To celebrate...

Just what it says on the tin.

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To celebrate...

Postby Asso » Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:28 pm

To celebrate the birthday of a very sweet and capable writer, I think the best thing is to pay tribute to her by reading this wonderful piece, one of the best she wrote, in my opinion.
And among the best which have ever been written, straightforwardly.
I am persuaded.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: To celebrate...

Postby Cogito » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:24 pm

Excellent choice, Asso. Happy Birthday, JK!

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Re: To celebrate...

Postby Weeble » Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:53 pm

Wonderful suggestion Asso. Having just finished the re-read, I can only applaud the story, the author and wish JK a happy birfday.
RIP Tom, I will miss you, as will many others

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