Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

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Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:23 am

Hi all, it has been a long while since I watched the show ST Enterprise, but recently I did watch a couple of first episodes again. It gave me the idea of writing reviews. I wasn't a fan of TnT when I first watched the show, so I am curious what I will find now and my years of reading TnT fanfic has influenced my view of the show (I bet it will).

So we will start with Broken Bow...
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:17 pm

Season 1, episode 1 Broken Bow

It’s been a long time since I seen this episode, but the first scenes take you right into the story. It’s perhaps telling for me – and the years of indoctrination by hubs – that I am not surprised by the presence of the Klingon. I am distracted by the body warmer that the farmer is wearing – a fashion relic from the eighties. (The eighties are so much more!) The other aliens in the scene look very mysterious and it takes me a minute to remember them from the first time I have seen Enterprise.
Next is a scene where we meet the Vulcans (and T’Pol). The tension between the Humans and Vulcans is clear, but it’s laid on a bit too thick for my taste.

When I first watched the show and now again, having seen the first episode, there is something that really bugs me.

If this is the first official space ship of Earth, shouldn’t the people be the best of the best? The reason given for Archer to be captain, because he’s the son of Henry Archer, doesn’t sound a good enough reason for me. But then again, before he died in a plane accident, people thought highly of the son of US president John F. Kennedy, John Kennedy jr. People hardly knew if he could be a good president, but wanted him to run for president, just because he was the son of JFK. Perhaps Henry Archer had the same mythical importance in those days. I also think Archer is chosen because of his right connections or a symbol of protest against the Vulcan.

Also I can understand some animosity between Vulcans and Humans, after being held back for years. But this kind of animosity is best shown in a subtle way and it that respect the show is lacking.
In fact, when I first watched the show, I was annoyed by Archer’s attitude. I thought he was rude. (Counterarguments from my better half: he is fighting the Vulcans, he is the captain, Quantum Leap.) That can all be true, but Archer doesn't come off very sympathetic. He is missing the general charm of a Kirk or the righteousness drive of Sisko.

As for the whole vegetarian/meat thing: given the current promotion of vegetarianism in the world I would expect a more open mind to T’Pol being vegetarian.

The characters

The show continues to introduce the characters: I always like a good Brit, so happy with Reed. The most handsome is Travis which has a very interesting background. Apparently, Humans have been travelling the galaxy with ships. Which brings me to the question: why isn’t their knowledge used by Starfleet? Why not a boomer captain? At least he/she would have some experience travelling the stars? In spite of his experience boomer Travis comes across very young and innocent and that doesn’t fit with his background story. Travis could use a little edge. There is a hint of friendship between Reed and Travis.

I do like Hoshi – languages, Asian – what’s not to like. On a side note: she doesn’t come across as very Japanese. Fun fact: When Enterprise was broadcasted in Japan the name Hoshi Sato was written in Katakana, the characters used for foreign words and names. I chalk Hoshi's non-Japanese vibe up that Hoshi had lived in Brazil for a long time and has forgotten about home. She still has a very Japanese name: Hoshi means star and Sato village and is almost like Smith in English.

I like the introduction of Phlox, he has a real presence in this episode and a well-rounded character.

The character of Trip Tucker comes across as a very nice guy, who is eager to get started. I didn’t cared much about T’Pol in the beginning of the show, but I am really a fan of Vulcans.

The shows ends with a fight between Archer and the Suliban, but it come across for me as a child’s play. Never felt any tension of feeling of danger. Meh. I get more enthusiastic about the rescue of Archer by transporter. Nicely done.

Story : Nice story to introduce the characters.

Villains: The Suliban look very cool.

Travis index: Lot of potential, stop being so nice. :D

TnT moments: More than I remember. Trip and T’Pol argue a lot, but twice Trip convinces T’Pol to see it his way and she even comes with an idea to exchange the sensors to track down the Suliban (and finding the way in all those warp trails was cool). You go girl!

Stars: 3 out of 5 (I am being mild). :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:[.
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:16 pm

Next time: Fight of Flight or the story of a space snail...
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:11 am

Season 1, episode 2 Fight of Flight

My country is protected by ancient dykes that are made from sand, rocks and hold together by grass. About 150 years ago a count from what is now the czech republic took a hunter trip to Alaska and he discovered some very cute animals. He took a couple of them to Europe and within a couple of decades these muskus rats multiplied to 2 million and spread into Europe. In my country they discover dykes and started gnawing holes. Until now, the dyke control still have to chase those muskus rats away.

The moral of this story? Be careful for taking animals or plants with you from one continent/planet to another when you're on a (hunting) trip. A message that the crew of Enterprise seemed not to have learned: they have taken a slug from an unknown planet abroad.

Not much has happened during their journey and Trip is feeling a bit bored. I do love the conversation between Phlox who is clearly enjoying himself on the ship and Trip.

I found it rather strange that the weapons are not up to speed. I am with Reed on this one. IMHO weapons are the first thing that must be in order if you are travelling to new worlds. Perhaps after WWIII Earth a long time of peace (100 years) lured the Humans into believing a world or a galaxy without weapons would be possible? Luckily, Reed is working hard to get the weapon systems up and running.

The crew finds a ship and after hailing them, Archer decides to go abroad. Hoshi makes very good observations when they wander around the ship. The ship has a really nice borg-vibe. Hoshi starts to scream when they find 15 dead bodies hanging and I can't blame her. It makes her very insecure and she discusses with Phlox if she would return to Earth.

After returning back to Enterprise T'Pol convinces Archer of making an exit, but later he wants to return and try to contact another ship of this species. On the ship, Trip is encouraging Hoshi to stay abroad Enterprise.

It's funny, when on the alien ship the computer starts to speak the alien language within seconds my brain starts to analyse the language, even when I know it's a made-up language.

Back on the ship, Hoshi has to try to communicate with the alien race and is encouraged by Archer and T'Pol to do so. I wonder how much experience Hoshi has with trying to learn a language aside the university. I have traveled a lot and I know that your language doesn't have to be perfect in order to communicate. Or sometimes you can speak without words: a friend and me once had to find the ladies room in an Asian country and we started to act out the whole thing to the amusement to the two ladies we were trying to communicate with. But we manage to bring the message across.

You don't have to be perfect in a language to communicate is the lesson Hoshi is learning in this episode. I am glad she stays on the ship. At the end of the day, the weapons seems to be working as well, so all ends well.

Story : Nice little character development of Hoshi. She comes across as very sympathetic, nice interaction with Phlox. Not very intriguing, a little tame, but solid. I like Archer is this episode, he comes across as less rude and he is pretty supportive of Hoshi.

Villains: Unknown.

Travis's index: I still think he is a cutie :) and he plays a small part. I was a bit disappointed that in 23 years his parents on the boomer ship have not encountered much hostile activities, it does suggest they haven't been outside our solar system (Earth - Moon - Mars journeys?)

TnT moments: during their meal with the captain, Trip is trying to get the conversation going and T'Pol is picking up his lead. Trip and T'Pol seemed to be on the same page, while Archer is struggling with the fact that he has left the alien ship behind.

Stars: 3 out of 5 (I love languages and the Hoshi character). :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:26 am

BTW Hoshi speaks Vulcan to T'Pol in Broken Bow. She says "Pon fo maran". Now I read a translation that Hoshi says here "Go to hell" or "Get lost"which would be out of character of her and not to mention rude. It also doesn't fit the context.

Pon = time

fo = "re" in the sense of concerning

ma = have

ran = kill, but also to put an end to it.

So it seems to me Hoshi says something along the line "Give me time, I will make it work (put an end to my trying)". This translation also fit the whole context. Always look to the context when you're translating!
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:28 pm

Season 1, episode 3 Strange New Worlds

I really enjoyed Strange New Worlds, especially because we're going to see more of the other crew members, like Liz Cutler. She comes of like a really nice person. In the beginning of this episode Liz tries make contact with T'Pol by showing her interest in Vulcan culture. T'Pol doesn't respond at all, perhaps because Vulcans normally aren't chatty persons and the work-is-work-attitude of most Vulcans. "You can't make friends with her," is Trip's response to Liz, showing once again the negative view of Vulcans this crew has. I have worked in multicultural situations and being the only one from a certain culture (or species) really confronts you with your own culture background. It can't be easy for T'Pol.

A small group goes to the surface of a new world and after a walk, assemble back. (BTW: I grew up in a culture when coming late for an appointment is absolutely not done and Archer is 15 minutes late for the appointment :roll: ). When they're want to return to Enterprise, a small group stays behind for a camping trip. I didn't care much about the camp fire stories, but Trip and Travis make a great duo in the tent, fighting a scorpion with a laser (T'Pol using her communicator: Is there a problem, Commander?").

A huge storm makes the group fled to the caves and there people started to act see things. Phlox discovers that pollen in the atmosphere make people irrational. Luckily, Phlox is able to create a medicine and after T'Pol stuns Trip - who is acting more irrational by the minute - she administrated the medicine to all of them. Travis protests, but T'Pol nerve-pinched him. Nice touch!

It's a pity we don't have any translation of what T'Pol is saying in Vulcan, but perhaps I can find out. It's such a beautiful language.

I especially like the ending when Trip asked T'Pol if she shoot him and she says "I am afraid I did." It was kind of nice that Trip apologizes right away and tells T'Pol about his teacher Venik.

Story : Solid story with room for other characters than the bridge staff.

Villains: The irrational fears of every one.

Travis's index: Travis plays a nice supporting role and there's some nice interaction with Trip. It would have been interesting if Travis instead of Trip would have a meltdown, but I am not sure if Travis would have pulled it of. He seems too nice for it.

TnT moments: lots of them! It seems to me they're keeping a eye on each other and later on a phaser at one other ( :lol: ) and I already mentioned the last scene.

Four stars just for the fun of it.
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:11 pm

Season 1, episode 4 Unexpected

Given my prejudice against this episode, I was pleasantly surprised with the first moments: the water drops in the shower floating around, the busyness of Engineering, all the things going wrong in the ship like the black glue that appears when T'Pol orders water, the puzzle-solving abilities of T'Pol, the stealth mode of the other ship stealing plasma and different oxygen levels in the alien ship. It give a great feeling of exploration, being in space and finding surprising new things. Another nice touch is T'Pol saying that she doesn't want to experiment with Human food, which makes the pecan pie in her quarters just a few episodes down the road extra intriguing.

The scene after Trip is transported to the alien ship is wonderful done. The anxiety he is experiencing, the totally alien feel of his surroundings, I got a sense of panic and disorientation that I think the scene was aiming at. Trip is calling Enterprise a couple of times (with T'Pol at the bridge putting him through with Archer) and Archer just says to hold on, plays with his dog, without realizing what a stressful time this is for Trip.

For me the whole episode changes with the scene of the row boat. Ah'len and Trip have a talk, she touches his face and then she decides to "play a game". Apparently her species are telepathic. Given the results of that telepathic game I found it very strange that she would simply invite Trip to this game without hesitating or thinking about certain consequences. Trip is rather naive here, but Ah'len whole attitude towards him has a creepy vibe.

I have long thought about why the rest of the episode makes me feel uncomfortable. It seems to be played for laughs, but I got the feeling deep down the directors realize it's not. It basically come down to putting something (in this case a child no less) in someone body without consent. It violates the principle of bodily autonomy, which is a crime in many countries. Yes, Ah'Len didn't mean to harm Trip and the child has not his genetic profile. But still, I think it's wrong. Funny in a way how your thinking about an episode can change. What I remember of the first time I saw this episode, I wasn't entirely comfortable with it. However now, my discomfort only got more. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that this episode is discussed much in all kind of fan boards or my own experience later in life.

After the row boat scene we have a nice friendly conversation during lunch between Malcolm and Trip (I really like their interaction) as Trip discovers something strange on his body. Phlox gleefully tells him he is pregnant, Archer is amused, T'Pol angry and Trip defends himself. Luckily the child doesn't carry his genetic material and Trip is only the carrier vessel. It seems that the writers tried to escape the ultimate consequences of their story: that Trip's genetic material is used for creating his child. Terra Prime anyone? BTW why is Archer so amused about Trip's situation? He doesn't come off like a true friend.

In the next scenes see Trip behave strangely (obsessed with details, paranoid, eating of lots of food), apparently the writers think this is how a pregnant woman reacts. Mmm..I will not comment on this further just a comment that these scene fall flat as well. Trip expressed his concern about the whole situation: "I didn't work so hard to get this position (of Chief Engineering) to become a working mom."

T'Pol still has her head together and finds the Xyrillians, who seems like the moochers of the galaxy, because they're now stealing plasma from a Klingon ship. The Klingons are in their usual bad mood, but T'Pol comes to the rescue with her speech about Archer being a brother of the Klingons. Every man - Klingon and Human - has a good laugh at Trip's expanse (look how stupid he is getting pregnant). My reaction: :-x

Trip returns to the Xyrillian ship. Ah'Len confesses that she knows the effect of the peddles, but didn't think it would effect Trip which make her actions even less ethical. Yes, I don't like Ah'Len. The child can be transferred and Trip excepts Al'Len in my opinion lukewarm apology.

Story : Trip gets pregnant. They all laugh. The end. Nice beginning, but the last part of this episode feels wrong.

Please check Alelou's story "Commander Tucker Has a Baby" for a more decent version of this episode. :D

Villains: The moochers of the galaxy!

Travis's index: He helps Trip in the beginning of the episode, being cheerful as ever.

TnT moments: I didn't like T'Pol's attitude when they found out Trip was pregnant, but let just say it was the jealously speaking .

Stars: The beginning is certainty worth four stars, but the last bit is opening such a can of worms and rubs me the wrong way. One star. :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:03 am

Season 1, episode 5 Terra Nova

The episode has an interesting premise. Apparently, Humans were able to travel long distances, creating colonies on the Moon and Mars and other places. They even were able to send a space ship to find a new home for Humans and after nine years settled down on a planet, called Terra Nova (New Earth). I asked my cousin the other day because he has a degree in aerospace science if Earth is making any progress on this field. For me, it looked like there is still a long time ahead of us, before we can have colonies on the Moon and Mars. He told me that they're slowly making progress, so perhaps the whole colony-thing isn't that far fetch.

In a nice scene T'Pol expresses her surprise about this Terra Nova, because she never heard of it. Trip remarks that he had to learn all about Vulcan space exploration in school, but when T'Pol asked him to name one, he mutters something about history not being his strong suit. I found it a charming interaction between those two.

Archer, T'Pol, Reed and Travis go down to the planet. They discover this part of the planet has been polluted with radioactivity. This is the reason people living under ground. An data file reveals the mystery (nice work, Hoshi). They think the Humans send poison rain to destroy the colony. It turns out that 70 years ago the colony was hit by an asteroid. The adults claimed this was the work of people on Earth. The children survived and are now hostile towards Humans, because they think they attacked the colony. I will turn a blind eye for this rather lame explanation. The distance between Earth and Terra Nova is is 9 years travel, so it would take a long time for a weapon to reach its place and why would suddenly Earth attack the settlers all for some disagreement?

It's a pity that from the nice premise this road is taken. I would like to see more of those early days of space travelling. A flash back in the beginning showing something of the travel and arrival of the Novans, their settlement and than the horror of the asteroid falling from the sky and then the intro of Enterprise and Travis telling about the mystery of Terra Nova. It would be a much more gripping opening than we have now.

Because an old lady called Nadet is sick, Archer takes her and other man to Enterprise. (The other man looked so familiar, so I checked: Eruch Avari, remember the movie Independence Day (1996)).

While Phlox finds a cure for the old lady, Malcolm stays behind (he is being shot) on the planet, guarded by one of the Novans. This leads to one of the nicest scene in the show, the Novans play their shell-like horns and some lovely music is heard. I liked it a lot, because it showed something of the Novan culture instead of the rather ridiculous looking face paints, some made up words and the rather unconvincing distrust of Humans.
Other nice scene is the one when Archer shows Nadat pictures of her family and her as a little girl. It was the only scene I remembered from the first time I have watched this episode.

Phlox discovers that the water of the Novans have been polluted and they have to find another place to live in order to survive.
Archer is doing his very best to help the Novans, even wants to take them back to Earth. Apparently T'Pol has been talking to Trip off screen, because she refers to him as she In a non-nonsense manner put Archer straight. I noticed that in the scene with Archer commanding Trip and T'Pol to research the underground workings, Trip clutches his hand in front of him, mostly a sign of anxiety of discomfort. Perhaps Trip didn't like to be promoted to T'Pol's assistant, while his engines wait for him. :D

The Novans are advised to move to another continent on the planet. We now get a "you have to trust me" double scene by Archer and the Novans and frankly, it is unconvincing and cliche. I am not very much impressed by Archer in this episode (other than one shot which made me think what a large nose he has). Archer tries very hard, but it's all so in your face shouting "Archer to the rescue" that it doesn't work for me. In the end Nadat convinces her people to emigrate to a more healthier place in the south.

In the end we have a nice scene while Travis is sitting at the captain's table and chatting with T'Pol. It's is nice to see that everybody feels conformable around T'Pol. Travis is rewarded to write the report of Terra Nova to Starfleet.

Story : Earth has lost contact with a Earth colony 70 years ago and Enterprise finds out what happens.

Villains: Our own distrust of each other.

Travis's index: Lots of Travis here. His research in the beginning, he is part of the away team, he quickly provides Archer with a phaser in the caves and get one himself and of course at the end when he sits at the captain's table. I liked him in the episode.

TnT moments: Obviously those two work well together and team up for a backup plan for the Novan situation. And an amusing interaction at the beginning.

Stars: When I start to give pointers to improve the story, you know it's boring. Two stars. :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Fri May 20, 2022 6:56 pm

Season 1, episode 6 The Adorian Accident

This episode is one of the key episode of the show. Not only does it introduces the Adorians and Shran, who becomes a prominent figure, but the events of P'Jem have a profound effect on T'Pol's life. These events are the reason she is shamed in her society and also the reason she is forced to marry Koss. (Also P'Jem is the place where she went to after the events of The Seventh, so this place really important for her.)
But when I first watched the show none of the above was clear to me.

As for the episode it self, it flows well and has an interesting tale. The opening scene is a real cliff hanger: three alien soldiers destroying a door at a Vulcan monastery and barging in. In the next scene we see Trip and Archer talking about the fact that the Vulcan star charts are not so accurate as the Vulcan claim to be. This causes some great amusement by Trip and Archer. First I thought they're acting rather childish, but given the fact that Earth had to endure Vulcan looking down on them, it makes sense.

T'Pol enters and Archer tells her that they want to visit a Vulcan monastery called P'Jem. Standing in front of Archer and Trip there is a slight switch in T'Pol's face. I played it over and over again. I wonder why she was doing it. Was it because of her history with P'Jem. Or perhaps she smelled something? (Perhaps how nice Trip smells :D. The fact is that Trip remarks in this scene "Vulcans thinks humans smells terrible.")

Anyway, Trip, T'Pol and Archer leave for P'Jem to experience something of Vulcan culture. T'Pol gives them good advice how to act, which makes perfectly sense to me. Trip complains saying that he thought Starfleet training was tough. Guess he hasn't got much experience with intercultural exchanges.

At P'Jem they noticed something is wrong, the door is smashing in, statues not standing straight, pottery smashed on the floor. BTW, when I think of a monastery of the logical Vulcans, statues and stones are not foremost in my mind, but the show made a nice effort to portray a Vulcan monastery.
Archer and Trip found out that the monks are held hostage and Trip, Archer and T'Pol are also made hostage by the Andorians. Hence the introduction of the Andorians for Archer.

The next couple of scenes are filled with a Andorian male harassing T'Pol saying "I look forward to having you as my prisoner" with Archer coming to her rescue (if she ever needed him to come to the rescue, her blank expression "you're not worth my time-look says it all, that's the way to deal with those guys), Archer being beat up and a wonderful Reed playing captain! I really like Reed in this episode: solid leader, thinks of new security protocols, a real professional.

Trip fixed a communicator and finds a way out, the monk and T'Pol complain about Human smell, Andorian male tells T'Pol she smells better than most of Vulcans, Trip tries to put him in his place and later on shoves him aside. And Archer is beat up again.

At night it is getting cold and one of the monks give Archer a blanket. Meanwhile T'Pol and Trip are without blanket. Archer want to give T'Pol a blanket, but she refuses. But seeing that she is cold, Archer suggests they share a blanket. CRINGE. But despite of the cringe this scene is crucial. Reluctantly T'Pol shares the blanket - making sure there is space between them - and a conversation leads to T'Pol stressing she has been nothing than loyal to Archer. I think it's a key scene: later on that loyalty is tested and because of it, this has severe consequences for T'Pol's life (see Shadows of P'Jem and Home). BTW, I love the way T'Pol takes the blanket away from Archer, all to herself. :)

A rescue team is beamed down and during a fight with the Andorians in the catacombs, the truth is discovered: the Vulcans are spying on the Andorians and using P'Jem as a cover-up. This goes against the Andorian-Vulcan treaty. Archer - who just been beating up by the Andorians and knowing that Earth is allies with the Vulcans chooses.... the side of the Andorians he just met.

He orders T'Pol to make a scan of the surveillance operation at P'Jem, to handle it to the Andorians and to let them go. After a slight hesitation, T'Pol shows her loyalty and does as ordered.

Now you may think, this isn't a big deal. But just imagine you found out that your country/planet is spying on another country/planet despite a peace treaty and you make this public. It sounds like Edward Snowden revealing that the U.S. have been spying on every one and their mother, including people they consider allies (like Germany). Now I don't want to start an argument about Snowden, but hopefully you get the feel what's going on here. Now I don't know what is agreed in the peace treaty between Vulcan and Andoria (I can image that Andoria is spying on Vulcan too), but in this episode the Vulcans are a. busted and b. busted for using a sacred place for covering up spying.

Story : During a visit at the monastery of P'Jem Archer discovers that the Vulcans are spying on the Andorians despite a peace treaty and using a sacred place to do so. And Archer gets beat up a lot. Nice "smell" theme!

Villains: Vulcans and Andorians!

Travis's index: He orders Reed to stop pacing, but other than that, he isn't in the picture.

TnT moments: No so much. Trip seems rather uninterested in T'Pol, grumbles "somethings smells here" after the Andorian male continues with his remarks and tries to knock the guy down. Of course the episode would improved greatly if we had gotten an blanket scene with TnT. :lol: (or with no Archer at all :lol: ). But inspiring episode for my more T'Pol-oriented fic!

Stars: 3 stars :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed May 25, 2022 6:36 am

Season 1, episode 7 Breaking the ice

I love this episode! All the three parts of the story are very nicely done.

Part one: Enterprise discovers a comet. When they follow the comet, a Vulcan ship approaches, saying they want to observe the comet as well. Because the comet contains some rare element, Reed and Travis are send to collect that element. They land on the comet and make a snowman.

Part two: Children have sent drawings and asked questions. Trip is teasing T'Pol, showing her some drawings. She commented that the drawings are crudely accurate. In another scene we have Archer answering questions from the children. This is a good scene. You can clearly see that Trip, Hoshi and Archer are not used answering questions with the camera's on them (Phlox is the more relaxed one, clearly in teacher-mode). Trip is rightfully dismayed with his questions (a poop question, sir). It comes of very naturally.

In this scene and trough out the whole episode Archer comes off more natural, even sympathetic. He's better in talking to Humans than with Vulcans, but even with Vulcans he tries to be nice. This is actually the first episode I like Archer, because in the previous ones he is more annoying and slightly arrogant. Like someone has given him a note saying "you don't like Vulcans, don't forget to act like it".

Part three: the message to T'Pol. First we see, T'Pol entering her quarters, taking her guard down, sits down and reads a message. Her whole demeanor when she enters her quarters (relaxed a bit, touching her hair) in this short clip is so female, it made me smile. We see a more personal side of T'Pol now.
Apparently, the Vulcan ship had sent this message to T'Pol and Trip founds out about it. This raises suspicion by Archer and Trip, they suspect T'Pol isn't that loyal/honest to them. (Luckily the viewers have seen in the last episode "The Andorian accident" how loyal T'Pol is!) Nice interaction with Trip and Hoshi who doesn't feel comfortable about reading a message of T'Pol. When Trip founds out what the message it, he reports to Archer. Because of the personal nature of the letter, Trip feels he must come clean with T'Pol. "You're a good man," Archer commented. If you didn't like Trip upon this point, you will after this episode. I really like that he steps up and apologized to T'Pol.

The apology-scene between them is very well done. They have interacted before on a more friendly basic (the famous pecan pie in the beginning of this episode comes to mind), but this scene they interact as co-workers, Trip apologizing, T'Pol certainly not amused when she hears he had read the letter ("I have some more letter in my quarters, would you like to read them as well?" - great line).

T'Pol didn't seem affected by the message, but in a scene with Phlox it is clear she is. Phlox advises her to talk about her problem.

Next scene we see Captain Vanik of the Vulcan ship, dining at the captain's table. Archer really tries to be nice and polite to Vanik. Vanik is just plain rude. In any culture denying food when you invited for a diner, is a big no-no. There is a nice moment when Trip tries to diffuse a tense conversation between Archer and Vanik by asking him an question and T'Pol - for the first time - stepping in, explaining that that question is normal for Humans. Again we see Trip and T'Pol teaming up and helping Archer.

When Vanik leaves the captain quarters he says to T'Pol "Shan sha'tuhllar ak ko-mesh. - "Transfer yourself or you'll soon be a shamed-woman." T"Pol doesn't like his remark.

The mentioning of shame is a very interesting one. Human cultures are divided on two aspects: group orientated or individual orientated, shame or guilt cultures.

In a shame culture your actions can bring shame (embarrassment, dishonor) to the group, even when your actions are right in your own eye. In a quilt culture, you're responsible for your actions and when you do wrong, you have to deal with the quilt, not the group you're part of.
It seem to me that Vulcan at this point is a more shame-orientated. The group, the clan, Vulcan itself is important. But shame isn't a very logical thing. A quilt culture suits more with logic. Because Vulcans have to suppress their emotions within them, they are focused on themselves. A Vulcan is pretty much alone in his or her struggle with emotions. Only within the family (husband-wife-children) a Vulcan can find support for suppression his or her emotions.

My own theory is that Vulcan evolved from a shame/group culture to a more individual/guilt culture by means of the discovery of the Kir'Shara (the Vulcan Reformation).

Back to the episode: Trip is invited to T'Pol's quarters (for the first time) and they discuss following your own desires or the group traditions.

Meanwhile Malcolm and Travis who are on the planet get into trouble (the ice on the planet is broken) Enterprise tries to save them, but when that fails, T'Pol convinced him to show Vanik he isn't arrogant to let the Vulcans help him. "You can make this choice. You're Human," T'Pol says, summing this episode very nicely. And BTW: T'Pol stays!

Story : The ice between our Vulcan science officer and our Human chief engineer is broken. ;-)

Villains: Our own prejudices?

Travis's index: He and Malcolm are having fun on the planet, making a snow man, getting rescued. Travis hurt his knee, but Malcolm helps him.

TnT moments: A lot: Trip confessing he had read her letters, the teamwork when Vanik is dining at the captain's table, Trip visiting T'Pol's quarters and their discussion and the last bit when Trip asked her if she shouldn't be packing and she let him know, she isn't leaving. Big grin at the end from Trip.

Stars: Nice episode, 4 stars :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:36 am

Season 1, episode 8 Civilization

A middle of the road kind of episode, no new ideas, but an enjoyable 45 minutes to watch. The story in short: Enterprise discovers a M-class planet with billions of people living on it. It's a pre-warp civilization, so T'Pol advises not to interfere. But Hoshi - disguised the same as the people on the planet, is send to the planet. However, T'Pol discovers some advanced technology on the planet and Trip, Archer and T'Pol join Hoshi. Searching for the source they end up in a shop. There they meet a female pharmacist, who tells them people in the area of the town have been dying of a mysterious illness, shortly after a man opened up his shop here. The team founds out that in the basement a sort of factory is based and the by-product of this factory is poisoning the locals. Archer has a little romance with the female pharmacist and T'Pol saves the day (again!) by beaming the warp-engine of the factory into space, near the ship of the factory-aliens and blows it up. The locals get medicine made by Phlox and female pharmacist and Archer share a last kiss.

There are a couple of scenes in the episode I really like. In the first scene you see all the senior and junior bridge staff, including Trip standing for a screen, as Archer walks in. Apparently, they have been discussing what to explore next and T'Pol gives two examples. Trip steps in and point Archer to a M-class planet, which is much more interesting for the Human crew. The whole scene oozed camaraderie between the crew and even when they laugh about the Vulcan outside picking different things, she is seen as part of the crew.

The scene in the shuttle pod where Trip gestures to T'Pol that she has to cover her ear with her long hair is just great. It shows me that Trip really has accepted her as one of the crew (which is not surprising after episode 7). I like T'Pol with long hair, it looks very nice on her. And she was just gorgeous in that beautiful dress.

I found it rather strange that when the female pharmacist is pointing a weapon on Trip and Archer and T'Pol stuns the woman, Archer disagrees with her action. T'Pol has been an agent and eliminates a treat against Trip and Archer, which makes perfect sense to me. Archer seems to have no experience in this field.

There were a couple of nice nods to scifi movies: T'Pol remarking "That is why aliens always land in a corn field." and the light from the space ship scene. :D

And then there is the scene when T'Pol gives an order after being threatened by a heavy armed vessel and Archer being stocked on the planet and Trip totally undermines her authority. Trip is thinking he would leave the captain, but T'Pol has given him no reason to think that way. I have watched a clip from this scene on Youtube and one comment said "Get a room, you two." Maybe Trip wanted to show everyone he isn't too attached to our science officer. :roll: T'Pol seemed very worried about Archer, but of course he pushes the right button this time and is saved.

Story : Enterprise is investigating a civilization.

Villains: The factory-aliens (did they have a name?)

Travis's index: He is there in the first scene, laughing with everyone. I can't remember seeing more of him.

TnT moments: The ear-gesture was a nice one. The miscommunication on the bridge, Trip overacted there, but T'Pol set the record straight.

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Sat Jun 04, 2022 12:09 pm

Season 1, episode 9 Fortunate son

It's interesting to see what has happened between first contact and now. Apparently, space freighters were travelling in space at 1,8 warp, transporting cargo. Whole families crew up at a freighter. Travis is born and raised on a Boomer freighter and is now part of the crew of Enterprise

The story: a freighter called Fortunate has trouble with Nausicaan pirates and Starfleet send the Enterprise to check if they can help. When they arrived they don't seemed to be very welcome. The captain of Fortunate is injured and needs medical care, so his substitute a certain Ryan is acting captain. Enterprise helps the reluctant crew with repairs.

Travis shows Ryan around Enterprise and they talked about growing up on a Boomer ship. This is basically a Travis episode and we learn more about him. His parents didn't agree of his choice for Starfleet and he loved his time growing up at the freighter Horizon. In Engineering he shows some technical insights for the first time, even given Trip an instruction (I was like what?)

Meanwhile T'Pol plays hide and seek with Nadine, a child from the Fortunate, a charming scene which gives us a glimpse of a softer T'Pol. She also discovers a Nausicaan life sign on the Fortunate. Ryan is interrogating this Nausicaan and keeps him prison in order to get some codes which would help them to beat the Nausicaans. Archer is telling them that not the way to handle.

Travis wants to talk to Archer and offers the Boomer's perceptive: they're fighting the pirates and there comes a time when you have to act. But Archer is amendment, everyone in space is to be treating well. Again I have the distinct feeling Archer has very little experience with war or battle. These are pirates, stealing cargo. Until now the Boomers let them go, but when do you have to take action? And against what costs? But I get Archer's POV and I like his interaction with Travis. This is the third episode in a row with a likable Archer. He seems to care about this crew.

Of the Boomers in this episode, it is easy to imagine they have lived a life with lots of struggles. They still don't want any other life. They're mature men with a slight edge. Travis has had the same life, but he comes off like a very likable person, growing up in a very sheltered place. Let me say he doesn't has invisible scars and I expect that from a person growing up on a freighter.

Ryan finds a way to get rid of Enterprise, ends up fighting three Nausicaan ships and after a speech of Travis, Ryan lets the Nausicaan hostage go. In the end we get a nice interaction between Archer and the now better captain of Fortunate , which shows the man is open for change.

Story : The struggles of the Boomers. And we have the introduction of Movie Night!

Villains: the Nausicaan pirates and in some way Ryan, but he comes around (and is punished by his captain for his actions).

Travis's index: This is the first Travis-episode and give you more information about him. I really like Travis, but I am missing an edge in his character.

TnT moments: Trip and T'Pol weren't in the same place once. It's a pity we didn't see any follow up from the last episode regarding Trip's insubordinate behavior.

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:56 pm

Season 1, episode 10 Cold Front

Time travelling, interesting plot twist, a great villain and an interesting Archer, this episode has all the ingredients of a great episode. But it probably just me, but it couldn't hold my interest. I was literally counting the minutes towards the ending.

Archer meet a ship full of pilgrims who want to watch a scientific phenomenon. They're invited for a tour of the ship and during the tour there's an accident in engineering which lead to a domino effect that easily could have destroyed the ship. Before that, we see a lively discussion between Trip and one of visitors. I would like to watch that part again, because it learns us a lot about how a warp engine works. Also we see before the explosion that some one is tempering with the engine and at that exact point, the domino effect is stopped. Trip founds out and he reports this to Archer.

One of his crewman approaches Archer and take him to his quarters. There, with some nice visual effects, the crewman, Daniels, explains that he is from the future. He is ordered to prevent the Suliban from preventing the explosion. So basically the Suliban have saved Enterprise and for a reason Daniels - who looks Human - didn't want to change history so he just wanted to let it happen. Archer' is surprised and intrigued, nicely played.

There is also another scene with Daniels, in which Daniels pleads with Archer to trust him. The reason given: :roll: :roll: because Daniels knows that he likes his scrambled eggs soft and provided him with a good meal. That only means Daniels is a good waiter (because he isn't the cook of Enterprise) and absolutely now reason to trust someone. The only reason for trusting Daniels seems to me that Daniels looks Human. But for all we know, Daniels could be an alien disguised as Human.

Archer tells Trip and T'Pol about Daniels. The dynamics between those three in this scene is kind of interesting. First of all, they are all on duty. But Archer picks up a bottle of wine and offers Trip and T'Pol some wine. T'Pol declines and walks to the other side of the room, leaving Trip and Archer standing on one side and she on the other side. Trip and Archer toast together and exchange a nod and a smile, while T'Pol tells she is very skeptical about this Daniels. And she is rightly so. At one point Trip comes to her aid, when he tells Archer that with certain kind of technology Daniels could have let him seen anything that's looks real. The whole scene is more like two friends forming a front, not including T'Pol (who made some excellent points). And why on Earth would Archer pour Trip (and T'Pol) a drink while on duty? In their free time, on a work related party, I can understand, but on duty? (BTW T'Pol says a few episode earlier that Vulcans don't drink wine, later on in the show, she will.)

Anyway, Trip is excited about the possibility of time travelling, but I am with T'Pol, just because you like the idea, it don't have to be true.

Daniels goes with Trip and T'Pol to Engineering, where he shows his magic stuff. :) There isn't much interaction between Trip and T'Pol, except there are both surprised by Daniels actions. And when Daniels asked an engineer questions, she gives him a nod, like that is your field of expertise.
The friendly vibe between them a few episodes back seems to have gone.

Meanwhile, Archer goes back to his quarters and his dog is barking and trying to communicate to his boss there's someone in the room. I really like this scene, well done Porthos. Archer and the Suliban have a discussion about trusting Daniels or him, Suliban escapes in a very nicely done scene where the Suliban opens the hatch and jumps to an awaiting ship.

In the end the quarters of of Daniels are sealed off. I would have investigate this quarters, but the last shot of the quarters of Daniels being sealed off is a nice cliffhanger for things to come.

Story : Enterprise is introduced to time traveler Daniels and learns more about the Temporal War.

Villains: Suliban.

Travis's index: There's a small scene in which Hoshi teases him to sit on the big chair. Travis says he will wait for this promotion. Well, Travis according to a certain hologram program Riker was watching you still haven't made any promotion after 10 years! Not even after four years of war. Another reason why that hologram can't be true.

TnT moments: There is a distant distance between the two. Trip is in buddy mode with Archer. He helps T'Pol in one instant. T'Pol is certainly not agreeing with Trip on the time travel-thing, but acknowledges his authority when it comes to Engineering.

It's a good episode, but I didn't care for it much. For a much better use of Daniels, please read Blackandblue's Want for a nail. ... nail.shtml

Stars: :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:16 am

Season 1, episode 11 Silent Enemy

I really enjoyed this episode, it was an entertaining 45 minutes. Enterprise is confronted with a non communicative ship that scans, invades and shoots them. Apparently, the armory is still not up to speed and Enterprise is dead in the water if the unknown alien ship attacks. Jaw dropping moment here. Why on Earth would you travelling around the galaxy with unknown and hostile aliens lurking around the corner without your armory fully in tact? A couple of episodes ago this was also mentioned and they haven't fix it yet. It's just not realistic. No wonder Malcolm is frustrated.

When Archer orders the ship back to Jupiter station to get this fixed, Malcolm and Trip team up and make sure Enterprise can shoot back if attacked. Meanwhile Archer gives Hoshi a special assignment: to find out what Malcolm's favorite food is. Another jaw dropping moment. Hoshi has one of most important jobs on the bridge: communication. And Archer assigns her to the trivial job of finding out what Malcolm's favorite food is? Hopefully she worked on this request in her free time. There is one funny scene when Hoshi follows T'Pol's advice and tries to ask the man himself and Malcolm thinks she is coming on to him.

Archer also makes a call to Malcolm's parents to ask them about Malcolm favorite food. It proves an interesting insight in the family of Malcolm, but I found the whole stiff upper lip-thing a bit cliche. And being a mother myself, I found it hard to believe Malcolm's mother wouldn't know what his favorite food was.

Next we have a nice Archer/Trip interaction. Enterprise has launched satellites, so they can communicate much easier with Earth. Archer mentioned this in Fortunate Son. BTW, after they had launched the satellites the alien vessels shows up and destroys both of them. Mmm.. maybe their appearance has something to do those satellites? "'

Archer, in casual clothes, asked Trip why he was absent at dinner. Trip has been answering letters (that had come in before the satellite went down). T'Pol was trying to eat with chopstick," he tells Trip. "Too bad I missed it", Trip response is, "Dinner and a show." It's said in jest, like two friends teasing or laughing at another another friend (the same front of Archer/Trip - T'Pol which we have seen in the previous episode). Trip reveals one of the letters he had received was Nathalie, sending him a dear Trip letter. When Archer mentioned he doubts if the Humans are ready for space, Trip remarks "Did you just grow a pair of pointy ears?" referring to the reluctant Vulcans. I like the dialogue between the two friends, but I can't help to be glad that T'Pol is the right hand of Archer and not Trip. Not only do I think Trip is much better at being Chief Engineer, but as a First Officer you have to be able to correct the captain. The friendship between Trip and Archer at this point would prevent Trip for doing so.

In the next scene we see the aliens invade the ship and walking around in an eerie kind of way (I liked that scene), Trip and Malcolm working together to get more weapon power and Hoshi finally finding out what Malcolm's favorite food was. When the alien vessel returns, an energy surge causes the weapons to go off line, but T'Pol discovers it cause (left by the aliens during their visit) and Trip gets an idea how to knock down the alien vessels.

In the end we see Archer, Trip and Malcolm celebrating their success with a glass of beer and Archer remarking that this doesn't mean they can drink while on duty. This from the man who pour a drink to his colleagues while they're on duty in Cold Front, but it's good to see Archer is learning.

Hoshi enters with a special birthday cake. Malcolm is pleasantly surprised by this gesture and is happy to see they have used his favorite food: pineapple. It's a nice scene, but when I first watched this episode and now again, I am surprised T'Pol was clearly not invited, which I did find odd. But then again neither was Travis.

Story : Enterprise is attacked by an alien vessel, which forces the team to finally get the armory in order and Hoshi is sent on a childish mission to find out what's Malcolm's favorite food was.

Villains: Unknown alien race.

Travis's index: I can't remember seeing him in this episode.

TnT moments: Trip seemed to have accept T'Pol as a normal thing in his life, but there's no interaction between them. But at least we know Trip is single (again).

Stars: I liked the episode. However, when I started to write this review, so many things rubbed me the wrong way. Two stars. :starfleet: :starfleet:
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Re: Panyasan's Past and Present Reviews

Postby panyasan » Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:22 pm

Season 1, episode 12 Dear Doctor

A very interesting episode with gives us loads to think and/or to discuss about. The episode revolts around Phlox. He writes a letter to his friend, doctor Lucas. Liz Cutler has asked him to join him on movie night. During his interactions with Humans and during the movie (I figured out that the movie was Casablanca), he makes observations about Humans (we see Trip crying about the end of this movie, I found it a bit out of place for him).

Enterprise finds a ship with people in stasis. They rescue them and it found out they're Valakian. That specie doesn't have warp capability, but are capable of creating space ships. They are suffering from a disease and go into space to find aliens who could help them defeat this deadly disease.

I liked when Archer asked T'Pol advice in this situation, given the fact that in a previous situation she strongly advised not to interfere with a pre-warp society. But as T'Pol states the Valakians already have met other species with warp technology, she has no objection. Later on, we see another see interaction between Archer and T'Po when discussing if they should give the Valakians warp technology or not. It's a nice exchanges of idea, in which Archer realizes how difficult if must have been for the Vulcans to come to Earth and help the Humans in a right way. This is sort of a nice continuation of Archer in the last episode, doubting if Enterprise aka the Humans is ready for warp 5 space travel.

Liz Cutler seemed to be interested in Phlox. When T'Pol'comes by to visit Phlox, because she has a cavity (eating too much of that Tucker pecan pie, dear?) he asked her what she thinks about inter-species relationship when it comes to Humans. Her answer is very interesting. T'Pol says that Humans mostly like new things and she fears when the new thing wears out, the Human wouldn't be interested in the inter-species relationship anymore. Fast forwarding to season 3 and 4: I wonder if her fear that at one point of time Trip wouldn't find her as new anymore, has influence her reaction to their relationship. I think it's a save bet it has. BTW I found the fact that Phlox is asking a kind of questions while he is working at T'Pol teeth and she has her mouth wide open (and can't speak) very humorous. My dentist also asked questions while he is working and there is no way you can answer them with your mouth open. :D

Out of compassion Archer asked Phlox to help the Valakians to find a cure for their disease. Hoshi, Phlox and Archer visit a hospital, where they found out there is another specie living on the planet called the Menk. Because the Menk are immune for the decease, Phlox, Hoshi and Liz Cutler spend some time with the Menk to do tests. The Menk are intelligent beings, but not as developed as the Valakians. The Menks don't have their own medicine or food, they're provided with everything by the Valakians. According to Liz the Valakians treat the Menks like pets. As Phlox observes that is seen as something negative by the Humans. Phlox tries to explain to Liz that different cultures have different morals. He asked her is she is married and Liz says "Of course not". Then he reveals he has three wives that also have two husbands. Phlox is asking her about her intention (following T'Pol's suggestion). Liz says she is not planning to be wife number 4, but I found it a bit strange she is hinting that they can become more than friends. However, Phlox is wiser and treats her in the rest of the episode as just a friend.

Phlox finds a cure and goes to Archer. I find it hard to believe he would find a cure so quickly, but what comes next, I find it much harder to believe. Phlox explains to Archer that he has a cure for the Valakians, but he doesn't want to give the cure, because this would interfere with evolution. He believes that evolution teaches him that the Menk are going to be the survival species and that the Valakians must die out. He illustrates his point with Neanderthals and Homo sapiens on Earth. Archer strongly disagreed, he thinks a doctor should help people. In fact the reason why they came down the planet and tried to help the Valakians is out of compassion, trying to help is part of being Human and being a doctor.

But later, without much explanation, Archer is agreeing with Phlox's POV. "We're not here to play God," he says, but I think he is just doing so. The link to the Prime Directive is nice, but even when the Prime Directive is in place, there is still wiggle room for another solution in this situation.

Now I have to confess, I am not a supporter of the evolution theory, but I think even supporters are not agreeing with Phlox's POV. I read a couple of reviews about this episode, just to get their POV. I read a review which stated that evolution doesn't imply that a species will be smarter, it just ensures the survival of the species that are best adapted to their current environment. Another review remarked that the solution would have been that the Menk and the Valakians interbreed, like - as one reviewer stated - Neanderthals and Homo sapiens on Earth did.

My own main objection against Phlox's solution is that the Social Darwinism vibe. The genocidal policies of the Nazi German Government in the 1930s and 40s was based on this theory. It was promoting that he strongest should naturally prevail - in this instant action so that the superior race should survive by killing the inferior one.

Enterprise started to help the Valakians based on compassion and helping people, along the lines "love the other person as you would love yourself." That is a moral ground. As soon as you take this road, you can't simple say: we don't give you the cure, we don't help you with warp technology, we withhold information from you, because maybe maybe in some distant future you may die out and the Menk are destined to become the main specie on your planet. Archer and Phlox are not in a position to know what destiny the Valakians and Menk have. Why not give the cure with the condition that the Menk should have the own land and the ability to grow their own food, medicine and development.

The other option is to decide when you meet a specie that hasn't got warp technology, not to help them at all. Its either help or no help at all, in my humble opinion. But once you have decide to help a specie and are already influencing a specie, you can't simple drop the whole thing.I think I have less objections against not given people technology they can't handle, like warp technology, then withholding medical information that could save their lives. The first thing I can fully understand, the second not.

Story : Enterprise meets the Valakians and finds a cure for their disease. But with the consent of Archer withholds the cure for "nature reasons."

Travis's index: I didn't see him.

TnT moments: Trip and T'Pol aren't in one scene, but I found T'Pol remark about Humans getting tired soon in relationships (when the new thing of an alien girlfriend/boyfriend very interesting. It may explain a lot about the TnT relationship later on.

Stars: I may not agree with this episode, but it provided food for thought. 3,5 stars: :starfleet: :starfleet: :starfleet: :ufp:
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