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Re: Arrivederci

Postby evcake » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:45 am

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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Linda » Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:39 pm

Wow, I found this thread several days late. I am very sorry to see you leave this site, and consider you a dear friend. But I know taking a break is some times necessary as I left (without saying anything) myself for some months when I was feeling depressed - not anything to do with the site, however. Best of luck in all you do, Asso. And keep up your writing.
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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Kotik » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:10 am

Linda wrote:Wow, I found this thread several days late. I am very sorry to see you leave this site, and consider you a dear friend. But I know taking a break is some times necessary as I left (without saying anything) myself for some months when I was feeling depressed - not anything to do with the site, however. Best of luck in all you do, Asso. And keep up your writing.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Asso is not leaving because of needing a break. I spent quite a while (days of PM conversation) trying to convince him to stay, but he was thoroughly disappointed with what's going on here lately. And I'm very sad to say, I'm seeing Asso's point. I had a massively disappointing PM conversation today, during which one of the sites admin's convinced me that TriS has become a full-fledged dictatorship, which doesn't go well with people, who's native countries like Italy (Asso) or Germany (me) have suffered from bad case of dictatorship. The latest influx of censorship tendencies, labeled as "new rules", is pushing me to leaving just as much as it alienated Asso. This is not the site I signed up to 13 months ago. You people are destroying yourselves.

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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Aikiweezie » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:15 am

As a privately owned message board the site owners and moderators have every right to manage the board as they see fit.
I, for one, have no problem with the rules.


Re: Arrivederci

Postby Kotik » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:26 am

Aikiweezie wrote:As a privately owned message board the site owners and moderators have every right to manage the board as they see fit.
I, for one, have no problem with the rules.

Which is why I decide to leave. The last person, who thought to be entitled to decide my fate and tell me what I'm allowed to do and what not, had 30 rounds of 7.62 caliber bullets in an AK-47 - fully loaded, pointed at my head. Not accusing the site owners of anything - surely not shooting me - but I'm fucking anal in that context. See it from the positive side of things, I'm just ONE person leaving, ten might stay if I shut up.

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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Aquarius » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:43 am

Kotik, I hardly think that's a fair comparison.

Aikiweezie is quite right--this is a privately-owned board. It's not unlike attending someone's house party--this is Elessar's house, and he's throwing a TnT "open house" of sorts, and he's enlisted the help of some other people to help him out with that. We expect folks who join here to behave much the same way they would if they were guests in someone else's home: respect other guests, respect your hosts, and respect the house itself which includes the house rules. And, much like home owners and party hosts, if we see someone behaving in a manner that makes other guests uncomfortable, we have the right to ask them to stop. Yes, "freedom of speech" is important, and hopefully our parents raised us to realize that it's not always prudent to exercise it so forcefully. There are limitations on "freedom" when it interferes with someone else's safety or comfort.

Yes, we're going to disagree on various topics. Nothing wrong with that--it's perfectly healthy. But making rules that insist you be nice about it isn't censorship.
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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Alelou » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:52 am

And I thank the admins for doing what can (clearly) often be a thankless job.
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Re: Arrivederci

Postby honeybee » Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:57 am

I will add that censorship is exercised by the government. Private entities can convene and set whatever rules they like, within the law. In fact, private entities governing themselves is the opposite of oppression. Elessar owns the site, and he sets the rules based on the kind of community he wishes to create. Nobody is forced by law or by decree to be part of our community or obey the rules.

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Re: Arrivederci

Postby Elessar » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:35 am

Asso had his thread to say goodbye in and it was dead for nearing a month, so I think it's safe to say we've all had our chance to contribute to that kind farewell and this thread can be closed.

Kotik, PM incoming.
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