I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

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I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby Linda » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:25 pm

I have just started putting stories on fanfiction.net and they are ones I have already put on Trip/T'Polers or Soval's Annex or Triaxian Silk. The name I am using there is 'Bineshii' and sometimes I will be changing the titles a little and editing the stories a little more. These are old stories, so you might have read them in the past and might want to avoid reading what you have already read. Any new stories I write, I will post on Triaxian Silk and Fanfiction.net. This is a big step for me, posting on more than one site! At this point I only have one story on Fanfiction.net and it is under the new stories category. I hope that I submitted it correctly and that it will be up on the TV Star Trek:Enterprise page soon. But I am not sure how this all works yet.
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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby JadziaKathryn » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:50 pm

I've been there since summer of 2001. Wow, that long already! Hmm, that reminds me, I should submit the T/T stories for here... So if you have questions about that site I may be able to help. But I make no promises, as technology isn't my strong suit.

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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby Linda » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:55 pm

Thanks JK, I might have some questions soon! I just noticed the story is now on the Star Trek:Enterprise part of the fanfiction site. And I got one review already! But I noticed that the review notice in red that follows the story titile, which you click on to see story reviews on other author's stories, is not on my story yet. Is there something special you have to activate to get that review link?
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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby JadziaKathryn » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:57 pm

No, it just takes a little more time to get the reviews link going.

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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby Linda » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:58 pm

Okay, I will cultivate Vulcan patience!
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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby JadziaKathryn » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:42 pm

Ah, but they live twice as long as humans. Therefore, we only have to be half as patient. Very logical, don't you think? 8)

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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby dialee » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:01 am


I have just finished reading your story on ff.net and wanted to leave you a note telling you how much I enjoyed the story again. However, when I tried to leave the note, the ff.net system said you did not accept anonymous reviews.

Anyway, to quote someone from where, the story was understated and eloquent, and warmed my heart.

Although I have enjoyed the many stories on the TripT'Poler's and this site which were set in space or on the planet Vulcan, I'm also very happy you're setting your stories on Earth. We get to appreciate our own planet, this time through T'Pol's eyes.

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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby Linda » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:15 pm

Thanks, Dialee! I didn't know about the anonymous poster thing. I will see what I have to do to unblock it. And about Vulcan patience - I guess I will have to cut mine in half to make it Human compatable, LOL. Vulcans can be a bit smug about their lifespan, can't they, JadziaKathryn?
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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby JadziaKathryn » Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:52 pm

I think they can, sometimes.

If you haven't got it already, to accept anonymous reviews just sign in, click "reviews" on the left side, then "anonymous" on the top right and click the blue "enable" button.

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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby Linda » Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:04 pm

Okay, got it. I am slowly learning the ins and outs of fanfiction.net!
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Re: I am now putting stories on fanfiction.net

Postby blacknblue » Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:50 pm

They look just as good there as they do here. Like I said on ff.net, it is about time you got a wider audience.
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