New Member Recruitment

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Kotik » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:41 pm

Distracted wrote:There's nothing to sort out. We have an Enterprise fanfiction archive. Neither story is Enterprise fanfiction. Since the consensus at this point seems to be that we're keeping our focus the same and concentrating on improving tech, I don't think we're going to post them on the story page anytime soon. But the board has always been open to threads on practically anything that might interest our members.

Ok, that's something else. Somehow I missed the fact that it isn't ENT fiction, sorry. Maybe we could add a subforum for non-ENT writing?

EDIT: Or even better yet. Why don't we add a "Forum Fiction" sub forum. That would be the perfect place for pieces of writing, which are too long to be a drabble, but too short to be a full-blown archive story - like evcake's Neighbour series or my Seleya Hills 90210 episodes. It may even encourage other to write such mini-series', which we could use more of. :D

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Cogito » Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:51 pm

Kotik wrote:like ... my Seleya Hills 90210 episodes.

Yeah, just like ... Wait, what? When did I miss that?

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Ludmila » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:01 pm

Distracted wrote:About story comment threads. I have been hesitant to post comment threads for stories on the board because I was afraid people would post only in the threads and not in the comments section of the stories. Keep in mind that comments follow the stories into the archive. An author can go back years later and read the comments made on their stories. I do it regularly. It cheers me up when I have a bad day. Threads tend to get lost in the shuffle and they don't have any link to the stories once they're archived. It would be nice to change that, but I'm not sure if it's practical right now, so I'd prefer keeping story discussions in the comments rather than on the boards for now.
...If you are planning to eventually post a story here, then waiting until it's posted to start the discussion would make sense. That way more of our members would have read the story and can participate and you'll get more comments that will be saved with the story once it gets posted. If the discussion is over when the story gets posted you might not get any comments at all, and it's easy to lose track of a thread. Comments, on the other hand, go with the story to the archive. You can find them later to read them when you've had a bad day and you need cheering up (Wait... maybe nobody else does that besides me ;-) ).

On the other hand, if the story isn't going up here at TriS for one reason or another, I see no sense in delaying the discussion.

Hi, all! I resurfaced only for one moment. RL is still very busy, exhausting and demanding. Unfortunately, I don’t have a time to read pages 6-8 of this thread what caught my attention today. Maybe my suggestion has been expressed there already. My idea concerns the issues with discussing TRIS stories at the forum. I think that the easiest way to utilize the benefits both checking (returning to) the story with its comments in the archive and using the advantages of the forum tools for discussing stories (with the additional bonus with the activity and traffic there) consists in the next: adding the special comment to the story with http link to the created thread immediately after creating it.
Something like this:
Regular comments…
Comment (by author, admin or the creator of the thread at the forum): this story is also discussing at Triaxian Silk's BBS in the thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2214
Regular comments…

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:35 pm

Those damned things one has to put in that box.. Two words. I am blind ione eye and my vision in the other is dicey at best. Not to mentionthat one word is so blurred I cannot read it. It is almost impossibe for me to post a comment. Get rid of those things. someone (smart Ass) has already found a way aroudn them anyway.

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Distracted » Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:45 pm

That's a good idea, ludmilla. Any author that wants to start a forum discussion thread and link it to their comments in that way is welcome to do so. If you're not sure how to do it, ask me when you send in your story and I'll do it for you.
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:02 am

I was thinking that a link could just go on top, the same spot as the Title, Genre, Rating, ect. Is that not allowed?
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:07 am

So you want me to post a board thread for every posted story? And add a link to the document? That would double the time required to post each story and might not be something that every author wants. I know I wouldn't want it as an author. I think that if an author wants to start a discussion on the board about their story that they are most welcome to do it themselves, but I'm not prepared to make it a required step for every story. If everyone disagrees, I'm willing to discuss it, but adding a link to the board to the body of every story would add several extra steps to the posting process. Might slow things down and make people more reluctant to volunteer as story posters. The process as it stands is very simple. I'd rather not add complexity when it's just as easy for any interested author to go to the comment section of their own story and add the link themselves.
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:14 am

Oh no no no! Not what I meant at all. Okay, never mind I just thought we could put the URL in the document and when it's posted people can click. You can put links in the comments so I thought it could work the same way.
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:23 am

Adding links within the document is a bit more complicated than just putting in the URL. Not much, but does add a couple of extra steps. First the poster would have to create the topic in the forum. Then they'd have to post the story in the text box by copy paste. They they'd have to go back to the forum to copy the topic address and paste that in a separate "link" box within the document, and then submit the story. Then they'd have to go back to the story and test the link to the comments thread before copying the story address to paste in the "new fanfics" thread. It's doable in a pinch, but it adds several extra steps to a generally much simpler process.
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:27 am

Okay I'm confused.
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby lfvoy » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:28 am

Silverbullet wrote:Those damned things one has to put in that box.. Two words. I am blind ione eye and my vision in the other is dicey at best. Not to mentionthat one word is so blurred I cannot read it. It is almost impossibe for me to post a comment. Get rid of those things. someone (smart Ass) has already found a way aroudn them anyway.

SB, I have a dumb question. Why don't you just use the audio option and have it read the words to you?
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Distracted » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:31 am

Putting links in the comments is much simpler than inserting them into the story. Like I said, if an author can't figure out how to do it I'll be happy to do it for them.

Is there an audio option on our captcha? Lemme go check...

Jeeze! That's impossible. Mine was four words with so much background babble I could barely hear them. Dunno if I could remember four words long enough to type them all out even assuming I could hear them. :?
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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:11 pm

Dis, I wear two hearing aids. Not the best. Provided by the Government so they are tight fisted.

MY hearing is getting worse as time goes by. so the autio probably would not do me any good.

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby Cogito » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:50 pm

I've never tried the audio captcha until now - crikey, I wouldn't fancy having to get past that every time.

While we're in "wouldn't it be nice if ..." land, wouldn't it be nice if the story commenting was done within the context of the same session we use for the forums? This would enable automatic entry of the username, and remove the need for the captcha. And perhaps it would also encourage people who read stories here to sign up and join in on the forums.

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Re: New Member Recruitment

Postby panyasan » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:38 pm

I have a very simple solution for people who post stories and like their stories to be discussed at the forum.

First: create a new forum block like the one we had the drabbles and call it:

"Discuss stories here!" (on something like that).

Second: If you post a story and you would like to have people discussing your fic, you simple add in your A/N "Would you like to discuss this story? Please comment first and then join the discussion at "Discuss stories here"."

Third: The writer goes to the "Discuss stories here" forum, creates a new thread and voila: you have comments plus people can discuss your story (and others).

The only problem I see is when a discussion goes out of hand and isn't about the story, but about one detail in the story, let's say the bond. In that case, the admin, is he/she feels fit, can reroute the thread and make it a general thread.

Just my two cents.
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