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Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:23 am
by WarpGirl
I've got a 2fer. Kate Mulgrew on L&O:SVU and John Billingsly on Cold Case.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:04 am
by putaro
I watched Broken Bow for the first time since it originally aired the other day and the first scene with Archer's Dad had me yelling "Archer's Dad is Duck Phillips!" (Mark Moses played an especially alcoholic advertising guy named "Duck Phillips" on Mad Men)

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:57 am
by marchale
justTripn wrote:OK, another two for one deal. I just watched an episode of William Shatner's Raw Nerve, where he interviewed LaVar Burton! [WARNING. All Quotes are paraphrases from my very feeble memory of the actual quote.]

As I've stated before, this show is simply facinating. Shatner interviews various celebrities for a half hour and they tell him very personal things about their life, or summarize their lives from childhood and what they've learned. These are very serious interviews, not "a funny thing happened to me on my way over here" type interviews. It's on the biography channel, so usually the interviewee is eager to give ancount of themeselves and their lives. So LaVar is very intense discussing his upbringing and how as a child he went to seminary and beleived (and believes) he has a calling in life, a mission. And how everything he has done from Roots through Reading Rainbow to the present is part of that mission. In discussing Roots, LaVar Burton said that the scene that was the hardest was when Kunta Kinta was whipped, and it was partly because of racial genetic memory. Shatner says, "You mean 'Cultural memory' because it it would be too soon for an actual genetic memory. There isn't enough time." Burton disagrees and Shatner lets it go. LaVar Burton goes on about the importance of reading and what he wanted to do for children, to tell them they are special and unique and that each one of them has a mission and they have to discover what that is. Shatner is very impressed with his intensity and says something about it and how glad his is to be able to learn from him or something, when Burton pratically jumps forward and grabs both Shatner's hands and says, "I LOVE IT. I love being here! I can't beleive I'm here talking to Bill Shatner! You don't know how important you were to me growing up. To be able to my race presented on screen. To see Black people presented as part of the future. You don't know what an impression that made on me!" And they were grasping each other's hands for like a minute like very moved by this moment. And I'm thinking, They haven't met before???!!!! Well then they cut to more discussion of LaVar Burton and his life and at the end. Shatner says, "Well I'm so glad to have met you. When I first saw you today, I knew this was going to be good." And Burton says, "Actually, we have met before. We were on some celebrity game show together and you were the team captian." And Shatner says, "Oh right, and we won."

Anyway, I highly recommend this show on any night, Star Trek tie in or no.

Wow, thanks for the info on that show and going into depth about it, I'll have to start watching it (it's sounds neat!) Yeah, I seen both Shatner and Nimoy together at the last con I attended here in Minneapolis a few years ago (the one where I met J. Paul Boehmer). Both Shatner and Nimoy were fascinating to listen to. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on his show, I'm going to start watching it - and hopefully I can catch a repeat of the LeVar Burton episode (and others too) if they either re-run it or if Comcast has it on their On Demand service.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:09 pm
by justTripn
marchale, if you liked my report on the Shatner interview of LaVar Burton (above), here's my older report of his interview of Scott Bakula:

Silverbullet alerted me to this. I just watched William Shatner interview Scott Bakula on the TV show "Shatner's Raw Nerve" on the BIO Channel. I watch this show anyway because I love biography, but this was a special treat. (All the following quotations are a paraphrase based on my tenuous memory of the interview)

So this show always begins, "[Special Guest] is about to expose [his/her] raw nerve" then Shatner basically tries to get the star to relate some horribly painful information (the death of a parent, rejection, a drug addiction) and Shatner will share similar information in return. This show was about the only one that broke that mold. Scott Bakula came off as a completely normal, happy guy.

First Shatner asks about his singing career. Seems Scott Bakula thinks of himself primarily as a singer! He was always singing in musicals since high school at least and when asked what he sees himself doing in the future, he said, that's what he wants to do forever. He loves it. The inverview began when Scott was young in Missouri on a "float trip" with his friends and he lost his voice and wasn't able to sing campfire songs or whatever and it ruined the trip for him. This was the show's "raw nerve" moment, such as it was. So Shatner was like, "So what did it FEEL like? You loved singing and you lost that." Bakula was just like, "Well, I don't know. It was very emotionally difficult because I was in a show, but I accepted it, and my life was so busy I didn't have time to think about it too much. And then later my voice came back." Then he describes how in Quantum Leap he got many opportunities to sing. Then Shatner asks "And what about in Star Trek? Were you going to sing in Star Trek?" Bakula says, "YES! I think we all assumed that I would eventually, but then the show got canceled after only four years." Then he is all appologetic about saying "Only four years" like he had been insentive and they both laugh and acknowledge that Shatner had only three years. Then Shatner asks "Did you ever dream you'd grow up to be a starship captain?" And Bakula lights up, like "Never in a million years did I think that would happen. I loved Star Trek!" And they are both very exuberant. Then Bakula continues with the singing story, saying, in the middle of the third season, it suddenly seemed inapproriate to fit in an excuse for Captain Archer to sing, what with fighting the Xindi and saving Earth etc. Then that is the end of the Star Trek discussion. Then Bakula talks about how he quit college for his music career and how his father disapproved but didn't beat him over the head about it. After a year living at home, he took off for New York City, not knowing a soul and within a week had a job touring with a musical and everything clicked for him from there on out. Then Shatner asks about Bakula's children: What do they want to do? Bakula mentions that his oldest son wants to be a boxer and make jewlrey. Shatner is shocked and says, "So how do you explain to him that this is a bad idea?" And Bakula with this glowing smile says there is nothing he can do. He says he advises his son, and his son listens politely and probably ignores the advice. And that's all one can do. Just like his father couldn't talk him out of singing. You can tell he loves them and respects their choices.

At the end of the show, the guest always brings an object that means something to them. Well Bakula has brought a 10lb weight that was custom made, because "It represents health, and as you know in this job we have to be concerned about that."

End of show.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:49 pm
by Cogito
Whenever I see Scott outside of Enterprise he comes across as a great guy, and I wish that Archer had been more like him and less of the opinionated, petulant and arrogant character that we saw. It is probably a testament to Scott's acting skills that he managed to portray a character that I dislike so much. (Just as I admire Brent Spiner for making Soong so unlikeable.)

This, I think, is why I liked Firefly so much - the characters there weren't all perfect, but they were all strong well defined characters who were likeable. (The fact that all the ladies were drop dead gorgeous didn't hurt one bit and I'm not ashamed to admit that.)

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:59 pm
by Asso
Firefly Is practically unknown in Italy (I had to look at Wikipedia to see what it is.)
But, considering what you said in regard to the Ladies... shame I didn't see anything of it.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:44 pm
by marchale
justTripn wrote:marchale, if you liked my report on the Shatner interview of LaVar Burton (above), here's my older report of his interview of Scott Bakula:

Silverbullet alerted me to this. I just watched William Shatner interview Scott Bakula on the TV show "Shatner's Raw Nerve" on the BIO Channel. I watch this show anyway because I love biography, but this was a special treat. (All the following quotations are a paraphrase based on my tenuous memory of the interview)

So this show always begins, "[Special Guest] is about to expose [his/her] raw nerve" then Shatner basically tries to get the star to relate some horribly painful information (the death of a parent, rejection, a drug addiction) and Shatner will share similar information in return. This show was about the only one that broke that mold. Scott Bakula came off as a completely normal, happy guy.

First Shatner asks about his singing career. Seems Scott Bakula thinks of himself primarily as a singer! He was always singing in musicals since high school at least and when asked what he sees himself doing in the future, he said, that's what he wants to do forever. He loves it. The inverview began when Scott was young in Missouri on a "float trip" with his friends and he lost his voice and wasn't able to sing campfire songs or whatever and it ruined the trip for him. This was the show's "raw nerve" moment, such as it was. So Shatner was like, "So what did it FEEL like? You loved singing and you lost that." Bakula was just like, "Well, I don't know. It was very emotionally difficult because I was in a show, but I accepted it, and my life was so busy I didn't have time to think about it too much. And then later my voice came back." Then he describes how in Quantum Leap he got many opportunities to sing. Then Shatner asks "And what about in Star Trek? Were you going to sing in Star Trek?" Bakula says, "YES! I think we all assumed that I would eventually, but then the show got canceled after only four years." Then he is all appologetic about saying "Only four years" like he had been insentive and they both laugh and acknowledge that Shatner had only three years. Then Shatner asks "Did you ever dream you'd grow up to be a starship captain?" And Bakula lights up, like "Never in a million years did I think that would happen. I loved Star Trek!" And they are both very exuberant. Then Bakula continues with the singing story, saying, in the middle of the third season, it suddenly seemed inapproriate to fit in an excuse for Captain Archer to sing, what with fighting the Xindi and saving Earth etc. Then that is the end of the Star Trek discussion. Then Bakula talks about how he quit college for his music career and how his father disapproved but didn't beat him over the head about it. After a year living at home, he took off for New York City, not knowing a soul and within a week had a job touring with a musical and everything clicked for him from there on out. Then Shatner asks about Bakula's children: What do they want to do? Bakula mentions that his oldest son wants to be a boxer and make jewlrey. Shatner is shocked and says, "So how do you explain to him that this is a bad idea?" And Bakula with this glowing smile says there is nothing he can do. He says he advises his son, and his son listens politely and probably ignores the advice. And that's all one can do. Just like his father couldn't talk him out of singing. You can tell he loves them and respects their choices.

At the end of the show, the guest always brings an object that means something to them. Well Bakula has brought a 10lb weight that was custom made, because "It represents health, and as you know in this job we have to be concerned about that."

End of show.

Wow, thanks for telling me (and the others here too) about Bakula on the show, I really appreciate that. I've been a big fan of his since Quantum Leap - and yeah, I've heard elsewhere how he's a really nice and very down to earth guy. Connor Trineer sure seems to think the world of Scott, at least that was impression I got from listening to him at the first Star Trek con I attended (that was the summer following season 1 of Enterprise, both him and Linda Park were there that day).

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:17 pm
by marchale
Cogito wrote:Whenever I see Scott outside of Enterprise he comes across as a great guy, and I wish that Archer had been more like him and less of the opinionated, petulant and arrogant character that we saw. It is probably a testament to Scott's acting skills that he managed to portray a character that I dislike so much. (Just as I admire Brent Spiner for making Soong so unlikeable.)

This, I think, is why I liked Firefly so much - the characters there weren't all perfect, but they were all strong well defined characters who were likeable. (The fact that all the ladies were drop dead gorgeous didn't hurt one bit and I'm not ashamed to admit that.)

You dislike Archer? Well, I wasn't happy with some of the things TPTB had his character doing and saying, but I just considered that TPTB's fault and stupidity on their part. Yeah, it would've been nice if Archer was more like Scott in real life, that could've definatly made it more interesting to watch. Guess I'm just enough of a Bakula fan that I'd pay good money to watch him read the newspaper :drool:

Sorry, I never seen Firefly, it sounds like it was a good show. Did you catch the pictures here of it on telestrekoza I seen Morena Baccarin on "V" though. did you see that show? I think it's great, she plays the queen of an alien race invading present day Earth. Anyway, there's some pictures of it here if you want to see it:

P.S. Can you please either email me from my website or PM me here if you're a fan of (or at least curious about) V ? I'd like to talk to you more about that show, but I know that conversation wouldn't belong here.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:54 pm
by justTripn
Marchale, just start a thread about V in General Chat. No problem. We have a thread about House, for instance.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:36 pm
by marchale
justTripn wrote:Marchale, just start a thread about V in General Chat. No problem. We have a thread about House, for instance.

Ahhh, thanks for the info on how that could be discussed under a new thread in General Chat, justTripn (thats nice to know for future reference), but it's not something I can be discussing here in public, if you know what I mean, LOL! (it has something to do with that editing you were nice enough to help me out with recently). Thanks for the info anyway though, I appreciate the thought!

EDITED - Hope it's okay though that I did start a thread in the Studio/Picture Threads for any IOU's I owe to others here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1931 (I've got the first of several sexy T'Pol fakes I owe Cogito and Silverbullet up there now.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:11 am
by justTripn
Hi, thanks for the new fakes for the guys! :clap:

I was just going to mention that if you love watching Scott Bakula, you should be watching "Men of a Certain Age," which I was just watching a minute ago. It's on TNT (which I almost mistyped, lol . . . ) :spiraleyes: OK, so the actor is such a chameleon. His character on "Men of a Certain Age" is 180 degrees different from his Captain Archer. His Terry character is a charming, boyish aging actor who is so sexy that young women in their teens through themselves at him, but his friends feel sorry for him because he never married or settled into a steady job and so they consider him kind of pathetic. So he is a sexy charming loser. And he just embodies that character. Of course Captain Archer was strong and responsible, but not drop dead gorgeous or a magnet for the women. Captain Archer was the one who was missing out on a love life because of his responsibilities.

I'm pretty sure you can watch episodes of this show online. The first episode is atrociously horrible, so I hope you aren't put off by the first episode. It gets really good. Especially for us women of a certain age. (All the characters are exactly my age, so I really key into it.)

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:54 am
by marchale
justTripn wrote:Hi, thanks for the new fakes for the guys! :clap:

I was just going to mention that if you love watching Scott Bakula, you should be watching "Men of a Certain Age," which I was just watching a minute ago. It's on TNT (which I almost mistyped, lol . . . ) :spiraleyes: OK, so the actor is such a chameleon. His character on "Men of a Certain Age" is 180 degrees different from his Captain Archer. His Terry character is a charming, boyish aging actor who is so sexy that young women in their teens through themselves at him, but his friends feel sorry for him because he never married or settled into a steady job and so they consider him kind of pathetic. So he is a sexy charming loser. And he just embodies that character. Of course Captain Archer was strong and responsible, but not drop dead gorgeous or a magnet for the women. Captain Archer was the one who was missing out on a love life because of his responsibilities.

I'm pretty sure you can watch episodes of this show online. The first episode is atrociously horrible, so I hope you aren't put off by the first episode. It gets really good. Especially for us women of a certain age. (All the characters are exactly my age, so I really key into it.)

Hi justTripn,

Thanks for mentioning "Men Of A Certain Age" here. I love that show, but for anyone out there who hasn't seen it, I would highly recommend it too. Yeah, Terry is kind of a goofball, but I love that character; and you're right, definatly nothing like Archer. (Couldn't you just see Archer saying something like, "well - I've got 20 minutes before I have to be at work, I think I've got time to do Hoshi before I go in" like Terry did with that waitress in that one episode :lol: . Good thing Ray Romano is in charge of his own show there, he sure keeps it loose and relaxed enough around there to make it fun and interesting to watch and I like how the characters are so likeable and real or down to earth, each dealing with their own problems & faults so you get attached to the characters and care about what happens to them. Don't get me wrong, I liked Archer too, but I'm not fond of how TPTB often treated him, being so focused on his responsibilities as you pointed out, where was his love life and when could he drop the macho Starfleet captain crap and have a life apart from his job? (I really hate TPTB for what they could've done with Enterprise but didn't, you know?)

Oh, and you're more than welcome for the new fakes I owed the guys there, I've only got that one done so far, but I've been doing the head hunting and body snatching to hopefully get the rest done before too long here. It better not be too long anyway, I'm itching to get that done with so that I've got time to read all these great stories you (and others too!) have recommended to me.

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:05 am
by Cogito
marchale wrote:head hunting and body snatching


I suppose that's what you do, but I've never heard it described like that before. :D

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:27 pm
by marchale
Cogito wrote:
marchale wrote:head hunting and body snatching


I suppose that's what you do, but I've never heard it described like that before. :D

Yeah, it probably does sound a little strange to have a computer full of decapitated heads and be spending my free time looking for bodies to put them on - but oh well, at least I got away from doing nude fakes so I no longer have to deal with the even more weird sounding stuff like playing with penises or doing breast enlargements/reductions or trying to give a guy more or less chest hair, or just the uncomfortability I felt at trying to work with a naked body staring me in the face. (Even though I only fake fictional characters (and not the real life actors portraying them), it just started getting on my nerves and conscience too much to be doing that type of artwork any longer (and I regret having done the nudes I did in the past, that was way back several years ago when I first started faking initially). (BTW, by saying that, I mean no disrespect to those fakers doing erotic art or their fans, I've got friends still doing that stuff and if they can handle it, who am I to judge them? I just lost an interest in it, thats all I mean). No, I want to try to keep it as (only R rated) sexy as I can, if possible - but it's a lot more fun not needing to have to deal with these characters body parts if they needed any tweaking in a fake. But yeah, it probably does sound a little weird to be doing this sort of artwork. Good thing fakers only talk to each other online, if anyone overheard a real world conversation we had about working with body parts or collecting heads, etc - they'd probably think we were either serial killers or Dr. Frankensteins. :lol:

(Cogito, I'm just curious here, but did you see my reply to your post in this thread here where you mentioned Firefly? I'm trying to find out if you might be interested in "V" or not (because Morena Baccarin (whose body I snatched for that T'Pol fake) also starred in that show as well as Firefly. Anyway, if you are a fan of hers and either liked her in "V" too or would like to know more about "V" if you haven't seen that show, would you please either PM me or email me from my website? There is something I want to talk to you about regarding "V" (that is, if you are a fan of Morena's or "V" itself) that I can't discuss in public). Could you just let me know on that either way so then I'll know if you even seen this post, thanks!)

Re: Fancy meeting YOU here!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:38 pm
by Cogito
Hi Marchale,

I have seen brief snippets of V but never really got into it. I briefly thought "Oh, that's Inara ..." before realising that it was Morena, looking extremely pretty but tbh not as drop dead gorgeous as she did on Firefly, nor showing such an enjoyable personality as Inara. It's not only the fact the actors in Firefly are attractive, but they play such interesting and likeable characters.

Having studied your T'Pol/Morena pictures I obviously trust your word that the T'Pol one is a fake, but I think somebody unfamiliar with the subjects might draw the opposite conclusion. That sharp jawline on the original looks far easier to fake.