Enterprise and 9/11

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Enterprise and 9/11

Postby justTripn » Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:50 pm


I want to thank KTR for his 9/11 memorial avatar.

Did you know that Enterprise is coming up on it's 10-year anniversary? Enterprise first aired September 26, 2001. That was 15 days after 9/11. And as we all know, the course of the show was greatly influenced by that event in terms of plots and themes. The Xindi attack on Florida, of course, was very 9/11-ish.

Here is a link to "The 25 most moving 9/11/11 front pages": http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/top- ... -memories/

The last one really struck me. I wrote a Seasons 3 fanfic in which I referenced the rebuilt World Trade Center as a sign of hope at the end of my story. Well there it is going up! It exists now, although it didn't when I wrote my fic. In fact, as soon as I get a chance, I'm going to go back and edit my story so the height of my new World Trade Center matches the actual plans for this tower. Anyway, yesterday was a horrible day, but in my googling I learned that the new World Trade Center is almost back up! That is one hopeful note ten years later. :)

Anyone else have some Enterprise/ 9-11 comments to make?
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Re: Enterprise and 9/11

Postby Cogito » Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:55 pm

Thanks for pointing out the topical avatar, as usual it had whooshed straight past me. Nicely done, KTR. :thumbsup:

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Re: Enterprise and 9/11

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:01 pm

Why, thank you...! :hatsoff:

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Re: Enterprise and 9/11

Postby Linda » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:40 pm

Thanks JT for pointing out that Enterprise's first season started airing shortly after 9/11. As the beginning episodes where filmed before 9/11, I don't think there was any connection. But later episodes, especially the Xindi attack on Florida, echoes 9/11 for me. One of my more poignant personal thoughts about 9/11 is that my father died Oct 2, 2000, almost a year before the towers fell. This was the first national - well international, crisis that I experienced without him being around to discuss it with. I had been in 8th grade during the Kennedy assassination and have vivid memories of sharing thoughts with my dad at that time, so it was a very hollow feeling I had experiencing 9/11 without him.
Working on a major fan fic project. Two-thirds done. Hope to put it up in the not TOO distant future.

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