A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

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A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Sat May 26, 2012 7:09 pm

Hi Everyone,

I apologize for not having posted here in ages, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought - damn it, I've met some really fantastic folks on this board too I'd love to hear from too if you're on Facebook, so please see the note below I just posted on the Voyager Angel Message Board (VAMB is a forum for Star Trek Voyager fans). Kinda weird how a possible cancer threat was what brought me to this board initially last year and is now bringing me back here again, eh? Anyway, below is my post on VAMB, but the same applies equally to the sweet souls I know on Triaxiansilk's forum too.

(posted to Vamb):
Hi All,

After hearing from some of my fellow Vambies, (publically and privately, like I seen 94 seen my post about wanting to contact Gilly right away), I thought I should let anyone following this know I got some pretty hopeful news from both my doctor and an oncologist recently, so I'm pasting this note in from my "Wall" and "Notes" pages on Facebook:

Okay, for an update on my possibly having cancer - after discussing the matter at length with different people (including both my doctor and an oncologist too) I've decided to get the 2nd cat scan done in July rather than wait until October as I had originally planned to do. Also found out (from both of those doctors) that my thinking I probably didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of not having cancer was being overly pessimistic and erroneous there. I actually found out a more realistic view of it is that there's probably a 2 out of 3 chance that this is NOT cancer and both doctors seemed to think I have every right to be hopeful there. Whew - that was sure a relief to hear! Well, there's still a 33.33% chance it's cancer - and it sucks big time to know I'll still have to be going in for additional cat scans regularly (as a follow-up) for the next two years regardless if it's cancer or not just so my doctor can check on what's going on in my lungs occasionally - but I still think that is wonderful news to get anyway - yeeaaahhh!!!

BTW, if anyone reading this is on Facebook and would like to "friend me" there, my name is Marchale Hyndman, my email address is shadyladyfakes@comcast.net - I'm accepting all friendship requests there (and am on there a lot, so there should be plenty of regular updates, I hope); and you might want to check out my "Worth Keeping" photo album there (200 cute wall photos that will make you laugh, I hope), my fakes (I've got some of Chakotay, ladies! as well as the hunks on Star Trek Enterprise (as both Trip and Archer are very drool-worthy too), my Trip & T'Pol music video, the 13 songs I've collected so far (to help me keep a positive attitude about things if I will be dying in the near future), some apartment photos and assorted other stuff and junk there. (I just can't do app and game requests there, sorry). But I'd love to have all the Facebook friends I can get if anyone wants to friend me there.

Thanks for listening, Marc
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby Distracted » Sat May 26, 2012 8:28 pm

Welcome back, Marchale! Sorry to hear you've been living in fear, but a 33% chance of having something means a 66% percent chance of not having it, right? Enjoy yourself. No need to worry about something that you have no control over. C'mon and make us some more pretty pictures. :D
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Sat May 26, 2012 9:54 pm

Distracted wrote:Welcome back, Marchale! Sorry to hear you've been living in fear, but a 33% chance of having something means a 66% percent chance of not having it, right? Enjoy yourself. No need to worry about something that you have no control over. C'mon and make us some more pretty pictures. :D

Awww, thanks, Distracted - that's sweet of you to say! Yeah, I was pretty damn happy to get those odds (especially when I had myself almost convinced I probably had a 99% chance of having it, between having been a smoker for 42 years, asbestos exposure many years ago, having worked my way through college sterilizing test tubes and petri dishes, etc in a lab that had a 'danger:radiation' sign on the door, not to mention the 6 months of UVB treatments I went through for psoriasis right before they really started publically warning folks alot about the dangers of tanning booths, and not wearing sunscreen protection, etc - I thought it would have to be a miracle if these 3 pulmonary nodules I have weren't cancerous, you know?

Anyway, even if it is cancer, that's okay, I can handle it. Having had 18 classes in philosophy, I'm probably better equipped to deal with it than what most folks would be. I mean, if you want to think about it, nobody's getting out of this world alive and we're all born to die - all we can do is to party hearty while we're here and to make the most out of whatever time we have and enjoy life to the fullest. Actually, it's probably an odd coincidence you said "Enjoy yourself" - yeah, one of the 13 songs I've collected so far to remind myself to think positively about there is called "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think" (and I was pleased when I heard they used that song at the end of the "House" series finale in regards to Dr. Wilson's cancer diagnosis). Hell yes, you've got to enjoy yourself and to keep a positive attitude about the brevity of life and how important it is to enjoy your life to the max. Actually, I've given a copy of those songs to all of my friends who live and work in my apartment building and have put the link to them on my note regarding cancer on my "Notes" section at Facebook so family and friends there can download it (and if anyone here who doesn't want to friend me on Facebook would like the link to them as well, please just PM me for it; eventually that's going to be a 2 CD set of both rock and softer songs, but so far all I have collected are 13 rock songs there). Anyway, I think I'm at peace and okay with it enough where I could get killed by a drunk driver tomorrow as far as that goes too and think "okay, well that was fun while it lasted" or whatever, LOL! While I don't want to die anytime soon, we all have to face the inevitable someday, so ultimately what does it matter whether I die tomorrow or live to be 100? It doesn't matter really - you just have to be able to make the most out of whatever time you have and to enjoy it to the max. (thats what alot of those songs are about, that and coming to terms with coping with difficulties psychologically, waking up and fully appreciating life, and just me talking to my soul or God as much as a very skeptical New Ager can (I don't accept traditional religion, but I hope there's a hereafter even if I am skeptical about a lot of what I've heard about it (i.e. my mom had a near death experience and I hope that was real and not just oxygen deprivation to the brain).

Anyway, thanks for your sweet thoughts there - and yep, I'll try to get more fakes made too (glad you like them). Take care of yourself and feel free to either friend me on Facebook, or PM me here, or email me or whatever if you want to discuss this (or anything else for that matter too) further, okay? Thanks for writing, Marc
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby Cogito » Sun May 27, 2012 2:14 pm

Hi Marc,

Great to hear from you again. Sorry to hear you've been under threat of cancer. I know how stressful that can be and I'll keep everything crossed in the hope that you get good news in July.

Best wishes,
Pete (Cogito)

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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Sun May 27, 2012 11:06 pm

Cogito wrote:Hi Marc,

Great to hear from you again. Sorry to hear you've been under threat of cancer. I know how stressful that can be and I'll keep everything crossed in the hope that you get good news in July.

Best wishes,
Pete (Cogito)

Well, it's great to hear from you too, Pete. Thanks for keeping everything crossed there about July, I appreciate the thought! I was sorry to hear though that you know how stressful that can be. Are you okay? I sure hope so! Best wishes to you too.

Take care, Marc
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Sun May 27, 2012 11:23 pm

Hope nobody minds I'm pasting this in from my "Wall" on Facebook, but I wanted to post it here too if anyone else would like it too:

Yesterday I pieced together a video I'd very much like to share with anyone following the news that I might have lung cancer. (I think that's the least I can do for dumping that information on those I care about). It was taken from the 1976 made for tv movie called "The Great Houdini" (which starred Paul Michael Glaser, Sally Struthers, Vivian Vance and Bill Bixby) and concerns what happened between Rev. Arthur Ford and Bess Houdini (Harry Houdini's widow) in 1928 (two years after her famous husband died). Now, I'm not trying to offend anyone's religious beliefs here (to each their own) but please keep in mind that this is a true story of what really happened after Houdini died. I'm not just saying that, I've read more books written by and about both Arthur Ford (my hero) and Houdini that I can tell you that anyone who would tell you any differently than this doesn't know the facts of the case.

You see, following the death of his mother, Harry Houdini fell into a deep depression and tried desperately to contact her on "the other side" through mediums - and when that failed, he became a devout atheist who was hellbent on exposing mediums as being nothing more than cheats and frauds who prey upon the grieving; and he made it part of his magic act in his later years to try to show the world it was nothing more than bullshit and a bunch of cheap parlor tricks. Anyway, the night he was dying, Houdini made a pact with his (still hopeful but somewhat agnostic) wife that if there really was a hereafter, he'd come back with proof of it for her in the form of a coded message which only they would understand (as the code was something they used in their early Vaudeville days, where words stood for letters that would spell out a word).

Anyway, Arthur Ford delivered not only the coded message to Mrs. Houdini but several other personal things known only to them. The newspapers thought it was just a hoax (even though there was no hoax, they had no idea of just how badly Bess either wanted proof that Harry was still around after he died, or to ruin Ford's reputation as a medium if he hadn't delivered the message - she was as hellbent on wanting to expose phony mediums as what her late husband was). Anyway, it's what I consider to be the best case of evidence I've ever seen of life after death; and I hope you'll enjoy watching it too - here's the link for it (just cut and paste it into your browser if the link below isn't working) :

Last edited by marchale on Mon May 28, 2012 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Mon May 28, 2012 11:31 am

Just a follow up to my last post (regarding the Arthur Ford And Mrs. Houdini video clip I made) - I found the entire "The Great Houdini" movie online at YouTube, in 12 parts (note, this has nothing to do with "Starsky & Hutch" - it's just that Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky) played Houdini in this film) Anyway, it's an excellent film if you want to watch it through YouTube)

Here's the links:

abc starsky and hutch the great houdini pt 1.AVI
starsky and hutch the great houdini pt 2.AVI
STARSKY AND HUTCH the great houdini pt 3
ABC starsky and hutch the great houdini pt 4.AVI
ABC 1976 starsky and hutch THE GREAT HOUDINI PT.11.AVI
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:09 pm

Pasting this in from my Facebook wall:

Just got the following email from my doctor - all is looking great and it doesn't appear to look like lung cancer (as the pulmonary nodules haven't grown in size). I'll still have to undergo additional cat scans over the next two years (just as a precautionary thing) but at least its not appearing to be lung cancer - Thank God; this just might be the best early birthday present I ever got. Yeeeaaaahhhh!!!

Below is the email from my internist:

Notes Recorded by Lubka, Reuben, MD on 7/18/2012 at 1:12 PM
Please transfer all information to a telephone encounter and reroute as necessary for orders placement or questions.

Reuben Lubka MD

This is all good news. The three previously noted small right pulmonary nodules are unchanged, with the largest in the right lower lobe posteriorly and medially measuring 0.6 cm. Followup CT in 6 to 12 months is recommended.

Good !

Reuben Lubka MD
Last edited by marchale on Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby Distracted » Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:54 am

Yay! Good news! But do you really want your confidential medical records posted online?
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Re: A Hopeful Update On My Possibly Having Cancer

Postby marchale » Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:56 am

Distracted wrote:Yay! Good news! But do you really want your confidential medical records posted online?

Ahh, that's a real good point - I've edited this down to just the email he sent me and removed the cat scan test results; thank you for thinking of that; I was just so excited when I got the news I wasn't even thinking straight at the time; thank you!
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