What I Learned Watching Amok Time

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What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:52 pm

Well thank god for HULU! :D What fun that was. Now as some people may know I wrote a little tale about Pon Farr and reception was "mixed." However, people made some really interesting requests and I still believe in the tale I wanted to tell... So I decided a revision was necessary. And almost immediately got stuck, the reason... More than likely, sheer panic. So I knew research was essential. So after finally finding Amok Time, I just watched it. Here is what I learned...

1. Vulcan men deserve the upmost sympathy and compassion because of the Pon Farr!

Please we women expect understanding when it's that time of the month. Why? Because for the vast majority our emotions are jumbled into an almost incoherent mess, our bodies are uncomfotable at best; in agony at worst, and life just sucks! So we need understanding and compassion.

How much worse is it for a poor Vulcan man who is losing control of his body and mind, and if that wasn't bad enough he's dying! The pain, the abject humiliation, the need, the despair, the longing for comfort... Everything Leonard Nimoy portrayed it was heartbreaking. No wonder these people arrange marriages. Do you want to go through something like that alone?

2. While it may seem sexist to refer to the bride as "property" A. The meaning of the term for legal purposes on Vulcan seem to be different than the Earth meaning, and B. Its a reciprical thing, men are also women's "property".

And I have proof...
Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:SPOCK: It is undignified for a woman to play servant to a man who is not hers.

Yeah, yeah, you could argue that "hers" isn't the same thing. And it would be if Spock were human, but he's not he's :vulcan:!

3. OMG those weapons are AWFUL!

Dear god, how am I supposed to work with those monstrosities????? I remembered the lirpas being smaller and more spear-like, no wonder people went... :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: When I had V'Lar kill the jerk who refused to marry her. I admit it I WAS WRONG! The problem is I still can't figure out how to work with them! :roll: And the "ace bandage" weapon give me a break! :roll:

4. Spock slashed Kirk's nipples!

Really enough said, I'll be laughing for a month! :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

5. Oh the chair T'Pau was carried on was used in the 1956 movie The Ten Commandments!

One of my all-time faves, and I know every single prop in the movie.

6. I am getting old T'Pau is no longer "the scary bat lady"! The end of an era. I actually thought she pretty much ROCKED! Still not thrilled with her younger self, but she ROCKED!

7. Kirk could have backed out, and Stonn would have fought, everyone's happy but T'Pring.

Truthfully, the smart thing for Kirk to do would have been to back out. Poor Spock, he was in so much pain and that made it worse. Besides Spock nearly kicked Kirk's ***! That and T'Pring metaphorically castrated Stonn. I felt bad for him. She robbed everyone of their dignity.

8. When I was a kid I didn't see all the fuss about Captain Kirk, now I kinda do!

Again "end of an era" he is actually pretty darn cool. I mean I grew up on Admiral Kirk, so seeing Captain Kirk as an adult was quite eye-opening. I mean I memorized the episodes as a baby, but looking at it like I had never seen it before was interesting.

9. Those skirts were shorter than I remembered and Nurse Chapel and Uhura have legs straight from god!

Que the inferiority complex. :(

10. Poor Nurse Chapel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh the tormenting hell of unrequited love. Someone get that woman an IV of chocolate. Now I get why that paring is so important in fanfic.

11. There doesn't seem to be a set age for the onset of Pon Farr.

When Spock says...
Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:I'm a Vulcan. I'd hoped I would be spared this, but the ancient drives are too strong. Eventually, they catch up with us, and we are driven by forces we cannot control to return home and take a wife.

It didn't seem he was talking about his age, I got from the context that he was talking about being half-human. But if there is no set age it's another good reason to arrange marriages. Who wants to be caught off-guard without a mate, if you can take steps to prevent it from happening?

12. It is absolutely clear that the rituals associated with the Pon Farr are not just vestiges of an ancient society. They are an inherent part of being a Vulcan in every way, mind body and soul.

This part ripped my guts out, in a good way...
Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:SPOCK: The birds and the bees are not Vulcans, Captain. If they were, if any creature as proudly logical as us were to have their logic ripped from them as this time does to us. How do Vulcans choose their mates? Haven't you wondered?
KIRK: I guess the rest of us assume that it's done quite logically.
SPOCK: No. No. It is not. We shield it with ritual and customs shrouded in antiquity. You humans have no conception. It strips our minds from us. It brings a madness which rips away our veneer of civilisation. It is the pon farr. The time of mating. There are precedents in nature, Captain. The giant eelbirds of Regulus Five, once each eleven years they must return to the caverns where they hatched. On your Earth, the salmon. They must return to that one stream where they were born, to spawn or die in trying.

No wonder why Kirk didn't shout Bararianism at the mentioned of an arranged marriage. You can't go against biology, its not possible.

13. "Biology" is the 60's code-word for sex!

Just another thing to keep me laughing.

14. For the reasons quoted above, Vulcan betrothal rituals are extremely logical. This is inspite of Spock's saying otherwise but then he isn't exactly sane at the moment...

Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:SPOCK: By our parents' arrangement. A ceremony while we were but seven years of age. Less than a marriage but more than a betrothal. One touches the other in order to feel each other's thoughts. In this way our minds were locked together, so that at the proper time, we would both be drawn to Koon-ut-kal-if-fee.

Um yeah I wouldn't want to be single either if this was my fate.

15. Logic does not equal moral compass...

Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:T'PRING: You have become much known among our people, Spock. Almost a legend. And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to be the consort of a legend. But by the laws of our people, I could only divorce you by the kal-if-fee. There was also Stonn, who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him. If your Captain were victor, he would not want me, and so I would have Stonn. If you were victor you would free me because I had dared to challenge, and again I would have Stonn. But if you did not free me, it would be the same. For you would be gone, and I would have your name and your property, and Stonn would still be there.

Ok Witch, ever stop to think of what your lover wanted? Maybe he didn't want to be a kept man if Spock didn't release you. He wasn't at all pleased when you called Kirk as your champion. I'm not sure she loved Stonn.

16. Vulcans are very concerned with everybody's rights.

Let's tally up how many times they say it in the episode...

Chrissie's Transcripts wrote:SPOCK: It is my right.
T'PAU: It is her right.
STONN: Hear me. I have made the ancient claim. I claim the right.
T'PAU: Kirk? T'Pring is within her rights, but our laws and customs are not binding on thee. Thee are free to decline with no harm on thyself.

So no rights were harmed in this challenge. So who are mere humans to claim its barbaric.

17. Checkov and Sulu should have their own comedy show.

How cute are they!

18. Kirk was kinda dumb thinking it wouldn't be a fight to the death.

Um hello you explained it yourself to Bones. You saw the weapons, what did you think was gonna happen dude?

19. I would not look good in T'Pring's wedding garb.

High waists are a nightmare, even though I am thinner than she is.

20. The most powerful woman on Vulcan wears slacks to officiate a wedding.

Not sure what the costume designer was thinking, and those shoes! :shock:
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:18 pm

WarpGirl wrote:1. Vulcan men deserve the upmost sympathy and compassion because of the Pon Farr!

It's always been my personal (and slighly sarcastic) belief that it must be horrible to be a guy. I mean, we gals get that way once a month. Guys are wired like that all the time.

WarpGirl wrote:18. Kirk was kinda dumb thinking it wouldn't be a fight to the death.

Yeah, but if it was your friend and everything around you was completly alien, could you really? I've done some pretty stupid (in hindsight) things for some of my friends. Granted, none of them were life threatening, but still.

WarpGirl wrote:9. Those skirts were shorter than I remembered and Nurse Chapel and Uhura have legs straight from god!


WarpGirl wrote:10. Poor Nurse Chapel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the tormenting's even worse in "The Naked Time":

CHAPEL: Mister Spock.
SPOCK: What is it, Nurse?
CHAPEL: Mister Spock, (takes his hand) the men from Vulcan treat their women strangely. At least, people say that, but you're part human too. I know you don't, you couldn't, hurt me, would you? I'm in love with you, Mister Spock. You, the human Mister Spock, the Vulcan Mister Spock.
SPOCK: Nurse, you should
CHAPEL: Christine, please. I see things, how honest you are. I know how you feel. You hide it, but you do have feeling. Oh, how we must hurt you, torture you.
SPOCK: I'm in control of my emotions.
CHAPEL: The others believe that. I don't. I love you. I don't know why, but I love you. I do love you just as you are. Oh, I love you.
SPOCK: I'm sorry.

..it's mostly 'cause she comes out and says it and he still regets her, but... *le sigh*

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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:38 pm

aadarshinah wrote:It's always been my personal (and slighly sarcastic) belief that it must be horrible to be a guy. I mean, we gals get that way once a month. Guys are wired like that all the time.

Sorry my dear but my own cycle was so bad I had a hysterectomy at 20. And Because I still have the overies for one week it is a nightmare just because of hormones. So I have no sympathy for human men. Vulcan men on the other hand deserve so much more empathy than any human woman.

aadarhinah wrote:Yeah, but if it was your friend and everything around you was completly alien, could you really?

Spock wasn't expecting a challenge, so I guess the easiest thing to do would be to explain in the past tense.

aadarshinah wrote:I think the tormenting's even worse in "The Naked Time":

CHAPEL: Mister Spock.
SPOCK: What is it, Nurse?
CHAPEL: Mister Spock, (takes his hand) the men from Vulcan treat their women strangely. At least, people say that, but you're part human too. I know you don't, you couldn't, hurt me, would you? I'm in love with you, Mister Spock. You, the human Mister Spock, the Vulcan Mister Spock.
SPOCK: Nurse, you should
CHAPEL: Christine, please. I see things, how honest you are. I know how you feel. You hide it, but you do have feeling. Oh, how we must hurt you, torture you.
SPOCK: I'm in control of my emotions.
CHAPEL: The others believe that. I don't. I love you. I don't know why, but I love you. I do love you just as you are. Oh, I love you.
SPOCK: I'm sorry.

Kill me now. TnT weren't that angsty.
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:46 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Kill me now. TnT weren't that angsty.

Different angst. Spock and Chapel were more... the possibility was there, but they never gave into it. With Trip and T'Pol... they gave into it and tried to avoid the inveitable, not knowing it was like one of those things at the mall that you put pennies into and watch them circle down...

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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:48 pm

Perhaps. But T'Pol never did that to Trip. He might have thought she did that, but she didn't.

Anyway back to Amok Time those weapons! How in the name of all that is holy do you write a combat scene with those weapons? THEY'RE ILLOGICAL!
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:08 pm

Err... Well, the top is like the head of a shovel... or the long end of a sword. Maybe lirpa is Vulcan for "Knife on a stick"? Best I can see with it is go for the neck, knees, elbows - the joints, basically, so as to severe something with one Vulcan-super-strength thrust. The bottom of it is weighted, though... you could flip the lirpa around and knock someone over the head with it, or beat their torso til they were black and blue (or green) and then use the sharp end... but that's all I got.

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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby panyasan » Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:22 pm

aadarshinah wrote:
WarpGirl wrote:1. Vulcan men deserve the upmost sympathy and compassion because of the Pon Farr!

It's always been my personal (and slighly sarcastic) belief that it must be horrible to be a guy. I mean, we gals get that way once a month. Guys are wired like that all the time.
You lost me here. Guys are wired like what all the time? Emotional outburst all the time? Are you talking about Human males or Vulcan males? Both don't seem to be overly emotional all the time. Besides, think of the good thing when you have that monthly thing: chocolate - chocolate - chocolate and a really good excuses to burst out in tears if you feel like it. Being a woman is just great. ;-) ;-)
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:29 pm

Oh, it's a joke between me and one of my college roommates. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone else, but the basic idea is that, if people are going to call anything slightly out of charecter that women do PMS, then guys, since their homones are there all month long, have to be stranger...

Yeah, it's kinda stupid when you right it out, but, whenever it was we came to this conclusion, it made perfect sense at the time. We were sober and everything too...

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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby panyasan » Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:42 pm

aadarshinah wrote:Oh, it's a joke between me and one of my college roommates. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone else, but the basic idea is that, if people are going to call anything slightly out of charecter that women do PMS, then guys, since their homones are there all month long, have to be stranger...

Yeah, it's kinda stupid when you right it out, but, whenever it was we came to this conclusion, it made perfect sense at the time. We were sober and everything too...
I get it!
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby Silverbullet » Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:58 pm

In Greek ythology, Hera punished a guy who when asked who got the best of it said a woman. she blinded him and gave him the power to see the future but no one would be lieve him. she did this because he had revealed a deep female secret. He had once been a female and was turned into a male.

Do you all agree with his punishment for revealing this?

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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby Alelou » Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:28 pm

I think women have a far broader range of acceptable behavior and more flexible roles than men do, so I agree that women generally have it easier. At least until childbirth rolls along and helps even the whole thing out. If all men supported their children I'd tend to stay men still get the short end.
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Re: What I Learned Watching Amok Time

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:06 pm

See I don't know what this has to do with anything, but when it comes to humans... I don't think men or women have it any worse. We're different! Different is not better, or worse, less or more, it's just different. That said I can't think of a worse experience than the periods I used to have, so I have very little sympathy for a guy whose just in a tiff. But that's probably a bad reflection on Myself.

As for Vulcans... Canonically, unbonded women do not get Pon Farr, unless something weird happens. Like the drugs T'Pol was tortured with by Silik. But a poor man is subject to a near death sentence and loss of sanity every seven years. To me that says Vulcan men have it pretty darn bad.

As for the Lirpas... They're not just weighted down there's an anvil on one end and a curved axe on the other. the weighted end is entirely inefficant.
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