Is there smoking in the 22nd century?

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Re: Is there smoking in the 22nd century?

Postby Linda » Mon May 07, 2007 6:30 pm

Well, pretty much the same thing I was trying to say Hth2k, but you said it better!
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Re: Is there smoking in the 22nd century?

Postby evcake » Mon May 07, 2007 11:17 pm

hth2k wrote:People want their vices. When others seek to determine for them what they can or cannot have or do they will find a way. That is human nature.

Alcohol will be around. Drugs will be around. Gambling will be around. Prostitution will be around. Corrupt politicians will be around. Crime will be around. Human nature does not change.


By the time of Enterprise war and poverty are supposed to have been eliminated. Human nature seems to have been...bent a little, maybe? If you make life less of a bitch, demand for some things may diminish. Hard to imagine, though.
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Re: Is there smoking in the 22nd century?

Postby hth2k » Tue May 08, 2007 2:58 am

By the time of Enterprise war and poverty are supposed to have been eliminated. Human nature seems to have been...bent a little, maybe? If you make life less of a bitch, demand for some things may diminish. Hard to imagine, though.

It is also fiction. As fiction one is free to embrace any fantasy they wish. Some tend to strain credibility more than others and more so for some than others.


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Re: Is there smoking in the 22nd century?

Postby evcake » Tue May 08, 2007 8:08 pm

"Deja Q" - After Q gets his powers back, he brings the Mexican band to the bridge, and gives Riker and Picard a cigar, and after he leaves, he becomes the smoke from Picard's cigar. (I don't remember this episode - TNG was a long time ago and I haven't had cable for ages.)

And didn't Kirk smoke a cigar in ST VI?

"It speaks to some basic human needs, that there is a tomorrow - it's not all going to be over in a big flash and a bomb, that the human race is improving, that we have things to be proud of as humans. No, ancient astronauts did not build the pyramids - human beings built them because they're clever and they work hard. And 'Star Trek' is about those things."

"This is a marvelous stew, the human condition. It used to be, the stew was made up of tasteless things back in the feudal days. Now, it's laid over with wonderful things in addition to the bad things. You can't study evolution, particularly the evolution of humanity, that you don't see that it's getting better and better."

Gene Roddenberry - what a guy.

(dusts self off and exits, stage left, fumbling pocket for lighter.)
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an appropriate ingredient, don't you think?

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