Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

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Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

Postby CoffeeCat » Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:18 pm

I think he would've become a Captain Ahab for the UFP. Thoughts?
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Re: Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

Postby 73Bruin » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:50 pm

It depends are we talking a season 5 with or without *the_abomination*? If it is without, then no I don't see him fixating on the UFP. He isn't isolated, Trip is still alive and he still has a relationship with Erica. More importantly, the Coalition of Planets is still in existence and the Romulan War hasn't occurred. On the other hand, with *the_abomination*, that scenario seems much more likely.

In my case, I don't accept *the_abomination* as having occurred, so no.

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Re: Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

Postby CoffeeCat » Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:38 am

I think only Archer/T'Pol shippers take *the_abomination* as canon :D

I think I agree with that assessment. When Daniels showed Archer his future of creating the Federation charter he was always like, "STFU Daniels I don't have time for this shit, I need to stop some assholes from blowing up the galexy."

I think the Captain Ahab role might fall on Harris tho. Section 31 always had a history of doing what is best to keep the UFP empire in power. Maybe the next logical character arc would to be to have Harris try to be Archer's puppeteer.

I also think Archer might do everything possible to keep Hernandez innocent. As in he'd take on missions originally intended for Columbia to prevent her from ever having to deal with something as horrific as the Xindi mission.
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Re: Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

Postby 73Bruin » Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:26 pm

I think that Harris would manipulate anyone he thought he could to achieve his objectives and that includes Archer. Now since Archer knows about Harris and doesn't seem to respect either his views or anything else about him, then I doubt he would be successful. In fact it may be more likely that Archer's opposition to Harris may be the reason Section 31 goes underground within Starfleet. BTW, my recollection of DS9 was that Section 31 was a Starfleet thing not a UFP thing and Enterprise seemed to confirm that.

Now Harris being an Ahab character, possibly. I know a number of authors have suggested that Section 31 was actively involved with purging the leadership of Terra Prime and I think that fits. Others have suggested that Romulans not only infiltrated Vulcan government but also Earth's. I can see Harris being involved with those efforts and in ends vs the means manner that ends up hurting/using innocent parties (e.g. like he did with Phlox).

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Re: Trying to Imagine Captain Archer's season V character arc...

Postby panyasan » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:59 pm

I agree that it makes sense that the Romulans would be inflitrated Earth as well. I don't see Archer as being very enthousiastic about a United Federation of Planets. I see him as a man who can easily be manupulated by people who will use his famous last name and fame as captain.

However, I think that in the end Archer may realize people have been manipulating him and has a change of heart in favor of the United Federation of Planets. Archer is not a bad person, he tries to do the right thing and he likes to keep his friends close. But sometimes his ego gets in the way of doing the sensible thing....

This almost sounds like a great coming of age story of Captain Archer. :lol:
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