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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:48 am

Oh I will never read Steven King. But I'm not trying to bring the :bitch:, but I am curious. There are people that absolutely oppose putting TnT in really bad experiences or situations, but do they actually monitor what they watch, and read that isn't TnT fanfiction?
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Re: One useful comment

Postby Distracted » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:30 am

Generally the things I dislike reading in TnT fanfics I dislike reading everywhere else.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:32 am

That would make the most sense. But I've known people to rail against certian fics, then pick up a novel dealing with the exact same thing.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby Distracted » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:51 am

Sometimes it's the way the subject is addressed. You could say, for example, that the movies Somewhere in Time and Kate and Leopold are very similar. They both involve time travel. They're both romances. A person who likes one movie might reasonably be expected to like the other. I love Kate and Leopold, but you couldn't pay me enough to sit through Somewhere in Time again. It's not a bad movie, mind you. I adore Jane Seymour, and Christopher Reeve was dreamy in it, but the ending sucks. And that's the problem. I don't like tragic endings.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:05 am

Oh oh oh! I saw both. I hate Meg Ryan in everything but IQ, but I adore adore Bradely Whitford and Huge Jackman. But I also am not too fond of Jane Seymour but I adore Christopher Reeve. I didn't mid either ending, but I thought they were both way too sappy. They cancel each other out for me. :dunno:
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Re: One useful comment

Postby panyasan » Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:59 am

Distracted wrote:Sometimes it's the way the subject is addressed. You could say, for example, that the movies Somewhere in Time and Kate and Leopold are very similar. They both involve time travel. They're both romances. A person who likes one movie might reasonably be expected to like the other. I love Kate and Leopold, but you couldn't pay me enough to sit through Somewhere in Time again. It's not a bad movie, mind you. I adore Jane Seymour, and Christopher Reeve was dreamy in it, but the ending sucks. And that's the problem. I don't like tragic endings.
It also has to do with the fact that most people how read TnT fic really, really like Trip and T'Pol. I mean, sometimes you can read about something bad happening to some one and you don't get shocked or anything. Then that same things happens to a person you love/like etc. and all of a sudden it hits you and you will think it's terrible.
I agree also it's the way the subject is adressed. There are a couple things in life I just think it's bad, no matter what circumstances (rape/murder/tortue) and when it's been glossed over or made looked "okay" I do have problems with that.

Side note: I said a couple of days ago to hubby that I noticed that crime shows from the States are getting more and more cruesome, showing detailed violence. I mean, most European crime shows never show the actual murder or crime, it is more about the investigation that gets to most attention.

How some one reads a fic also has to do with your personal background. For example, I noticed I don't like drowning fic's - when a person almost drowns. It problably has to do with the fact that I live in a country with lots of water, 50% beyond sea level. I have been warned about the danger of drowning all my life and read a lot of reports in the newspapers about kids getting drowned. Funny to see how that works.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby Brandyjane » Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:34 pm

While horror isn't my favorite genre, I will occasionally pick up something like a Stephen King novel and really enjoy it. When it comes to Ent fanfic, though, there's a lot that I really, really don't want to read about. I think the difference is that when I pick up a random novel, I don't already know the characters. If it's a good novel I will come to care about some of them and be shocked, saddened, or disappointed by what happens to them, but I know I'm taking that risk going into it. But with fanfic, there's already an established mythology. We read it because we already care about the characters, so it's more upsetting sometimes to read about really horrible things happening to them.

I don't mind stories that delve into what we saw onscreen in more detail. For example, as unsettling as it would be to read, I would probably be okay with a story that explored exactly what it was that Tolaris was doing inside T'Pol's mind. I am also okay reading stories where they deal with the aftermath of baby Elizabeth and perhaps break up for a while before ultimately coming back together again. After all, losing a child frequently does break up couples in real life, so I can see how these characters might - for a while - go their separate ways to deal with the grief. I can also deal with stories that involve one or both of them being seriously injured (or worse) during the Romulan War. We know the war is coming, and it is reasonable to assume that they will be active in it.

The kind of stories I don't like as much - although there have been many notable exceptions that I did like quite a bit - have TnT going through a lot of pain (physical or emotional) connected with circumstances unrelated to anything we saw onscreen or could reasonably predict based on prior knowledge of the Trek universe. Trip and T'Pol both went through so much pain during the show's run, that I don't want to read about them going through a lot of extra horrible circumstances. I want them to finally have a happy ending!

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Re: One useful comment

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:22 pm

I have received three fee months of Starz. Last night I viewed episode 4 of Spartucus. Not recommended for the squemish. It tries to outdo Rome in violence, death, Sex, Language. I turned it off before the end. I had wanted to see the series but now am not sure if I will look at anymore episodes. I have seen that in real life don't need it in TV.

Aside, the tall Black who played Daniel in Demons and Terra Prime has what seems to be a continuing role in the series. I had to look twice before I recognized him. He is the controller at a Gladiator scool. He barks and cracks his whip. But it was the Actor. I don't know his name though.

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Re: One useful comment

Postby Distracted » Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:22 pm

My husband is a big fan of swordplay but even he doesn't like the show. He was joking the other day, talking as if he were a member of the production crew of "Spartacus".

"Yeah, Bob. I got that tractor trailer fulla ketchup ya wanted. Ya think if we dilute it 3:1 we'll have enough for the season's filming, or will ya need another one later?" ;-)

I swear some of the scenes look like there are guys with buckets of ketchup throwing them on the actors from behind the camera.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:26 pm

While I can understand not liking favorite characters to suffer, I still know a lot of people (not necessarily from here) that seem very contradictory. Let's face it, in the Kathy Reichs books Temperence and Ryan will be put through some sort of phyical and emotional torture, every single book. I know people who eat them up. But will not touch the same subjects in fic, and yell about it. And T'Pol certainly was tortured both physically and mentally during the series, many times. Trip not-so-much, I'll admit that. But then, his encounters with hostiles were usually of the comic/romantic veriety.

And space is dangerous with dangerous people in it. I don't think there has ever been a Trek series where the entire crew wasn't tortured at least once. Since ENT ended much sooner than 3 of the series we don't know what might have happened in another 3 years.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:09 pm

T'Pol was physically tortured once if I remember and three times mentaly. The physical Torture didn't seem that violent. the Mental torture by Tolaris was the worst.

Trip actatualy was sort of Mentaly Tortured in Strange New World. He did go a little bonkers in that episode. T'Pol put him through a litte too the Morning After the night she seduced him. I guess T'Pol did go through something on the Vuclan ship and afterwards in the Sickbay.

But those things are not nearly as bad as some Novels, Films or TV shows.

I guess some lyrics of Songs (Rap for instance) are violent toward women.

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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:20 pm

I guess our definition of torture might be a little different SB.
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Re: One useful comment

Postby Distracted » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:27 pm

Violence exists. That's a fact of life. But it doesn't mean everybody enjoys reading about it. Everyone has their own threshold of tolerance. Some people just would rather not have that stuff in their heads, and I respect their preferences. Other people like exploring the possibilities for dramatic effect. I respect their preferences, too. Others get off on other people's pain and really enjoy reading graphic descriptions of torture and perversion. I'd rather not be involved with any of that, but just reading about such things is legal and people have the right to do it, so I respect their preferences as well...from a distance. :?
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Re: One useful comment

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:39 pm

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Re: One useful comment

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:25 pm

Dis, I agree. However, a philospher once said that if people knew what lies in minds they would be horrified. I guess many people would be capable of things if they knew there would be no accounting or retribution. I would hate to be temped that way. In the dark recess of a mind hids a demon it is said. Who knows.

I surprised myself with what I was capable of writing. given what I have seen. DIS read it and I think it shocked her a little.

I guess one wants to believe that they would not be capable of Torture, mutilitation. I certanly don't belive I would be.

If you haven't yet, to get on a happier subject, look in Asso's Christmas thread. The T'Pol in the photo is as beautiful as I have ever seen her (or JB for that matter)

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