and I had an exchange about it that made wonder if 1) this really is a guy/girl thing, or 2) I was just over-fixating on this, or ... what? What were your reactions? Because I'm feeling nearly as irritated with the TnT development here as I ever was with the show, and I'm wondering if this is nuts of me. On the one hand, I have to really hand it to Rigil because he has developed a real suspenseful, novelistic adventure here, complete with the Enterprise crew on one side and Trip and T'Pol on the other, and I will enjoy it as a story no matter how it goes. However, he's drawing out the TnT dynamics here so painfully that if they ever do get together, I'm a little worried that I'll be thinking it's too little too late -- that in essence I just won't care anymore, or it won't be worth it, or something like that. I guess to me, the fact that these guys are sleeping in each other's arms (just to keep warm) and STILL haven't had even an attempt at an honest conversation about their relationship is a sign that maybe they really aren't good for each other.

Discussion? Comments? I put our exchange in spoiler code in case you haven't read the last chapter yet, in which case you should obviously go do that first!

Quote from my review of Chapter 44 of Divergent Paths: Arghhhhhh! Damn it, Rigil, you SKIPPED AHEAD FIFTEEN DAYS. FIFTEEN! Seriously, if this were the show I'd write a friggin' missing scene! Or episode, for that matter. (Other than that, it's fine. If T'Pol had to lose her temper, excellent way to do it. Nice point about Trip over-thinking.)

Seriously, though. Any chance we can get a flashback from Trip's POV? How can you jump from "I have to tell you something" to this? This must be one of those inexplicable guy things.

Response from Rigil, used with his permission:
Uh ... I've been doing this skipping ahead throughout the bulk of this story.
Besides, the revelatory scene would have been short - T'Pol tells him about
the Pa'nar, Trip storms away so he doesn't totally freak out, they circle one
another warily for a couple of days as Trip tries to come to grips with this
reveal, cue current chapter. Given that they STILL haven't discussed the
imaginary Archer/T'Pol nonsense that Trip thinks was happening on ENT, why do
you think they'd spend a lot of time actually discussing this? I see no
indication that these two ever get into deep discussions about anything
personal - sure, they may talk about everything else under the sun, but they
never talk to each other about things that truly matter. Based on what I saw
in canon, a good argument can be made that Archer knows more about T'Pol's
past than Trip does (we never got any indication that she told Tucker about
Tolaris, or the Pa'nar, or her past as a spy, or even about the kahs-won

But it might just be a guy thing. shrug

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby panyasan » Wed May 12, 2010 3:34 pm

Just a short response, because I am in a hurry: if what Rigil says, is really the case, I would be very disappointed. At this point I would love a serious discussion with those two, also to get that Archer nonsense out of the way. It doesn't have to be deep or long, maybe only 5 sentences, more like T'Pol tells about her illness and how she got it. Trip stays, but says something how hard this must be. He asked her if Archer knows, she says something like "it's a private matter" and then makes clear Archer and her aren't privatly involved. In Div. Paths. I love the fact that the relationship is different, it shows the potential they have and I would be very disappointed if it would no develop in a good, healty, stormy relationship. So have that talk! I also differ what is seen as canon, but then again: this is AU! Why stick to canon! :banghead:
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Pitseleh » Wed May 12, 2010 9:20 pm

Well, I was surprised that he skipped the serious conversation thing, but I cannot say I am disappointed in any way. Having read most of Rigil's stories, he rarely leaves serious issues unattended, and maybe he is just waiting for a Trip POV to let us know his state of mind regarding this issue. Now, regarding the frustration about TnT not being together yet, he's just building up to it, and unlike the actual show, I'm pretty sure this writer has a satisfying resolution for TnT fans in mind. On his NCIS fic, he made us wait, what? 46 chapters for TIVA (Tony/Ziva), but it eventually got there and it was great. We just have to give him time for the development. Personally, I'd love it if they'd discuss the AinT stuff and clear the air there, 'cause A/T'P is too much of a disgusting notion in my head.

Now, regarding how slowly things are developing, I can kind of see where he's coming from: He is coming from S2, where TnT were not that close. Sure, they developed some great rapport during S1, but it was not that deep. As viewers, we were plunged into S3 and NP and all the intimacy it created basically because of how intimate it was, and suddenly, TnT were very much involved. And while I enjoyed it, it was not realistic. In this story, he is building a relationship almost from the ground up, and it has been great to read. As for them sleeping together every night and still... well, Trip does react, but he is a gentleman (a super human one, probably...). But it reminds me of soldiers sleeping together on their trenches during hard winter in WWII.

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby pdsldl » Wed May 12, 2010 9:38 pm

I missed the discussion. It could have been a short recall by Trip fifteen days later but it should have happened. And if he's going to draw out their coming together he needs to do something about dealing with these issues between them unless he's waiting to dump it all out there at once. They may not have been the best communicators but they did seem to deal with the big issues fairly head on when they came up. And the whole Archer misunderstanding seems like a pretty big issue for Trip. Can't see him even thinking of moving forward with that hanging out there.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 12, 2010 9:42 pm

Well I just started it, after ravanously attacking his Endevour series with an obsession I am completely sure was rather unhealthy. Like I suspected I now live in fear he won't finish it. With this story it's still early to say how I feel about it, however I do have a question... What the bloody heck are they doing going down to a prewarp planet like this anyway. I mean please haven't they figured out that they are bad at this already? The Akkali Mission was a disaster, the mission where Malcolm left a communicator was a disaster, Dear Doctor was almost a disaster... I'm noticing a pattern. One thing I absolutely hated about the whole show was the amount of pre-warp civilization disasters. Come on have one or two but get the Prime Directive!!!!!! It's just annoying.

However, I agree with Pitseleh that the idea of waiting for TnT to shape up is not so bad for me. I also think the intimacy of season 3 was rushed and forced and not realistic... Hence why my particular hated season is season 3. How can you expect a mature healthy relationship with a wonky foundation? Believe me it doesn't always work too well with a good start. And Panyasan is also right, if this is a radical AU, then TnT should be able to have meaningful conversations about the really important things that matter. Regardless of the stupid immature, canon the B's and TPTB sought to foist on us. What good is fanfic if you can't alter what you do not like?

In any case, Rigil Kent is a brilliant, "ghost" whose reputation is well deserved. Really its awe inspiring what he does, and I trust him to do it up right. (Although I'm not sure I trust him to finish.) I'm almost tempted to read the Tiva stuff too, although at this point I am absolutely certain the only two people that even have a prayer at making a relationship work are Abby and McGee. :roll:
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed May 12, 2010 10:48 pm

Oh, shiny. My very own controversy! Well ... sorta... close enough, I guess. If this is how people react to a non-conversation, I can't wait to see the response to ... no ... better hold onto that little secret. :twisted:
Alelou wrote:However, he's drawing out the TnT dynamics here so painfully

With all due respect, I've got to really disagree with you here. They are a lot closer at this point than in canon (season TWO) and might actually be closer than they ever were on the show. What you may not really be taking into account - and this must be due to a failing on the part of that idiot author and his prose - is that T'Pol is riding Trip pretty hard (get your mind out of the gutter!) when it comes to the various training she's putting him through, so they actually haven't had a lot of time to discuss the nature of their relationship (since T'Pol very probably changes the subject whenever their conversation starts to inch toward something emotional.) And, as a Vulcan, T'Pol has a completely different view on all matters: with her considerably longer life expectancy, she usually isn't in any hurry to make a decision (ala a space elf.)

Why is it acceptable for TnT to go through the various 'will-they-won't-they' nonsense they did in season 3 and 4 without an actual resolution (and, if you go by canon, they probably spent another 5 years dancing around one another), but the fact they haven't started having wild monkey sex 4 and a half months into this AU season two seems to be drawn out? Color me confused. (And the bold was just for emphasis - I realize that it might seem longer since so much time has passed between updates - I'm not trying to sound angry or defensive.)
I guess to me, the fact that these guys are sleeping in each other's arms (just to keep warm) and STILL haven't had even an attempt at an honest conversation about their relationship is a sign that maybe they really aren't good for each other.

I'm going to say something that probably will be controversial around these parts: based on what I saw on the actual show, Trip and T'Pol probably weren't good for each other. Honest conversations about things other than work simply aren't very TnT-like unless one or both of them have been backed into a corner (e.g., Trip backed into a corner about his sister issues in "The Forgotten," T'Pol backed into a corner about her emotional issues in "Countdown," T'Pol backed into a corner about the nature of their relationship in "Bound," and so on.) T'Pol, as written, is categorically incapable of being truly honest with anyone, including herself (maybe especially herself), when it comes to emotional matters, and she seems to almost insist on being self-destructive. As a Vulcan, she is further unwilling to readily discuss deeply emotional issues with anyone (and any feelings she has toward Tucker are assuredly emotional.) She's spent 60-some years being indoctrinated into believing that emotion - any emotion - is Very Bad (thanks to the High Command & its corrupt, almost fascist teachings), so presuming that she'd be willing to have a conversation about this sort of thing is simply out of character for T'Pol in my opinion.

Trip is frankly not much better and seems to thrive on being there for everyone else but insisting on trying to work through difficult matters himself, without accepting any help unless (again) he's backed into a corner (Dinah's excellent "The Thorn and the Rose" shows that very nicely, although the show itself has numerous instances of this very thing, particularly season 3.) Despite being more experienced when it comes to relationships (although 3 in 34+ years isn't much of an improvement), he's very much a reactive personality in regards to women: every single female who he was vaguely involved in - Ah'len, that Oasis chick who died on 24 recently, Fishstick, Amanda Cole, and even T'Pol herself - instigated it, so presuming that Trip is going to push T'Pol simply doesn't track with his characterization.

And to complicate matters even more you have T'Pol's terminal neurological condition. She's dying and knows it. Now Trip knows it. They're in a camp, filled with angry, terrified natives who are already on the brink of imploding into violence. How exactly is Trip supposed to react to the news that (basically) T'Pol was raped and given a STD (MTD?) that is going to kill her? Especially in a way that doesn't involve his reaction (which would likely be quite emotional) causing more problems for them in the middle of this refugee camp? Yes, he's a lot more controlled at this point, but he's still Trip so an emotional reaction has to be expected, something he'd know that T'Pol wouldn't want.

Thus, you have two brilliant but extremely flawed individuals, both more than willing (some might say eager) to play the martyr, both more than willing (again, some might say eager) to internalize their personal problems, and both so desperately afraid of being hurt (emotionally) that they just do their best to ignore the issues at hand until it reaches critical mass and they can no longer pretend it isn't an issue. Will they have to face them? Yes. Very much so. It is nearing critical mass now. Whether you approve of that resolution, well, I can't say. That's up to you. But the ... mitigating circumstances are certainly going to make avoiding a conversation impossible for them.

But to assume that they didn't talk about the Pa'nar at all? Give me some credit, please.
panyasan wrote:It doesn't have to be deep or long, maybe only 5 sentences, more like T'Pol tells about her illness and how she got it. Trip stays, but says something how hard this must be.

That's not a short conversation, nor an easy one. I'd compare it to finding out a close friend was date-raped and then later learned that she was infected with HIV. How exactly does one react to that sort of revelation? But as I said above, please give me the benefit of the doubt.
He asked her if Archer knows, she says something like "it's a private matter" and then makes clear Archer and her aren't privatly involved.

With all respect, they're in the process of discussing the fact that she has a terminal disease. Asking about the specifics of her relationship with Archer would seem ... I dunno ... crass. He's already seen how she reacted when he asked if Archer knew about the Fullara (ch38), when he misunderstood her annoyance at him questioning her revelation at having never told anyone about that event, so it stands that he would once more keep his mouth shut over Archer.

Besides, I've already written the scene where T'Pol finds out about Trip's presumption re: AinT, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
In Div. Paths. I love the fact that the relationship is different, it shows the potential they have and I would be very disappointed if it would no develop in a good, healty, stormy relationship. So have that talk!

Well, if this stupid war would let up, and these damned Ekosians would stop trying to kill each other (and TnT too), they might.
this is AU! Why stick to canon!

I'm not sticking to canon after "Dead Stop." But everything before that episode happened, so a lot of that has to be dealt with in some fashion, particularly the fact that the writers of the show pretty clearly started trying the AinT dynamic midway through season 1.
Pitseleh wrote:Well, I was surprised that he skipped the serious conversation thing, but I cannot say I am disappointed in any way. Having read most of Rigil's stories, he rarely leaves serious issues unattended, and maybe he is just waiting for a Trip POV to let us know his state of mind regarding this issue.

Heh. That'd be a good guess, I think...
Now, regarding the frustration about TnT not being together yet, he's just building up to it, and unlike the actual show, I'm pretty sure this writer has a satisfying resolution for TnT fans in mind.

Oh ... so you don't want me to have them dance around each other for 10 years, resolve nothing, and then have arguably one of the smartest characters on the show spontaneously lose 100 IQ so he can die stupidly? Well, crap. There goes Plan A. :-P
On his NCIS fic, he made us wait, what? 46 chapters for TIVA (Tony/Ziva), but it eventually got there and it was great.

Before the Dark Days, Before Season 7 killed that Muse with a USAS-12, a flamethrower and a MOAB. Thanks, NCIS showrunners!
Now, regarding how slowly things are developing, I can kind of see where he's coming from: He is coming from S2, where TnT were not that close. Sure, they developed some great rapport during S1, but it was not that deep. As viewers, we were plunged into S3 and NP and all the intimacy it created basically because of how intimate it was, and suddenly, TnT were very much involved. And while I enjoyed it, it was not realistic. In this story, he is building a relationship almost from the ground up, and it has been great to read. As for them sleeping together every night and still... well, Trip does react, but he is a gentleman (a super human one, probably...). But it reminds me of soldiers sleeping together on their trenches during hard winter in WWII.

And that is exactly what I'm shooting for. They became casual acquaintances and co-workers in season 1 which began to develop into an actual friendship, Trip realized he was attracted to T'Pol right about the same point when she started hanging all over Archer (mid-season 1 and into 2) for whatever reasons, and then they crashed on this planet.
pdsldl wrote:And the whole Archer misunderstanding seems like a pretty big issue for Trip. Can't see him even thinking of moving forward with that hanging out there.

Which is entirely the point. Trip still has an idealized view of Archer (since this is pre-Cogenitor hypocrisy and season 3 wackiness) because he (Trip) still believes he owes the man a debt for having saved his life several times ("Desert Crossing," and I seem to recall them also mentioning Archer saving his life before "Broken Bow.") So, no, he isn't going to make a move on T'Pol until ... wait. This is Trip. He's not going to make a move on T'Pol, even when he knows the truth. She'll have to jump him instead.
WarpGirl wrote:Like I suspected I now live in fear he won't finish it.

Imagine how I feel.
With this story it's still early to say how I feel about it, however I do have a question... What the bloody heck are they doing going down to a prewarp planet like this anyway.

Uh ... they crashed. It's spelled out pretty clearly in the first chapter - TnT were in a shuttlepod testing out a new stealth system so they could get closer to the planet in question to observe, and things went south. I specifically referenced the Paragaan colony mess and the crew did nothing wrong.
the mission where Malcolm left a communicator was a disaster

Believe it or not, that episode was actually the inspiration for this story. I greatly disliked "The Communicator" because it had a silly (borderline cowardly) resolution - if people showed up in Miami immediately before the Bay of Pigs fiasco, armed with frighteningly advanced technology and claiming to be Russians (which is pretty much what Archer did), then I can almost guarantee you that nukes would have flown. They missed a fantastic opportunity to truly explain why the Prime Directive was established with that episode.
And Panyasan is also right, if this is a radical AU, then TnT should be able to have meaningful conversations about the really important things that matter.

But it's not a "radical AU," it's simply an AU. The thing I strive for more than anything else is accurate characterization, so TnT having trouble discussing emotional matters? Still there.
Although I'm not sure I trust him to finish.

Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence. This is something I do for fun, not for profit, and I can't say when or if the Muse strikes.
I'm almost tempted to read the Tiva stuff too, although at this point I am absolutely certain the only two people that even have a prayer at making a relationship work are Abby and McGee. :roll:

One, that fic isn't complete because the jackasses in charge of the show have ruined it so thoroughly that the Muse is mostly dead (although I did make sure that the final posted chapter is at least partially "end" like), and two, I don't think any of the characters on NCIS are capable of making a relationship work, and three, those two couldn't make a relationship work before (probably because Abby is an immature genius with boatloads of daddy issues.)
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 12, 2010 11:07 pm

Well I'm only on CH 21 so I just got majorly spoiled. Thanks Rigil Kent. OK I agree with everything you've said pretty much, but to tell you the truth... I'm still not sure why they were in a position to crash in the first place. Why were they there? Maybe I shouldn't read when I'm tired but I'm stumped. Another thing I'd like to point out that for me this is radically AU, I mean come on Archer is actually a reasonably decent Captain. He never was that in the show, you've got him as a capable grown up. I don't know if I like it to tell you the truth... I'm a little um witchy when it comes to that man, I like to see him eat crow! Lots of it.

As for TnT you're right they are both absolutely atrocious at communication. However and this is a biggie for me, there was oppertunity for them to learn and grow... Otherwise I would never waste my time. They're too compelling not to have depth and overcome their self-destructive tendencies. Their whole relationship could have been absolutely fantastic if they had grown. Frankly I think its even worse to write fanfic that is so bound to canon (no pun intended) that in the interest of accurate characterization a person throws away oppertunities. Now I am not under any circumstances saying that is what is happening here. I just truly believe that using other personality traits we've seen both of them have you can move on the inherent mess that is their communication skills. At least TnT have always been characters willing to grow and learn.

Now as for NCIS... I've always hated Tony, I hate Ziva less than I hated Kate but... Yes Abby is immature, but I have hope. Besides like TnT Abby and McGee are right for each other they just have to be willing to grow.

PS I'm afraid you won't finish because I am an offender... I wrote 50 chapters of a Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic fic, it's not done. I started in in 2005. I'm the last one to judge but I know the pain...
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed May 12, 2010 11:22 pm

WarpGirl wrote:I'm still not sure why they were in a position to crash in the first place. Why were they there?

They were testing a new stealth system for shuttlepods. With ENT at the periphery of the system - think Kuiper Belt - and the 'pod was in the equivalent of the asteroid belt or Mars orbit, when things went south, Trip aimed the 'pod at the safest point: the planet. If you want a more in depth explanation, all I can say is "because I wanted them to crash on this pre-warp planet." They were trying very hard to develop tactics and technology to avoid this very kind of situation in the future.

Plus, a wizard did it.
Another thing I'd like to point out that for me this is radically AU, I mean come on Archer is actually a reasonably decent Captain. He never was that in the show, you've got him as a capable grown up.

He had his moments. People very familiar with me can tell you that I'm far from Archer's number one fan, but I don't have the kneejerk hatred for him that some people seem to. He was simply badly written, by Hollywood types who actually didn't know what a real leader looked or acted like, and who could not quite get a grasp on his character. When he was written well (which, admittedly, was fairly rare), he was a decent CO. I simply decided to focus on that and ignore all the rest. Plus, he's just had his "come to Jesus" moment (so to speak) since he basically ordered TnT onto the mission that apparently claimed their lives.
I like to see him eat crow! Lots of it.

I personally don't see the point in those kinds of stories myself, so if you're expecting that in this fic (or frankly, any of my writing), I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
Now as for NCIS... I've always hated Tony, I hate Ziva less than I hated Kate but...

Well ... I guess we don't have anything in common then. Before the current showrunner ruined Tony, he was one of my favorite characters, and the same holds true to Ziva. Now with the way Tony's been written in most of season 7? Or Ziva in season 6? I totally understand that hate.
Besides like TnT Abby and McGee are right for each other they just have to be willing to grow.

Uh ... okay. I see no comparison between TnT & McAbby in the slightest, whereas the comparisons between TnT & Tiva (God, I hate those cutesy names) are pretty clear.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 12, 2010 11:34 pm

Well I am one of those people who can read stories with a good Captain Archer, it's not a deal breaker I just equally enjoy seeing him burn. I don't expect anyone to write what I want, I expect them to write what they want. If I don't like it I stop reading. I happen to be becoming rapidly addicted to your work. I like it! Heck I read everything you wrote on Endevour in less than a week! Sometimes staring at my screen for many, many hours. Give me some credit for devotion. I just don't review at ff.net because I got attacked by some SW's psychos. Better safe than sorry.

As for us not having anything in common... I'm cool with that. I don't have to agree with you to like your work, IDIC. As regards Abby McGee and Trip T'Pol I wasn't saying they were alike, only that they both have the potential to grow and change to have a good relationship. I just don't see either Tony or Ziva being willing to do what is necessary to make it work. I'm not someone who believes that relationships just happen, they take work, and a choice to make it work. With Abby and McGee jury is still out. With Trip and T'Pol they never got the chance if you ignore *the_abomination*. As for the nicknames easier to type when you have Cerebral Palsy but I hate them too.

PS Doesn't Enterprise have only 2 shuttles? In the chapter I'm reading you refer to a third. :dunno:
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed May 12, 2010 11:42 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Doesn't Enterprise have only 2 shuttles? In the chapter I'm reading you refer to a third. :dunno:

Possibly, but this is also a deep-space exploration vessel, so it stands to reason that they could pull a 'pod out of storage (some assembly req'd, I'm sure) and get it functional. It's both illogical and patently stupid to have only two EV craft, so I simply erred on a "I can't believe Starfleet is this dumb" side of the equation.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 12, 2010 11:46 pm

Then again it is ENT. :-p :mrgreen: Just teasing, they did a lot of stuff like that. :badgrin:
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Alelou » Thu May 13, 2010 12:50 am

Oops, I started a fire and then I went off to bake and cook and grade.

I don't mind at all your suggestion about how Trip would have reacted, Rigil -- I tend to agree -- what I mind is not seeing any of it. (And perhaps I'd also mind T'Pol not concluding or getting a dim clue of anything because of it, though since she's Vulcan and messed up I'd probably let that go.)

So at any rate, I'm hoping for a Trip POV that fills in what seems to me like a pretty big blank there.

Take it as a compliment that you're inspiring this degree of angst in your audience. But to me that chapter before last was a great big cliffhanger, and then ... the cliff was left 15 days behind and nobody even seemed to remember they'd been hanging off any such thing. Granted, they had urgent issues calling their attention in the new chapter, which normally would have completely satisfied me, but before I could enjoy that one I had to get past the absence of something I had REALLY been looking forward to.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Dinah » Thu May 13, 2010 1:09 am

T'Pol is in a very difficult situation. She's becoming increasingly dependent on Trip for emotional support plus her affection for him is steadily deepening. Unfortunately, she knows she has a terminal illness, which accounts for Trip's crash course in survival skills. Regardless of her feelings for him, I think the last thing she would do is encourage him romantically. She's been around Humans long enough to know that if he falls in love with her, he's going to be distraught when she dies. I don't think she would want to put him in that position. To that end, she probably make every effort to keep things on a colleague to colleague basis. Perhaps that's the reason she refuses to call him Trip to his face.

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 13, 2010 1:16 am

I love it when Dinah speaks. The whole "T'Pol is Vulcan and messed up" just doesn't ring true to me. I think she's bad at dealing with humans, well as she's not human of course its harder and she makes mistakes. Heck not many Vulcans are good at dealing with Humans. They all find it challenging. I just want to quote something Rigil Kent said...

She's spent 60-some years being indoctrinated into believing that emotion - any emotion - is Very Bad (thanks to the High Command & its corrupt, almost fascist teachings),

Despite the fact he is convinced we do not agree on anything, that is simply not true this is one of 10 things (that I counted) that we agree on. I just use them differently.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby WarpGirl » Thu May 13, 2010 2:38 am

Sorry for the double I just wanted to say your Erika Hernandez is an absolute Goddess! Thank you so much for writing her so beautifully. I loved her in Endevour and I was sad when you killed her (although it was a good move story-wise) I hope she stays very much alive in this one. :happyjump: Brilliant work... I will make you see we have enough in common. :twisted: :D

OK I'm finished, and it took hours my eyes are blurry. Put a warning lable about addictivness would ya? OK in short... If you had written the series I would have never needed to write fanfic at all. I loved it all of it... Well... Not Hoshi/Travis they're too much like siblings in my head because I have five brothers and that's how I treat them. Aside from that it was all perfect. I was hoping T'Pol snapped that piece of you-know-what's neck! We do agree on more than you think and if I copied all of the Author's Notes that I cheered over you'd... :faint: However, I fully admit I would take the same ideas and do them differently IDIC. But the concept is pretty much the same. If you ever cave to Polly-Farr I will lose all respect for you. Stay strong. You have a new fan as meaningless as it is.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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