Which Fiction Index Do You Find Least Useful?

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Which fiction index is least useful?

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Total votes: 29

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Re: Which Fiction Index Do You Find Least Useful?

Postby Alelou » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:06 pm

I know one of them has that note, but the other one doesn't. And it does have some multi-chapters listed in it. But it's only spotty.
Was this a really old strand I happened upon somehow? It said Oct. 29 -- maybe it was another Oct. 29?
Confused and bemused...
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Re: Which Fiction Index Do You Find Least Useful?

Postby Aquarius » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:57 am

blacknblue wrote:Looks like at least somebody uses all of them.

That seems to be the norm in any fandom.

Rating is a good one to keep because some people categorically avoid adult material. Other people, it's the first thing they seek out when finding a new archive. :wink: Either way, there's nothing wrong with letting a reader make an informed decision about the content and whether or not to keep reading.

Date added is another good one because some people want to read the latest and greatest. Others like oldies but goodies.

And author and title are must-haves. You've GOT to find those faves later on so you can read them over and over again! :D

They're all useful; just different readers have different priorities.
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Re: Which Fiction Index Do You Find Least Useful?

Postby dark_rain » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:18 pm

Alelou wrote:Was this a really old strand I happened upon somehow? It said Oct. 29 -- maybe it was another Oct. 29?
Confused and bemused...

Yup. :) Looks like we forgot to lock it.
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