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Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:59 am
by WarpGirl
Any woman who can play a one woman show playing Katherine Hepburn with the actresses permission deserves respect. Just saying...

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:12 am
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:Any woman who can play a one woman show playing Katherine Hepburn with the actresses permission deserves respect. Just saying...
I think Kate Mulgrew is a great actress (the one woman show is proof of that), but I am not sure she was always that good as captain of Voyager. I like her character, but as captain - sometimes she rocks - sometimes not. I think the most annoying aspect is that she mostly make decisions without consulting anybody (Archer is even worse in this respect). When she does consult, for example when she is brainstorming with B'Lanna you got a very good scene, but mostly she does whatever she likes. As for Sisko - his breathing is off and his acting is sometimes wooden, but I never get the feeling he doesn't care about his crew or that is acts "because he is captain and everybody have to listen to the captain". Also I found Sisko the most handsome of all the five captains :lol:, so that's my shallow reason to like Sisko.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:36 pm
by WarpGirl
OK I'll give you that shallow reason. I think Avery Brooks is good looking too! But I disagree I think Captain Janeway always cared for her crew, so much so that it at times made her physically ill. And she consulted with any member of her crew that had an answer, even Harry. Travis never got that much respect.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:25 pm
by Silverbullet
Hated the Odo, Kira romance. who wants a boyfriend that has to be carried around in a bucket for part of the Day.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:27 pm
by WarpGirl
Ouch! Not even I'm that hateful of it. And he gave great massages.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:21 pm
by Alelou
Is it fair to diss the actor because of what the writers gave his or her character to do? I just didn't like Mulgrew's acting -- I've pretty much forgotten everything she had to do as captain at this point, but I didn't hate Janeway in books or scripts -- just on screen. I couldn't even stand to listen to Mulgrew at the convention. Sometimes someone's voice or personal style just really rubs you the wrong way. Like that Vincent Denofrio or whatever his name is on Law and Order SVU. His style makes me want to throw things at the screen.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:27 pm
by WarpGirl
Do you mean Law and Order CI. Because Christopher Melonie is in SVU and well who can hate anything about him? Some people don't like Kate Mulgrew's voice. I can completely understand that. But again that's something a lot of people can't help.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:30 pm
by Alelou
Yeah, sorry, it's Criminal Intent. (I'm afraid I don't keep up with all the L&O permutations.)

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:33 pm
by WarpGirl
Oh neither do I. I just like to look at Christopher Molonie. What can I say I have shallow moments.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:36 pm
by Alelou
You can tell I'm old because I actually feel that way about Sam Waterston... :lol:

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:39 pm
by WarpGirl
Awe he's not bad. Not my type but not bad. DS9... God it's hard to think of things with that one... Someone might explain to me how Sisko is a Prophet please...

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:41 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Alelou wrote:I just didn't like Mulgrew's acting -- I've pretty much forgotten everything she had to do as captain at this point, but I didn't hate Janeway in books or scripts -- just on screen. I couldn't even stand to listen to Mulgrew at the convention. Sometimes someone's voice or personal style just really rubs you the wrong way...

Good observation. Now that I think about it, I really didn't like her voice and/or mannerisms. That didn't help since I already didn't like the character.

I feel the same way about Troi/Sirtis too.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:25 am
by Distracted
I was a fan of Kate Mulgrew when she started her TV career playing Mary Ryan on "Ryan's Hope". And when she played Mrs. Colombo.

Oh, dear. I just really dated myself, didn't I?

I never really bought her as a starship captain, though. Just didn't work for me.

DS9. Hmmmm. I never watched it much. I tried at first, but I was pretty busy with real life stuff when it was on and there was no such thing as TIVO back then. Odo sorta creeps me out, though.

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:34 pm
by Linda
My favorite character on DS9 was Garak.

When asked why he shot someone in the back he said that was the safest way.

When asked about his stories, he said they were all true...especially the lies.

When a woman told him that she had been in the Bajoran resistance he said "Oh, perhaps we have met".

And he said "I am just a simple tailor. But I used to be a gardener. If you have anything you want weeded, you let me know."

:badgrin: :badgrin:

Re: We have a VOY thread. How about DS9?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:51 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Linda wrote:My favorite character on DS9 was Garak.

When asked why he shot someone in the back he said that was the safest way.

When asked about his stories, he said they were all true...especially the lies.

When a woman told him that she had been in the Bajoran resistance he said "Oh, perhaps we have met".

And he said "I am just a simple tailor. But I used to be a gardener. If you have anything you want weeded, you let me know."

:badgrin: :badgrin:

Yeah, Garak rocks! :badgrin: He was a pretty complicated character.

I liked DS9, but then again, I don't mind the twisted political stuff. And no one was truly "good" or "truly" evil. Even Kai Winn and Dukat had their moments. Odo certainly had his sense of humor, but yeah, hauling my boyfriend around in a pail at the end of the day isn't exactly appealing... :guffaw: I didn't like Kira at first (had too much of a chip in her shoulder, I thought), but they really developed her character by the end of the series.

I'm glad they addressed the "reassociation" issue with the Trill. (Jadzia/Ezri and Worf). How WOULD you deal with a lover that's suddenly someone else (yet kinda not?)?

Just glad that Jake Sisko didn't end up like another Wesley Crusher, though.