Fanfic submissions

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Fanfic submissions

Postby Jedikatie » Mon May 07, 2007 2:21 pm

Okay, we decided that you can start sending the fics back to the site again. Let me make this perfectly clear, however: DO NOT expect everything to be up all at once. Especially if everyone starts sending in the fics they've been hanging on to for the past week and half all at the same time. Laughing

I have to work this afternoon and this evening and all day (literally) tomorrow. One of my RL issues is also going on tomorrow, and it will be ongoing for some time, but will be especially time-consuming for me on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, since my mother won't be here and I'm going to be the one who's going to have to sacrifice my free time to take care of things while she's out of town.

So don't be surprised if there is some delay in stuff being added. Dark_rain will be adding some of the fics, and I'll add some as well when I have the time. This weekend I will have more time, and likely will be able to do more then.
Was this the army that invaded your country, ma'am? No, officer, they were taller than that...

How about this one? I'm not sure--get them to march up and down a bit...

(From Terry Pratchett's Jingo)

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Re: Fanfic submissions

Postby TPoptarts » Mon May 07, 2007 11:47 pm

Can I submit the filks I posted in the filk challenge thread? I mean since this site has a high standard for quality, and my filks well... not so much Confused


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Re: Fanfic submissions

Postby Jedikatie » Wed May 09, 2007 5:46 am

Filks are welcome, TPoptarts, they'll be listed in the poetry section. Distracted already has one that she wrote some time ago, actually, in the poetry section...


And just so you guys know, I very likely won't be around very much the rest of this week. Everything (and I do mean everything--RL and work-related) came to a head yesterday. My dad, who was the reason why I was stressing out the middle and latter half of last week, had surgery yesterday afternoon (he's fine, or so Mom tells me, I couldn't get off work to be at the hospital).

But the other ongoing RL thing that had been hanging over us for the past week and half also came to end yesterday as well, when a very dear lady, who, though not a relative by blood or marriage to us, but has been considered a part of our family for the past 71 1/2 years, ever since she moved in to help take care of my father and his siblings after Grandma got very sick after giving birth to my dad, died yesterday afternoon. I found out when I came home from work tonight and saw a note sitting on the chair in the living room listing the times for the viewing and funeral, where my mom put it so I would be sure to read it.

So I likely will not be around much until Saturday at the earliest. So go easy on dark_rain, okay, and be understanding if the fics aren't up as quickly as you'd like.
Was this the army that invaded your country, ma'am? No, officer, they were taller than that...

How about this one? I'm not sure--get them to march up and down a bit...

(From Terry Pratchett's Jingo)

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Re: Fanfic submissions

Postby TPoptarts » Wed May 09, 2007 5:53 am

My condolences JK Crying or Very sad and hope your dad's doing alright.


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