Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Just what it says on the tin.

Moderators: justTripn, Elessar, dark_rain

Should there be a Drabble Section?

No, they should be posted as regular stories
Yes, they should have their own section in the Forums
Yes, they should have their own section on the Fanfic Page
Total votes: 14

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Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby Elessar » Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:34 pm

I have no problem separating out what we're calling "Drabbles" for the sake of

1. Administrative efficiency
2. Distinction as a different "level" of work than a full blown story
3. More user-friendly for the author than having to submit and wait for a "spur of the moment" idea to be posted

There are two ways we can do this - one of them is a new section to the front page. I don't personally favor this option but if it's the consensus we'll go with it. For one, the concept doesn't really follow with the other categorical areas on the front of the site. Under "Drabbles" you could have TnT, Amanda/Soval, Vulcan-only, Trip-only, General Enterprise, etc -- it doesn't really tell you what it would be. A fanfic front page section also wouldn't give us (1) or (3) in the above list because we'd have to post them anyway and the author would still have to wait.

This is why I personally favor a Forum option. If we go that way it will be its own entire section where each story is a thread and I'll be clear on what the posting rules are. That way authors are free to post as often and as immediately as they want. I'd probably even use it too, I often have what I'd call "ficlet" ideas, so, we would definitely get use out of it.

But let me know what you think and we'll go with the most popular option.
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Re: Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby Aikiweezie » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:03 pm

Dammit, I clicked on the wrong button. Accidentally hit #2.

Add one to "Yes, they should have their own section on the Fanfic Page"

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Re: Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby Elessar » Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:28 pm

"I call shotgun!"
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Re: Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:12 pm

Boss you're amazing! Personally I could go with a section on the front page, or a section on the forum. Either is so much more organized. However since you like the forum idea, and you pay for it, I click that.
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Re: Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby Yashida » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:09 pm

Well, as long as there's some way or manner to give a reader a hint on what it's about (TnT, Amanda/Soval, Vulcan-only, Trip-only, General Enterprise, etc) I don't particularly mind whichever option is chosen: the forum or the front of the site.

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Re: Should There Be a Drabble Section?

Postby Linda » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:06 pm

Maybe we could just put that info in the title of the drabble.
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