Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:50 pm

Season 1, episode 13 Sleeping Dogs

In the first episode of Enterprise Broken Bow I noticed a somewhat hostile/annoyed vibe coming from Hoshi towards T'Pol. Now I have translated what Hoshi said to T'Pol rather politely, but it can also translate as a rather rude expression. Also in a previous episode and in the beginning of this one, I noticed a negative and condescending attitude from Hoshi regardingT'Pol. It was subtle, like you have sometimes between two women, but it was there.

Hoshi is a well liked character and she has all things going for her: pretty, intelligent, Human and nice chemistry with Archer. She is in many ways the opposite of T'Pol, who is the outsider trying to fit in. I can't believe T'Pol wouldn't notice Hoshi animosity towards her. So it speaks for her character and her logical approach in life that she invites Hoshi to come along with a away mission. Enterprise has found a ship in distress, unable to move and trapped in a gas bubble. It also says something about Hoshi's development as a character, as she asked Archer - before she knows about T'Pol's request - to join the away team. A few episodes ago, she was scared about the away mission. In fact, the whole episode - including the openings scene where Malcolm and Hoshi are target practicing has one message: Hoshi has grown to an excellent member of the crew.

Together with Malcolm Reed they take the shuttle and travel to the ship. When they arrive, T'Pol noticed it's a Klingon ship. Hoshi asked T'Pol why she hasn't noticed this before, because of her knowledge of Klingons. T'Pol answers that she didn't know this particular model of ship. While her remark is not critical and not negative, it fits with the negative vibe we have seen before. BTW later in this episode, Archer finds the information about this vessel from the Vulcan database. I found it odd that given the fact that T'Pol doesn't recognize the Klingon vessel it was in the Vulcan database. I always have the feeling she knows the Vulcan database by heart. But guess not on this subject. Or perhaps the writers wanted to make T'Pol less strong, so Hoshi comes of more stronger, but I always hate that method. Let someone be strong on his or her own merits.

While inside the Klingon vessel, one of the crewmates, a female, awakes and runs off with the shuttle, leaving the team stranded in a vessel, that is going to be crushed in the gas bubble. The episode deals with the three trying to get the vessel working again to escape this fate. Hoshi seems to have shaken off any shyness we have seen before, she initiates things and in the end makes the final decision.

Meanwhile, Archer brushes up with his knowledge about Klingons. Given the fact that they already met with the Klingons three times, I would have been studying Klingons a long time before this, but it's a good step forward for Archer. For me, if you are an explorer, try to gain as much information about certain species that you meet, it will serve you well. But I have noticed this something Archer (and in a lesser extent Trip) don't do often and it would help them if they did it more often. I also like the interaction with Trip who encourages Archer to use his knowledge of Klingons to persuade a Klingon woman to help the crew who is being trapped in the gas bubble.

I liked the kitchen scene. It gives you more information about Klingons and how alien they're. There is a rather nice scene when Hoshi remarks to T'Pol that she envies her for pushing down their emotions. She is a little bit spooked by the Klingon kitchen. T'Pol helps Hoshi contain her fear with a meditation technique. At the one hand, Hoshi is grateful for the help and at the other hand somewhat impatient when it doesn't work fast enough. And than boom! it works and the scene is cut short. At least the writers had good intentions to bring Hoshi and T'Pol closer and in the end and it ties nicely in the previous episode in which Hoshi was more afraid on her away mission. At the end we see Malcolm, Hoshi and T'Pol sharing a moment together, enjoying a space with no Klingon dirt and smell.

Story : An away team is trapped in a Klingon vessel in a gas bubble, which can crush the vessel with the team inside. They're rescued.

Villains: First the Klingons, but they help in the end.

Travis's index: There is a nice scene with Travis in the beginning, as he hears the sounds of the gas bubble and exclaims: "Sirens". It reminds him of his youth when his ship encounters these kind of gas bubbles.

TnT moments: Again, no scene with the two of them. But it seems like Trip has accepted her as one of the crew. Compliments to T'Pol how she is dealing with the Human crew. One of my favorite missing scenes from Alelou is from this episode ... Season-One

Stars: Two stars. I never felt the away team was in real danger, which took away the suspense. But it was an enjoyable 45 minutes. :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:43 pm

Season 1, episode 14 Shadows of P'Jem

This episode is actually an Acher/T'Pol episode and I liked it because it provided me with more information about T'Pol and the Vulcans.

It starts with a furious Soval (wonderful played by Gary Graham) standing before Forrest, because the monastery of P'Jem has been bombed by the Andorians. Sovals states that he would prefer captain Gardner instead of Archer, because Archer is too impulsive. I can't say I blame Soval, I always thought the reason why Archer was chosen a bit doubtful. And bombing an import monastery is a big thing, even when they're no casualties. Just think of an important building in your own country with history and cultural importance (for example Lincoln Memorial in the U.S., Notre Dame in Paris etc) being destroyed and you get the picture. As a result of the bombing by the Andorians - who got the information about the listening post from T'Pol, ordered by Archer, T'Pol is relieved of duty.

The next scene is Trip and Archer having diner. In the previous episodes T'Pol was joining them, but now it just the two of them (another Archer/Trip friendship scene as seen in previous episodes). Archer promised Trip he will join him on a mission to Coridan to see warp 7 vessels. However, he gets the message that T'Pol is forced to leave Enterprise.

Next there is a scene when Archer tells T'Pol she is going to transferred. I am assuming Soval would have given her a heads-up.
After being informed, T'Pol asked about casualties (that's always the first thing to be asking) and if the relics were saved. Given the fact that P'Jem is a very important cultural place (and also a personal important place for T'Pol), this makes perfectly sense.

After hearing she has to leave, her response is rather passive. She is used to follow the chain of command. She points out that she was also assigned to look out for the interest of Vulcan and that the response of here superiors clearly indicate she hasn't done that.
She also says that she would only stay for 8 days, even when later on she was invited by Archer to stay longer and in Breaking the ice she is choosing to stay longer.

She also saying that she shouldn't have invited Trip and Archer to P'Jem. The fact that she did, shows that she likes to share her culture with Trip and Archer, even when showing outsiders around P'Jem isn't Vulcans would do.

I found her reaction very interesting for several reasons. For childhood on, T'Pol is used to obey the rules of Vulcan society and her superiors. Things go as they go. There is no room for personal wishes and rebellious behavior, certainly for people of her age.

So the fact that she already rebelled against the traditions of her people in staying on Enterprise when the parents of Koss send that letter, speaks volumes. T'Pol is also very dedicated to Vulcan and her people. And she has a strong sense of righteousness, because in the The Andorian accident she chooses to expose the listening post.

When you are in a different culture, you realize how much your own culture has formed you. And it's very hard to break from from traditions and cultural upbringing. When you learn a language - which flows from your culture - it forms your neurological pathways for thinking. Language and culture form your thinking and your actions. Reform starts with change of thinking. And to break away from your thinking/culture is hard to do, because it has be ingrained in yourself. Like always looking for the compromise with ingrained in my own culture. I had a discussion with someone with an Asian background that the why something happens to you is a very Western question. Things happen because they're happening

II think T'Pol can relate to this and would explains for a great deal T'Pol's attitude in Home. She is brought up with the idea that Vulcan and family comes before her own interest, she disregard her own wishes totally.

BTW Archers points out that she is not to blame for the bombing of P'Jem, he was the leader of the away team. In previous episodes Archer seems less arrogant than in the beginning and trying his best to be friendly to everyone. Still I am a bit surprised (as is T'Pol) why he would take her on a trip. Archer says that he thinks T'Pol would like a trip with her captain before she is leaving. I seriously doubt if that's the case, but T'Pol accepts his gesture of friendship.

Archer is just trying to be nice here, in the same sense that other crew members want to give her a goodbye party. But I think that the writers wanted to show that Archer and T''Pol had become closer, but that isn't really the case. There is some kind of respect and a professional distance between them, as seen in the next scene when Archer and T'Pol are taken hostage on their way to Coridan and end up tied together. In the midst of the wrestle to untie themselves, that professional distance stays in place in whole time.

Meanwhile, Trip and Malcolm found out that Archer and T'Pol are being kidnapped and Trip has to deal with the Vulcan captain Sopek and the Coridian government. Trip is clearly angry about what happened to T'Pol and Archer. His way of being angry comes off naturally, more than what I have seen from Archer. I am probably biased but I love the way Trip is stepping up and is now in command. He would make a great captain.

Sopek stated that his team will rescue Archer and T'Pol, but Trip doesn't trust them to do everything to keep Archer and T'Pol safe. Without telling Sopek, he and Malcolm make a plan to rescue Archer and T'Pol themselves.

Meanwhile, Archer and T'Pol are still detained and Archer explains his motivation to T'Pol. He says that the Vulcans took something important away from him referring to the fact that the Vulcans has hindered the father in his work.

Now my question is: what exactly did the Vulcans do to that was so horrible that even after all this years Archer has to throw that in the face of his Vulcan XO? And given the fact that Archer was twelve years old when his father died, isn't it time to let go of your prejudice?

What happened? Where the Vulcans too overprotective and Henry Archer started to doubt himself? Or didn't the Vulcans want to share their technology (which is in some way understandable)? And wouldn't be the fact that Humans had conquered those obstacles reason to be proud and to let go of the past?

Anyway, the other thing is that Archer states that he doesn't want "something precious" (meaning T'Pol) being taken away y the Vulcans again. Another hint of "Archer has a special relationship with T'Pol", but I think that "special relationship" is more in Archer's head of something he thinks he has (with his crew), but it's clear from their interaction they're just colleagues.

Back to the rescue team Malcolm and Trip, they get kidnapped as well, but lucky for them, they are taken by Shran. Shran doesn't like to be in debt, so he helps Archer and T'Pol escape. The Vulcans enter the scene and when Sopek is being shot, T'Pol saves his live.

T'Pol is wounded, unconscious and Archer lift her up and carries her away. :faint: It seems to me the writers wanted to make Archer the hero who saves T'Pol and cares about her. I think Archer does care about T'Pol, but purely from a captain-XO-perceptive and that care is rather superficial. If Trip was shot, he would be far more emotional about it.

After talking to Archer, Sopek agrees that he will talk to the High Command and asked them if T'Pol can stay on Enterprise. Phlox wakes T'Pol up. (Phlox has been in one scene with T'Pol, taken her celery from her plate again. What kind of table manners do they have on Denubula? Get your own celery, Phlox. :lol: . T'Pol goes with the flow and by staying in sickbay, agrees to stay on Enterprise.

Story : The monastery of P'Jem is being bombed. T'Pol is called back. Archer takes her on a trip, they get kidnapped and rescued. T'Pol saves a life of the Vulcan captain who will plea for her so she can stay on Enterprise.

Villains: The people of Coridan.

Travis's index: He was on the bridge. :mrgreen:

TnT moments: Well, Trip seems shocked when Archer tells him the news of T'Pol leaving. But when they're rescuing T'Pol and Archer Trip runs to Archer to help him, leaving Shran to help T'Pol (awkward moment between Shran and T'Pol). But he seems really upset about both of them being kidnapped. As for T'Pol, the whole episode she seems detached. She also seems to be more on her own, as Trip and Archer from a front. This development starts after Trip openly questions T'Pol on the bridge a few episodes back.

Stars: It wasn't bad, an okay episode, two stars: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:47 pm

Season 1, episode 15 Shuttlepod one

I really liked this episode which gives us more insight into Malcolm and Trip.

First one thing that struck me as an European. At the beginning of this episode, Trip mentioned several Europeans, including"Croatian-Serbs". Now you have the countries Croatia and Serbia. And before the fall of the Sovjet Union Croatia and Serbia were both part of the country of Yugoslavia, together with four other countries. We don't know what the future holds, but currently there isn't a country named Croatia-Serbia. So why the writers used a made-up country instead of 44 real European countries, some of them around for centuries? Strange.

Back to the episode: Malcolm and Trip are in a shuttle pod, after conducting a test and on their way to meet Enterprise.
They are relaxed and talking. Malcolm remarks that the Vulcans would be more willing to work with the Humans if their first contact with Earth had been with Europeans instead of North-Americans. I think he got a real point here! :D
Reed goes on by stating he is going to read Odyssey, an ancient classic and jokes that Trip only reads comic books. Now I am pretty sure that a brilliant engineer reads more than just comic books! (The problem is I am watching this episode after I have seen *the_abomination* which had a real "Let's make Trip an uneducated buffoon"- vibe and because this exchange reminds me of *the_abomination*, I noticed I was getting annoyed.). Suddenly a huge space distortion makes the shuttle shutter, but they continue their course.

The boys arrived at the rendezvous point, but all they find, is debris and hull plating, clearly from Enterprise'. They concluded the Enterprise has been destroyed by a similar space distortion they had encountered. In their despair they head out to a star in hopes of being rescued by another ship.

The different reaction to this situation between the two men is striking: Malcolm is pessimistic, he thinks they're going to die. Trip is trying to fix things and come up with a solutions. And things are getting worse: they discover the space distortion has resulted in small holes in the shuttle pod and oxygen is leaking. They quickly seal off the holes, using their meal (mash potatoes). I sure hope they replaced it later on with some real kit material!

Because of the lack of oxygen they only have a couple of days of air. Malcolm reacts by starting to write letters, a kind of obituaries to his former girlfriends and family, which drives Trip crazy.

Malcolm finally goes to sleep and dreams about T'Pol. The dream and him calling himself Stinky is so cringe and doesn't do the character of Malcolm any favors, so let's quickly forget about it.
If you ask me, Malcolm is a kind of guy who really needs a girlfriend for him to fill the void inside of him. This only results in him clinging to his girlfriends and heartbreak in the end for him. If you're not happy yourself, don't expect a relationship to make you happy. In that way, it's good to hear that Malcolm has find friends and a sense of family with the Enterprise crew. Malcolm admitting this to Trip is one of the best moments of this episode.

Trip encourages Malcolm to stay positive and when Malcolm bitterly replied that he not is planning his wedding, Trip brings up Ruby. She is mentioned a lot in fan fiction, so I looked for more information. It was stated that Trip had an "intimate relationship" with Rudy. I really don't think that's the case. (Trip stated to T'Pol he had three serious relationships and I think he takes his relationships seriously. He doesn't mind flirting, but doesn't seem mostly women flirt with him and not the other way around.)

As for Ruby, I really got the vibe that he has this flirty joke thing with her, when they talk about their wedding and kids, but not that they went any further than talking. The fact that she is a waitress at a club confirms my theory. And Malcolm's remark that they have more in common than they would think, could also suggest both like the same women (instead of Trip having a relationship with Ruby, as Malcolm clearly has).

Moving on a far more interesting subject :D : Trip and Malcolm conversation about T'Pol. I have watched this several times! :D

Trip and Malcolm are drinking and Malcolm brings up T'Pol. Trip's face stays rather blank, without any emotions. Trip says that he didn't think of T'Pol as a women, because "She is Vulcan". Now as he says this, his right cheek moves upward slightly and you have an asymmetry in the face. In body language asymmetry is a sign of contempt, a combination of disgust and anger. This gesture is very hard to suppress and almost impossible to fake. Now I know, these people are actors, but let assume the slight indicator of contempt is real. It can mean three things:
1. Trip doesn't like Vulcans and is angry with them. 2. He doesn't like T'Pol and is angry with her. 3. He is somewhat intrigued by T'Pol, but he thinks he shouldn't be interested in her, because she is a Vulcan. He doesn't like that feeling, he is almost feeling anger about it (and suppresses that feeling).

I don't think point 2 is accurate, because in the previous episode Trip is trying to be neutral (and more distant) towards T'Pol. This happens after Trip openly disputed her authority on the bridge. And he did seemed shocked by the notion she was leaving. He has some issues with Vulcans and I think point 1 plays a small role. Leaves us with point 3, on an unconscious level he is attracted to T'Pol, but because she's Vulcan, he suppresses that feeling. Interesting theory, isn't it? 8)

As the conversation continues and Malcolm is praising T'Pol's bum, you see Trip relax. He grins and is clearly amused, as he agrees with Malcolm finding certain aspects of T'Pol appealing. And this is also very interesting. :D Trip toast to "Sub-commander T'Pol" and Malcolm joins him. (BTW in the way Trip smiles while toasting suggest he sure sees the appealing aspects of T'Pol). (Fast forward to season 4, episode United where Trip bitterly says to Malcolm "I thought you liked her bum" when referring to T'Pol. The remark sure made an impact).

Trip and Malcolm receive a message from Enterprise and when time is running out of them, they ignite the warpcore in order to warn T'Pol. They are sure she will see the explosion and alert Enterprise to hurry to them. (It's a great risk, they're dead in space now, lot of confidence in T'Pol here).

Meanwhile, we see what truly has happen to Enterprise and the reason for the debris. Archer and T'Pol talk about micro singularities. Archer calls it a Vulcan myth. Archer doesn't strike me as a scientist, so I wonder why he is dismissing an idea from his science officer. Another T'Pol/Vulcan bashing? :explode:
When T'Pol expresses she want to investigate the micro singularities, Archer suggest she doesn't put Trip and Malcolm first. Luckily, she sets the records straight, but not after pointing out micro singularities are a huge scientific discovery (but what would Archer know?) I thought we're free of obnoxious Archer, but he is popping up again. :thumbsdown:

And indeed T'Pol noticed the explosion and Trip and Malcolm are rescued. And no Malcolm, T'Pol isn't going to call you hero, she has no idea what you have been dreaming or any interest :badgrin: ) in you.

Story : Trip and Malcolm are stranded in a shuttle pod and talk about women. :D

Travis's index: Travis took a day off when they filmed this episode. :sleep:

TnT moments: After carefully examination ( :evillol: ) it's clear: Rigil Kent was right, Trip hasn't thought about T'Pol in that way, until Malcolm points him in the right direction.

Stars: I truly enjoyed this episode, nice work from both actors, four stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:31 pm

Season 1, episode 16 Fusion

I only remember Kov from the last time I have watch this episode. But now, having just re-watch this episode, I was left with a feeling of anger. I am really angry and frustrated about this episode.

Let me explain why. In this episode Enterprise comes across a Vulcan ship, full of members of the V'tosh ka'tur. These Vulcans without logic are a Vulcan cult so to speak and the crew of Enterprise interacts with them in order to repair their engines.

I got the feeling Archer likes these Vulcans without logic, because they smile (and eat chicken) and he likes that they're different than the normal Vulcans. He feel appreciated and that's why he is so open for them. It's kind of naive.

T'Pol feels uncomfortable around them and rightly so. Captain Vanik together with a man called Tolaris visit Enterprise and joins the captain's table. While never specified, it seems to me this Tolaris is some kind of first officer or at least a person of influence on the Vulcan ship. Otherwise, why should he tag along with Vanik. BTW, I think that not eating meat has more to do with the value Vulcans place on life (life is scared) and not so much as on the emphases on logic. So it would only be logical if the Vulcans without logic were vegetarian as well. (And the shows is basically implying that all Humans eat meat, while forgetting a lot of Humans are vegetarian).

In a talk between Tolaris and T'Pol Tolaris noticed that T'Pol has adapted some Humans customs, like drinking Human tea, she has a sense of humor and is more open. We learn more about T'Pol in this episode, she is reserved, but willing to be open-minded and go beyond her borders. She has adjusted to Humans, but I am guessing they haven't noticed. Tolaris remarks that Commander Tucker have recommended pizza and T'Pol seems to be more open for Tolaris after he said this. It looks like T'Pol puts trust Trip in a way (if he is friendly toward Tolaris, it must be okay).

Tolaris is challenging T'Pol to to forget her upbringing (and thousand of Vulcan culture and teaching) and beliefs to experience emotions, the one thing she is taught to not do. He tries to befriend her, but soon he is clearly pushing her in one direction: to join his experiment. He doesn't care for her at all, he only cares about his own "sick" games.

On top of that, we have Archer strongly encouraging her to spend more time with these Vulcans without logic. I am really angry about Tolaris's manipulation and Archer not letting T'Pol trust her own instincts. Just image it was the other way around: you meet someone from a famous cult on Earth with a lot of (negative) history on Earth and a Vulcan is pushing you to "'get to know them better". Why can't Archer just accept that maybe Vulcans have very good reasons for not trusting this cult and that T'Pol is rightly so in avoiding the Vulcans without logic?

Later on, Archer says in a conversation with Trip that he almost ordered T'Pol to spend more time with the Vulcans of logic, but also complains that T'Pol is spending so much time with Tolaris. Trip remarks that Archer perhaps is jealous, which would indicate he is totally not jealous of T'Pol spending time with Tolaris. But later on he states that people like to hang around their own kind (which would explain his jealous remark). This fits with my theory I formed in the previous episode that Trip likes T'Pol, but is totally aware of the difference between them and understands T'Pol likes to be with her own people. In a way this would explain also his actions in Home, why he doesn't act, because he knows Vulcan culture is important to T'Pol.

Tolaris totally manipulates T'Pol. Yes, she is curious and willing to indulge his experiment with emotions. But the scene becomes more and more creepy. The dream is the first indication something is wrong.

In a way it was nice to see what is beneath T'Pol's stoic face: she comes across as a curious, passionate woman in her dream. She is dreaming of the jazz club and in the end we see her kissing with Tolaris in her bed - I really didn't like that scene. I don't know if that last scene indicate that she is really attracted to Tolaris, the whole scene was rather haunting and she wakes up with a shock. I got the feeling that Tolaris was manipulating her dream as well. I don't know if that Vulcanly wise possible, but it sure rings true to me. The whole dream scene, including the Tolaris-in-bed part, feels uncomfortable or as T'Pol puts it disturbing.

Fast forward to season three, in the episode Damage T'Pol dreams again. The scene between her and Trip begins rather tenderly, as two people that really care about each other. The ending that T'Pol changes into a monster, strangling Trip is of course terrible, but T'Pol seems genuinely shocked of dreaming hurting Trip. Love and tenderness is totally missing in the dream she had in this episode.

The mindmeld-scene has an even more disturbing tone. Tolaris assaults T'Pol in her mind and crosses her borders. Mind melding is emotional and intimate, but in this instant also invasive and dangerous. Taking about being taken advantage of! Some people call this scene mind rape and I agree. T'Pol collapses after the assault and calls for sickbay. And because she ends of in sickbay, Archer learns about the attack. I was kind of relieved that Archer did found out about the attack this way. Another talking scene where T'Pol confesses her attack and her vulnerability to Archer would have been cruel at this point. Better for her to let him know what happens in a more distant environment like sickbay.

I found Archer talk with Tolaris weird. First he asked some questions as nothing is wrong. After this, he accuses Tolaris of assaulting T'Pol and get Tolaris so mad he grabs him and smashes him on the floor. Archer picks up his phaser and treated to shoot him. Apparently this was his plan all along. It doesn't make much sense.

It would be more logical if Archer had called the captain of the Vulcan ship, Tolaris's boss and let their security arrest Tolaris. Instead Archer plays the hero and sends the ship on his merry way. We never found out is Tolaris was punished for assaulting T'Pol.

The other story in this episode is the friendship between Kov and Trip. Now here we have a real friendship.I really like Kov and have even written a story about him. Kov is a very likable guy. It's interesting to hear what kind of prejudice Vulcans have against Humans (like indulging themselves where ever they can) and this would explain some of T'Pol's actions in season three and four.

In the mess hall, Trip explains certain Humans customs and asked Kov about Vulcan intimate relations. I seems to me that the conversation Trip had with Malcolm in the shuttle pod in the previous has piqued his interest. It sure made an impact because in season four Trip refers to Malcolm's remark about an awfully nice bum (episode United, with an unhappy Trip). Trip also mentioned in his conversation with Kov the arranged marriage custom, which he has learned from T'Pol. He hasn't forgotten their talk in T'Pol's quarters. :D The way people looked up as Kov gets what Trip is asking and how Malcolm joins their table the minute people noticed something interesting is going on, is gold.

I found it strange that in the conversation with Forrest Archer doesn't know Kov, while Trip has been working with him all this time. Apparently Kov's father is very ill. Kov doesn't want to contact his father, because he had said Kov has ashamed him. What do you expect, Kov, you have joined a cult! By means of a rather silly story about a girlfriend he never asked to dance, Trip convinces Kov to contact his father. Perhaps Trip choose this story, because it rather innocent, instead of more personal stories about regret.

After the scene with Tolaris and Archer we see Trip and Kov saying goodbye. There is no mentioning about what happened to T'Pol or why Kov's ship is leaving or if there is any rush because the ship is leaving soon, so we have so assume Trip and Kov don't know what happened to T'Pol. Kov tells Trip he had made contact with his father and his father had a surgery that will extend his life.

I liked the end scene, Archer understanding T'Pol's culture more. T'Pol only asked if the ship has left, not if Tolaris was been punished for his actions. Archer declares to understand why Vulcans meditate every day, which redeems his actions in this episode somewhat. At least he had learned something. Archer also seems to understand in the end that Tolaris was manipulating T'Pol.

T'Pol remarks she envies Archer because he can dream. T'Pol's dream was disturbing and she probably envies Archer for dreaming normal dreams. However, it comes again across as T'Pol saying again to Archer how great Humans (and what's wrong with Vulcans), which is rather annoying.

The whole episode was again T'Pol-Archer orientated. As I said before, I get it that the writers want to show a kind of bond/friendship with those two. But it still feels a bit forced. I am sure T'Pol has accepted Archer as her captain, but I don't think she sees him as her friend. I also think Archer doesn't think of T'Pol as friend, but only as his science officer.

Story : The meeting with the Vulcans without logic leads to disturbing encounter for T'Pol. And Trip makes a new Vulcan friend. Interesting insights into Vulcan society.

Travis's index: Travis is sitting on the bridge and helping with the sensors.

TnT moments: I am happy we have missing scenes fan fic, because the last episodes TnT hardly shared a room together. But the mess hall scene Trip shows interest in certain aspects of Vulcan life and he refers to his conversation with T'Pol. Also T'Pol seems to mellow down, after Tolaris makes a remark about Trip. I know, I know, it's a stretch, but give this TnT-er something to be happy about. :D

Stars: I didn't like Archer more or less pushing T'Pol and I hate what Tolaris did to T'Pol. But this episode was intriguing and food for thought.
3,5 stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet: :ufp:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Mon Jul 18, 2022 2:07 pm

Season 1, episode 17 Rogue Planet

I have been rather unhappy with the current string of episodes without Trip and T'Pol in one room, but finally with this episode they're in the same room in the first scene!

Trip is taking a picture of Archer, whose portrait is going to hang in Starfleet Academy. They're all excited about it, except the more down to Earth T'Pol. (I keep myself reminding that Archer is like the equivalent of Neil Armstong and the captain of the first Earth warp 5 ship in space, to make me enthusiastic about the portrait of Archer-thing.)
I fail to see why the picture has to be taken by the chief Engineering - I think he has other things to do. During the whole episode we noticed that Trip is somewhat looking up to Archer and this scene is one example.
Trip mentioned that Archer must stand somewhere else, because it looks like something is sticking out of his head. The confused look of T'Pol after he says this, is priceless. Archer moves, but now the lights are too bright for a good picture. Trip suggest the sensors are shut down which earns him a "that's not going to happen"-look from T'Pol.
As Archer asked about Vulcan captains and their picture being taken, Trip comment that some Vulcan leaders get mummified. First I thought that perhaps he and T'Pol had a very interesting conversation, but it's safe to assume he learn this from the stay at P'Jem.
All in all, it was nice to see some natural interaction between Trip, T'Pol and Archer, like we have seen at the captain's table and has been missing for a couple of episodes.

The crew discovers a drifter, a planet that has left his solar system, a so called rogue planet. I really like the idea of a planet drifter and I was sorry to see not much has made from this unique story possibility. T'Pol confirms there is life on the planet, so Hoshi, Malcolm, Archer and T'Pol make their way to the planet. While landing they noticed the surroundings look like the rain forest and Archer has problems landing. This leads to a bit snarky remark of Hoshi wishing Archer good luck with the landing. Hoshi has of course experience with rain forest environments (has been in Brasil). Hoshi has this sweet image, but she isn't always that sweet.

On the ground, Archer and Malcolm are comparing insignia's they have collected during their Starfleet training. (Insignia's? That should a bit like the boy-scouts :lol: ).
I am glad Starfleet is proving the crew training, but really Archer, training in a rain forest in New Zealand? There isn't such a thing. You have many rain forests in Asia, Africa, Latin-America (Brasil!) and even Australia, but not in New Zealand. Now I know Star Trek is fiction, but even in fiction you can try to be as real and accurate as possible as a writer. Would it have killed the writers just to look up where on Earth there are rain forest? This kind of clearly wrong comments can be easy avoided and takes me out of the story. And now I am imagining a story in my head to explain how a rain forest in New Zealand has developed in the last hundred year, that's how my brain works. :lol: The planet doesn't look much like a rain forest, because on Earth rain forest are very humid, and this forest is rather dry.

They discover they're not alone and meet a group of hunters. "Hunt has been banned on Earth for 100 years," says Archer, while eating a piece of meat that has been killed during a hunt. 8) In the next scene we see Hoshi go back to Enterprise, Trip and Malcolm going back to the surface and T'Pol explaining what kind of scientific research her science team can do. Seems to me, the only one focused on her task is T'Pol, because I have no idea why Trip is on the surface other than provide us with great missing scenes written by Alelou. :lol: ... ory&id=949 And now I have seen the whole episode again, I must say the written missing scene fits wonderful with the episode.

When the other go to sleep, Archer sit near the camp fire and hears a women's voice calling his name. He goes after her and finds a blond woman with flowers in her hair and dressed in a long dress. He tells his crew and the hunters. Trip is very loyal to him and gives him the benefit of the doubt, but the hunters laughed at his idea.

The next day Malcolm joins the hunters and Archers, T'Pol and Trip are cave sightseeing. I am happy to see T'Pol stable and secure after the previous episode (Fusion) and she is in full scientist mode, even telling what the caves look like to her (a place totally unknown by Trip and Archer judging from their looks). As Archer walks around in the cave, Trip and T'Pol share a look of concern over Archer's behavior en T'Pol moves away, leaving Trip behind for a friendly talk with Archer. I am almost sure they've discussed this and now teaming up to help Archer. That was great to see.
I also like the talk Trip has with Archer, like a good friend would do: gently reminding him that his adventure with the woman didn't make sense.

Archer walks away another time and this time, T'Pol and Trip team up again to retrieve him. T'Pol makes the great comment during a talk between her and Archer that he wouldn't be so interested in the women if she was a half-dressed men. I was trying not to laugh when Archer said (again) that the woman needed him, because it sounded silly.

After one of the hunters is being attacked and wounded by a strange creature, he is transported to Enterprise to be treated by Phlox. The good doctor discovers some residue in the man's body for the creature that attacked him. The cells are in a constant flux. BTW, the way Trip enters sickbay and tries to check on the body of the hunter (who's sleeping) and not waiting was rather odd, given the fact that it something a doctor should do, but perhaps Trip was already suspicious of the hunters?

After the hunter is cured, they go back to the planet. Before the hunters mocked Archer about his seeing the woman, now they tell him it was probably a creature from this planet. Why the sudden change of heart? T'Pol remarks that these creature sound like sentient beings. The hunters tell the crew they measure a hormone, a fear response of the creatures in order to catch them. Back at the ship, the crew discusses the situation. They can't change the situation, but as Archer says, can level the playing field by making sure the hunters can't find the creatures by using the fear hormone. Phlox is order to work on such a thing and of course he finds a method to mask the hormone from being detected.

There is one scene in which Archer talks with Trip about the poem of Yeats that his mother always read to him and was the inspiration for his seeing this woman. Must have been had a real impact on his life. I know some people found this part about the poem interesting, but I just thought that's rather unusual for a mother to be reading Yeats poems to her young son.

In the end we see Trip and Archer return and Archer mocking the hunters for not finding the creatures and Archer meting again with the blond women. When she turns in her real form, we see she is more like a huge slug. You been chasing a hug slug, Archer! :lol:

Story : Enterprise discovers a rogue planet. On this planet hunters are hunting a sentient beings. One of them reveals herself as a blond woman to Archer who tries everything to help her.

Travis's index: I can't remember Travis being in this episode.

TnT moments: T'Pol looked more stable and down to Earth in this episode than the previous one. I liked non-verbal responses of T'Pol on Trip's remarks in the first scene en I really like them teaming up at least two times in this episode to help Archer.

Stars: 2 stars for the story which was rather uneventful, but half a point for the TnT interaction. 8) :starfleet: :starfleet: :ufp:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:53 am

Season 1, episode 18 Acquisition

A short review this time, people! A crew of Ferengi's has docked Enterprise and they're stealing everything they can get their hands on. The crew of Enterprise is unconscious. We see a lot of Ferengi action in the first scenes, including one of them being interested in touching people's ears and trying the food. I can't speak Ferengi, but it was clear what they're saying to each other. Finally we hear someone speaking in English: it's Trip who is in decon, he has noticed he is too long in decon and when he escapes he finds everyone unconscious. As said to Archer later on, he first tries to get his hand on a weapon, but the Ferengi's have already taken away all the weapons. Very clever of them.

Until now the Ferengi's clearly having the upper hand and are doing fine. Then they decide to wake Archer and he sends them a hunt for the vault. Trip quickly has a word with Archer about their situation. He then finds a hyprospray to wake people up and finds T'Pol.

She and other women are caught and the Ferengi's want to sell them on the slave market. Trip wakes up T'Pol and moves to Hoshi to wake her up, but the hyprospay is now empty.

As T'Pol wakes up she looks at Trip - who is still in his shirt and underwear and she tries to understand what is going on. She is somewhat puzzled at the situation and she moved backward to the wall, a sign that she tries to find something solid. She then raises her eyebrow, still trying to figure out what is going on as she looks at Trip. T'Pol doesn't say a thing, but Trip's response is rather snappy: "Just because a guy is dressed in his underwear, you think the worse." It comes across annoyed (with a touch of anger). We have seen this attitude before in Shuttlepod one.

It looks like in Trip's mind T'Pol has a negative view about him. However, but what we have seen till thus far in the show, that isn't true. Just think about the way they teamed up in the last episode and how they communicated with each other while only using gestures. Maybe walking around in his underwear made Trip remember about the time Phlox discovered he was carrying a child and T'Pol's rather harsh conclusion. It looks like his own perception or insecurity is clouding his mind. :( Whatever it is, the fact that in his mind T'Pol thinks negative about him, makes him sad, irritated and slightly angry. Guess he really wants her to think positive about him. :idea:

We also learn what caused Enterprise being boarded: Trip has found a device that he taken into the ship which contained a gas-filled bomb. The gas knocked everyone out.

Caring Trip is back when Krem, one of Ferengi's is stroking T'Pol's ear and Trip asking if she's okay after this ordeal.T'Pol tells him that she is happy Vulcans have learned to suppress their anger, indicating she hated the touch of Krem.

Trip and T'Pol, with the help of Archer, created a plan. In the next scenes we have Trip putting on some clothes, so he wouldn't stand out (or because he didn't liked the way T'Pol was looking at him 8) ) and Trip, Archer and T'Pol working with various ploys to create diversion between the Ferengi's. Trip puts a lock on a door. Archer and he fight because Trip claims Hoshi is his wife and he doesn't want her to be sold. Trip tells the Ferengi he will show them the vault and the Ferengi's believe him, because of the made up fight between Archer and Trip.

Meanwhile, Krem is neckpinched after T'Pol strokes his lobes. I could have done it without the overtones in that scene, the Ferengi ear fetish is downright creepy. After Krem is down by neckpinch, T'Pol takes his phaser.
Back to Trip. He has the Ferengi's going around in circles (which was kind of funny). They end up with the door with the lock, they step into a room where T'Pol is waiting for them to shoot them. In the end, the Ferengi's have to return all the stolen property and Krem is put in charge.

This episode was a comedy episode. The Ferengi's become dumber by the minute. It probably very easy to take over Enterprise despite security and the Ferengi's are back on the merry way instead of being arrested for piracy. :tsktsk:

Story : Pirate Ferengi's board Enterprise and steal everything, but the tables are turned by Trip, Archer and T'Pol.

Travis's index: Travis is also unconscious during this episode like the rest of the crew. One of the Ferengi's shoves him from his chair on the ground in a hard way. I think at the end of the day Travis will be feeling rather bruised.

TnT moments: TnT team up again, together with Archer. Trip seemed to be thinking T'Pol sees him always in a negative light, but that's not really the case. They're more close than Trip thinks.

Stars: 2 stars: it was entertaining, but not the best episode. :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:51 pm

Season 1, episode 19 Oasis

I noticed that now watching and reviewing the episodes of Season one, I mostly really like the first scene of an episode. With Oasis it's no exception. We see Trip, Archer and T'Pol at the captain's table with a merchant called D'Marr. Trip and the captain are trying a special herb he is selling and apparantly it's very hot. (Hint for Trip, if some food is very hot, don't eat bread, try a dairy product or coconut milk it neutralizes the taste in your mouth). I really love the reaction of T'Pol, totally dead panned, when D'Marr asked her to try the herb as well "my courage has been sufficiently tested." :lol: D'Marr has other thing to sell to T'Pol: Triaxian silk. Trip's response is gold "I think you'd look good in Triaxian silk." T'Pol stares at him with a no expression on her face, a neutral look. Archer brings the subject on material they need to fix the ship and Trip agrees.

I like this scene because it shows Trip being totally relaxed with T'Pol and with a slight teasing in his voice. In season one we see Trip and T'Pol moving from one set of emotions to another, from tension, arguing, not obeying orders, working together having a serious conversation, straying to stay neutral, emotional touched and slight teasing. With one step forward and two steps back, we see a sort of friendship developing here.

The crashed ship

The crew finds the crashed ship and Travis, Archer, Trip and T'Pol take a shuttle pod to look around. They split into two teams: Trip and T'Pol and Archer and Travis. Trip and T'Pol start taking about being scared. It's a neutral conversation between two colleagues with a friendly tone in which T'Pol in total Vulcan mood. Fun fact: I was waiting for T'Pol to say she was only afraid for farwell parties, but that's not in the show. However, this is mentioned in Alelou's Missing scene of this episode and ended somehow in my memory as part of the show. ... Season-One

After they chase down a shadow of a person, they show they can really work together well. Finally they end up in a greenhouse. Trip finds a lovely girl there. I always like Lianne, she is sweet, gentle and pretty. From that moment we see Trip being interested in Lianna.
BTW As soon as Ezral, Lianna's father, came into the picture hubs and I said Odo at the same time (Rene Auberjonois who plays Odo in Deep Space Nine plays the part of Ezral.) Also daughter Liana reminded me of Kes from Voyager.

Later the away team meets the crew of the crashed ship that supposedly has been on the planet for three years, hiding from pirates. Archer offers his help of fixing the ship.

T'Pol, what are you doing?

Trip is busy with repairs as Lianna shows up and appartently she knows her way around engines. In the next scene we see Trip and T'Pol working on the repairs. Trip suggests T'Pol would ask Lianna for help, which she declines. She starts her remark with "By the way you keep talking about her [Lianna}". So Trip has been talking about Lianna to T'Pol and it's clear - even when her face stays neutral - she doesn't like it. She brings up Ah'Len. "The last time you thought of someone being so capable, you ended up carrying her child." Trip is really annoyed and somewhat angry by her remarks when she brings up Ah'Len, saying that she never can let it go."

T'Pol's remark is rude and unfriendly. Now T'Pol herself is good with engineering, but Trip isn't singing her praising, but Lianna's. And Lianna seems to be the opposite of T'Pol: sweet, gentle and innocent. So is T'Pol jealous and annoyed and expresses this by being unfriendly to Trip? It sure looks that way. Trip dislikes her remark a lot. Lianna enters the room in the midst of their argument. T'Pol declining the food that Lianna offers. T'Pol leaves, saying she is going to work on another project. Trip nodds in understanding. Until now, we have seen T'Pol as a quiet, reasonable person who speaks her mind as she feels like she should. In Rogue planet we see her reprimand Archer for chasing down the blond woman in a cool, collected way. But it's simple unjust why she is grilling Trip on his relationship with Ah'Len and Lianna, because Trip did behave as a perfect gentleman. I can understand it's terrible annoying if you're interested in somebody - on a subconscious level - that he is singing another girl's praises, but indicating that you thinks he get involved with every woman he met, is not only untrue, but a fast way to destroy any kind of friendship.

Trip and Lianna look at each other, both a bit shy and Trip starts eating. He feels a bit watched by Lianna, but he doesn't mind. "I wished more women paid attention to me." Lianna and Trip hit it off, in their conversation Trip mentions there is no one special in his life (not any more).
This is the third time that Trip is tied to a female interest: Ah'Len, Ruby and now Lianna. With the expection of T'Pol with a male interest (Tolaris) he is so far the only one in the show.

When Trip asked Lianna about her friends on her home planet Katara, she doesn't answer. Trip invites Lianna to a tour and lunch on the ship. Her father (helllo Odo :lol: ) declines. In a private conversation with her father, it revealed Lianna and her father are hidden a secret. On the ship Malcolm has discovered the story Lianna and her father have told, has some inconsistencies. Logs, dead man in escape pod. T'Pol discovers something on the ship, but is taking hostage before she can reach the ship. They asked Trip if he has found out anything from Lianna. He gets annoyed, thinking T'Pol had something to Archer, but that he has been a perfect gentleman.

Perfect holograms

As Archer, Trip and Malcolm return to the ship, Trip is taken away to finish the repairs and Archer and Malcolm end up in a phaser fight. Every time a new crew member appears and the phaser Malcolm and Archer fire on them seems to have no effect. At his workstation Trip asked where they have taken T'Pol. Lianna comes to the resuce and the crew members, who are holograms, are taking out.

As for the holograms: the father of Lianna - a chief engineer - has made holograms that you can touch without noticing that they are hologram and use hologram phasers that can actually hurt people, but they can't be hurt by a phaser. :doubt: The holograms are a little bit too perfect for my taste.

T'Pol is released from imprisoment by Erzal. She doesn't say much, only a simple nodd to Archer's question if she is alright, but I didn't think she looks well.
Lianna's father tells what happened 22 years ago and how he saved Lianna's life and fled from his work station, afterwards everything went wrong in Engineering causing the ship to crash. Trip pleads with Lianna's father to bring Lianna back to the "normal" world. I got some Cogenitor vibes here, Trip likes to help people in need. In the end Lianna's father discusses her situation with Archer and he agrees to let Lianna leave the planet.
The hologram crew is taken back online and together with the crew of Enterprise the ship is repaired. At the end Lianna and Trip say goodbye and share a sweet kiss.

Story : A merchant tells Enterprise about a crashed ship and help Lianna and her father face reality.

Travis's index: He is again working with Archer and part of the away team. He has not much to do. It would have been interesting if he and Lianna had become friends instead of Trip and Lianna.

TnT moments: The TnT-interaction is a rollercoaster: from veiled flirtation, friendly conversation and working well together till unfriendly remarks and unfounded remarks by T'Pol and Trip clearly interested in someone else. Trip isn't very happy with T'Pol's attitude. And I got the feeling T'Pol isn't to happy about his affectionations for Lianna. Cold front coming! I expect some distance between them in the next episode(s). C

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :ufp: It was an entertaining 45 minutes and I liked the guest starts, but nothing really special.
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:16 pm

Season 1, episode 20 Detained

This episode starts with Travis and Archer waking up in a cell with an open door. They discover they are held captive, because they flew over a classified section of space by the Tandarans. The Tandarans treat them well, but keep them three days, awaiting their trials. The leader of the prison facility, colonel Grat, will help them with the trial. Archer and Travis are not pleased being in prison - despite the help the leader is offering - and they show their displeasment. When they're complaining about the prison food, I almost want to roll my eyes. What did they expect? A four star restaurant diner? They got food, water, a comfortable cell, they can walk around and even the Suliban prisoners have a cell from themselves and can keep their childern with them. So yes, it's a prison, but a civilized one. Archer meets a Suliban father with his daughter and starts accusing the man that he is part of the Cabal and why he takes his child with him. The man is place in an isolation cell, because he is now late for curfew.

Cold as ice

In the next scene we see T'Pol doing her best to release Archer and Travis in conversation with Grat, interupted by Trip who wants Travis and Archer back right away. The atmosphere between them is rather frosty. T'Pol tries her best to be as polite and reasonable as possible, while Trip snaps her that he rather has an electric chair than a Vulcan arbiter. It's a cynical remark, showing frustration. It looks like Trip is frustrated about Archer and Travis being in prison, but perhaps also about T'Pol. T'Po doesn't understand his remark about 'electric chair', but he doesn't want to give her explanation. No, Trip isn't in a good mood.

Childern and games

In the prison, Archer and Travis discover that life in prison goes on: childern painting art, prisoners enjoying a game. Archer asked the man of last night about the situation. Grat questions Archer about his knowlegde of the Suliban and when Archer doesn't want to answer, his trial is suspended. That news doesn't sit well with T'Pol and even less with Trip who makes it clear that all they want is their people back. He is still furious about the sitation. T'Pol - who didn't like his interruption the last times - seems pensive and a bit sad. However, Trip is much calmer when next he only wants to check if Travis and Archer are safe. T'Pol agrees with this plan. It seems like they have found a way back to communicate to each other.

Escape plan

Archer and Travis learn more about the Suliban people who are not involved with the group of Suliban (the Cabal) who has been fighting the Tandaran home world. Both Suliban and Archer and Travis have to overcome their prejudice. In a scene with Travis and one of the Suliban this moral is made abundantly clear (I thought it was laid on a little bit too thick). It is no surprise that Archer wants to escape with the Suliban. T'Pol points out that Archer has espressed the desire not to nterfere with other cultures (and Trip doesn't seem too happy with Archer's idea).


However, both of them work on the escape plan. They seem more insync which each other again, including looks and T'Pol nodding to Trip to be moving, while she is creating a diversion for Gat. I found the most amusing part of this episode is the talk between T'Pol and Grat, she invites him for diner and dazzles him with small talk. I love her lines. Meanwhile, an overload of information is downloaded to the Tandaran's systems, so Malcolm can be beamed down without being detected.
Malcolm makes a great Suliban. He is beamed down in the prison, where he helps the Suliban escape. There is a loose end: the Suliban father, who came up with the idea of the escape with Archer, is shot down, his daughter goes with the escape group and he is left behind. We see nothing of his fate. For the other part the escape goes very smootly and T'Pol is doing a good job keeping Enterprise safe during the battle with the Tandaran cruisers. The episode ends with a joke: Malcolm's Suliban skin is itching like crazy and he want to see Phlox.

Mixed feelings

I have mixed feelings about this episode. Having heard the stories about detention camps in WW2, at first the Tandarans seems to treat the prisoners well. The message that you shouldn't jugde a person, because of which group he is part of, is a valid one. But especially the scene with Travis seems a bit forced. And again Archer's feeling of righteousness doesn't come across naturally. He is interfering with an alien culture and doesn't think about any consequences for the future. The action bit is great, but I am curious was happened to the Suliban that helped Archer (the father of the little girl). I liked the dynamic between Trip and T'Pol at the end and T'Pol is great in charge.

Story : Travis and Archer end up in detention, they meet other Suliban who have nothing to do with the Cabal and help them escape.

Travis's index: Again we see Travis on an away mission, he gets lots of show time in the first season. Especially when you compare it with Hoshi and Malcolm. He even has a storyline of his own, but Archer stays the hero.

TnT moments: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward. In the first scene Trip is angry and not happy with T'Pol. And she doesn't like it. But in the second scene there is a change in Trip's attitude which suggest they 've been talking. In the last scenes Trip and T'Pol are working well together and exchanges a lot of looks of confirmation with each other (without realizing it)

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:32 am

Season 1, episode 22 Vox sola

What I liked about this episode, is that we see more of some characters who have been underused before: Malcolm, who only in one episode played an important role (the memorable Shuttlepod One) and Hoshi who also had only a few major parts. I always like to see more of the other people of the crew than the bridge crew plus Trip.
I liked the great interaction between crewman Rostov and Kelly. I would have to see more of those two.

The episode starts with a meeting gone wrong with the Kreetassans. Apparently, the crew have done something that is highly offensive to them. Hoshi tries to communicate with them about what happened, but she fails. When Enterprise leaves, we see a strange alien form (like a giant web) entering the ship.

What about Hoshi?

In the next scene we see T’Pol and Hoshi on the bridge. I can understand that Hoshi is disappointed for a failed first contact. But when Hoshi and T’Pol are discussing the situation and T’Pol rightly says that the crew depends on Hoshi’s language skills, Hoshi’s reaction is rather sour. For the life for me, I can’t imagine a Japanese person acting like she did towards someone who is basically her boss.

Hoshi acts like T’Pol is on the same level and seems angry with T’Pol. I chalked it up that Hoshi is brought up in an international surrounding with lots of Americans, because speaking to your boss like she did, it certainly not the Japanese way. And you can say that T’Pol is a bit unforgiving towards Hoshi, but her remark is correct: Enterprise depends on Hoshi for communication with others.

Trip being a good friend

Trip enters and first he’s asking how Archer is doing. Apparently, Archer is moping in his own ready-room. It’s nice to see TnT working together to help Archer (like we have seen in Rogue planet), but I don’t find a sulking leader a very good example of leadership. Get your act together!

Trip is his normal friendly self (also in his interaction with Hoshi) and shows himself a good friend of Archer. He offers to watch a game of water polo with Archer (his favorite sport) to cheer him up. This is a nice glimpse of Trip’s character.

Rostov and Kelly get caught up in a "web monster - the alien who entered Enterprise and later on Archer and Trip. A force field is created to prevent more person caught up in the net of the web monster. Malcolm helps with the force field, he has been working on it (in his spare time). Great to see this man is no fool, but takes his job serious.

The persons who are in the web are having a bad time. At one point we see that Trip is very weak and Archer tries to encourage him. Archer - who we just say mopping because of a failed first contact - is now super cool and given strenght to others. I get it that Archer has to play the hero, but his character makes it hard for me to believe he is. And second, I don't like the fact that Archer is made hero by making others (like Trip) weaker.

Hoshi and T'Pol working together (T'Pol is good in math and that helps to find the pattern in the web monter's language. ) T'Pol explains to Hoshi that she is keeping an eye on Hoshi, because she know Hoshi has potential. Again Hoshi and T'Pol come together, like we have seen before when T'Pol was learning Hoshi to stay calm in a difficult situation on a sinking Klingon ship. But I still get the feeling Hoshi doesn't like T'Pol very much. On contrast, everybody seems to like Hoshi on the ship. It must have been very lonely for T'Pol.

Hooray for Travis

Travis contacts the Kreetassans and they speak English! He explains very well what has happened and offers a oprecht apology. Best performance thus far, Travis comes across as confident and sympathic.

Hoshi and T'Pol find a way to communicate with the web creature and he let the people go. When the creacture releases Trip and Archer, Hoshi goes to Trip and T'Pol to Archer. My TnT heart would have wanted that T'Pol would run to Trip instead of Archer, but both of them must be still in denial fase. :lol: I wondered if the writers want to have Hoshi and Trip together, but I never got a romantic vibe with them (nor do I want to).

At the end the creature is returned and linked together with a huge web creature of which it was part.

Story : Web creature sneaks into the ship,people get caught in his web. Hoshi and T'Pol find a way to communicate with it and free the others.

Travis's index: Finally we see Travis's full potential: he did save the day and was better in first contact than the others. He came across confident and charming, the best perfomance of Travis so far.

TnT moments: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward. Again. There is a trust between them, in the way they talk about handling Archer. They worked together well. But Trip is friendly to everyone and there is no sign there is more between Trip and T'Pol. But I get the feeling they are both very good in hiding their interest in each other. 8)

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet: Amusing story, with room for other characters to shine.
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:35 pm

Season 1, episode 22 Fallen Hero

You are saying?

I noticed that I really like the first scenes in this season. It give some more information about the crew and you see how they interact with one each other. In the first scene we see Archer, T'Pol and Trip dining together and apparantly T'Pol has remarked that she thinks both men are lacking sexual activitity.
Now you can see this as a way the writers were trying to let T'Pol talk about sex and make it a laughing matter. I rather perfer to think that her question is a result of cultural miscommunication. An example of my own life: when I grew up, hugging a person as a means of friendly gesture was not heard off. We never hugged. Around that time I attended international youth camp and when I said goodbye at the end, an American guy gave me a hug and I was totally shocked. Saying something about it, would be unpolite, but I was rather shocked that someone - not a family member - would touch me. Later on, I met a lot of Americans and noticed that my view of Americans - based on American movies and television series - needed adjustment! So I can imagine a Vulcan women confronted with the culture on Enterprise misinterupting certain cultural things.
Human relationships can be very confusing for a young Vulcan were touching is something between family members and sexual activity only with your bondmate/husband/wife.

In the scene there's a lot of non-verbal interaction between Trip and Archer, who are both amused by T'Pol's question, but I can't help to think Trip is more amused and likes to tease T'Pol about her question. When Trip talks about his experience in this field, there is a brief glimpse of T'Pol not liking the thougth Trip has previous girlfriends, but she doesn't comment. There is more tension between Trip and T'Pol, then in the interaction between T'Pol and Archer, who is more relaxed and distant towards her. Okay, there isn't a lot of tension, but still I can see a spark between Trip and T"Pol. Trip really want to turn the tables on T'Pol and asked her about her love life, but she gives him "only seven years speech". I think he founds her answer rather disappointing.

Getting noticed

In the next scene we see Trip dressed in a colourful shirt entering the bridge - ready to go to Risa. T'Pol comments on the shirt and Trip answers he want the women to noticed him. I didn't get the feeling T'Pol is pleased with his answer, but her face stays neutral. She recommendes that Archer goes to Risa to and just as she has him agreeing to have shore leave, he gets a call from Starfleet.

Again I have the feeling that the writers want to make Archer the serious guy with serious relationship and Trip the playboy person. But from his interaction with women, he is very respectful towards them and not a guy who has one girl after another. He sure want to have a good time, perhaps to have his mind of a certain science officer? In another review it was mentioned that Trip just broke up with his previous girlfriend, so that may be also the reason he is looking for a good time. (I am with T'Pol, I don't like the idea).


T'Pol - much respect for V'Lar - follows rules and leaders - just like Trip, looking up to Archer.

V'Lar come to the ship, shakes hands, is full of humor at the table, T'Pol is disappointed she is not defending herself against criminal chargers, which suggests she is quilty. Archer has noticed something was troubling T'Pol.

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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby putaro » Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:49 am

Hi Panyasan! I have been getting back to Trek in general and trying to get back to writing so came for a look around. Looks like we both gave up at about the same point in the series for reviewing. I have a Paramount+ plus subscription so have been bingeing on new Trek and may get back to Enterprise. Hope you’re well!

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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:50 am

putaro wrote:Hi Panyasan! I have been getting back to Trek in general and trying to get back to writing so came for a look around. Looks like we both gave up at about the same point in the series for reviewing. I have a Paramount+ plus subscription so have been bingeing on new Trek and may get back to Enterprise. Hope you’re well!

Hi Putaro! So nice to hear from you. I was planning to continue the reviews, because I like writing them and watching the show. And it gives me inspiration for writing. I had an accident 1,5 years ago, a really studid one, but it resulted in a severe concussion. I still not fully recovered, but step by step I am getting there! :D I would love to read more of your work or have you comment on the show and my reviews. :hatsoff:
Love is a verb.

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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:08 pm

Season 1, episode 22 Fallen Hero

You are saying?

I noticed that I really like the first scenes in this season. It give some more information about the crew and you see how they interact with one each other. In the first scene we see Archer, T'Pol and Trip dining together and apparantly T'Pol has remarked that she thinks both men are lacking sexual activitity.
Now you can see this as a way the writers were trying to let T'Pol talk about sex and make it a laughing matter. I rather perfer to think that her question is a result of cultural miscommunication. An example of my own life: when I grew up, hugging a person as a means of friendly gesture was not heard off. We never hugged. At an internation youth camp a young American guy hugged me in a friendly way and I still remember how shocked I was by the gesture.

In the scene there's a lot of non-verbal interaction between Trip and Archer, who are both amused by T'Pol's question. When Trip talks about his experience in this field, there is a brief glimpse of T'Pol not liking the thougth Trip has previous girlfriends, but she doesn't comment. Trip really want to turn the tables on T'Pol and asked her about her love life, but she gives him "only seven years" speech. In the end we can Trip even blush by the subject. Conclusion: There is defenitly a spark between Trip and T"Pol and a real interest in each other, while they are trying hard to hide it. Trip is certainly interested in T'Pol's love life, but the subject makes him blush at the same time. As for Archer, it become clear that he sees T'Pol clearly only as his XO or friend and nothing to do with his personal life.

Getting noticed

In the next scene we see Trip dressed in a colourful shirt entering the bridge - ready to go to Risa. T'Pol comments on the shirt and Trip answers he want the women to noticed him. He is not acting like he did in the previous scene. It like the writers make Trip the lady's man again, however that doesn't fit his character. He does take his relationship with women seriously and is repectful towards them. Perhaps he want to get him mind of T'Pol, certainly after his recent break-up with his girlfriend, as focus on someone else. I didn't get the feeling T'Pol is pleased with his answer, but her face stays neutral. She recommendes that Archer goes to Risa to and just as she has him agreeing to have shore leave, he gets a call from Starfleet.


Starfleet informs them the Enterprise has to pick up an ambassador named V'Lar. T'Pol is clearly wanting everything to be perfect for her. When she comes, she comes around as a open minded, humorous person, who even shakes hands with Archer and Trip. Trip almost becomes shy again when she teases him about asking her age. But the look he gaves T'Pol and her look back when he gets a clue from V'Lar about T'Pol's age, is priceless. Archer founds all of this amusing.

V'Lar is accussed of wrong doing on the planet Mazar, where she was ambassador. T'Pol doesn't like it that she does nothing to refute these accusations, especially because V'Lar used to be a great example for her. Then a ship starts to pursue Enterprise, demanding V'Lar to be taken back to Mazar. When Archer refuses, they start shooting. Great action from Malcolm here, who can finally do what he is intended to do.

Archer's good mood has changed, he wants to bring V'Lar back to Mazar, despite the order given by him and strangly enough back by Forrest. He is irritated because V'Lar doesn't want to say what's going on. And out of personal hurt, he throws the order in the wind. For me, a good leader does what he promises to his allies. V'Lar is however impressed by Archer.
Meanwhile Trip is making sure to Malcolm that he really is looking forward for those masseuses on Risa (it become annoying).

T'Pol - much respect for V'Lar - follows rules and leaders - just like Trip, looking up to Archer.

V'Lar come to the ship, shakes hands, is full of humor at the table, T'Pol is disappointed she is not defending herself against criminal chargers, which suggests she is quilty. Archer has noticed something was troubling T'Pol.

Story :

Travis's index:

TnT moments:

Stars: :[/quote]
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!

The Naked Truth and other necessities of life ... es-of-life

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