We're Still Here!

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We're Still Here!

Postby Elessar » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:36 am

Hi guys.

Been a little quiet round these parts, eh? I may not have logged in for a very, very long time, but I'm not quite ready to give up on the old girl. Posting is still broken, but I'll get back to that. I've just renewed Triaxian Silk for another year. For those of you still counting, this will be our 10th year. Can you believe that? We've really had our ups and downs. Humble beginnings, incredible highs and devastating lows. I scrolled through the forums shaking my head. Years of my life are in here. Golden days. A different time.

So I have two requests to throw out there. One is for donations, not a big deal, the site is paid but any support is greatly appreciated. You can send your donations as usual to the elessar@triaxiansilk.com Paypal. Thanks!

Secondly, and much more desperately we need some technical help. I'd desperately like to get the site back up and running for my own writing, and for those of you still writing at Fanfic.net. What happened is we went a couple years without updating PHP and some associated software packages and then PHP dumped a huge automatic update on us and a substantial amount of our custom, in-house developed administrative code for posting stories not only stopped working, but crippled the rest of the site. You may recall we had a massive meltdown around this time, early 2016/ late 2015. Attempts to resurrect the old system were unsuccessful, as old versions of phpBB are either no longer supported or just no longer stable / secure. I am not fluent on the details. If anyone thinks they can help, please contact me and I'll see if I can put you in touch with those who were last involved in the effort. I still retain all the administrative command of the site and the domain, unfortunately I don't have this particular set of technical skills.

My primary concern is retaining the content and not losing anything. I'm open to new layouts, new GUIs, new whatever. As long as we save the content.

Also, we don't have get a lot of viewership so if you guys could, pass the word about this post to your other TriS friends on social media.

Thanks guys. Hope to be writing again soon.
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Re: We're Still Here!

Postby panyasan » Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:44 pm

Hi Elessar!

Good to hear from you. I do check the site a couple times a month, but indeed it has been quiet. So it's good to hear you are trying to renew the site.
I have some experience with testing ICT-systems, but not with writing them. So I hope you well get some help soon.

BTW: How are you doing? How's your wife? And have you already graduated from university?
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Re: We're Still Here!

Postby Cap'n Frances » Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:33 am


I'm sorry it has taken me so long to see this message. I'm very glad to hear you've renewed the site for another year. I wish I had the expertise to help with the technical issues, but I don't. I hope others here have contacted you to offer their help or will be doing so soon.


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Re: We're Still Here!

Postby Weeble » Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:46 am

I have a new chapter to post. Is it possible yet?
RIP Tom, I will miss you, as will many others

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Re: We're Still Here!

Postby Cap'n Frances » Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:40 am

It's great you've got a new chapter to post. I hope we can see it here soon, but if not, are you thinking about posting it on another site? Please let us know.

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