My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

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My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Hummingbird2 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:40 pm

Exactly what the title says, a bunch of Gen, TnT, and Other Het drabbles, AU and RU. These have been posted elsewhere, I hope that's okay.

Comments welcome. ;-)

Now to start things off:

Rated G. Beta'd by Tishkajaku.
Summary: T'Pol has an interesting encounter in the gym.
Gen, w/implied TnT.

T'Pol was heading to the gym, when she heard voices coming from inside:

"Is that the best you can do?" Definitely Trip, she ascertained.

Archer's voice answered back, "Well, I can do this!"

"Cap'n, don't...aaack!"

T'Pol hurried inside, just in time to see Trip on the floor with the Captain holding him down and tickling him furiously across the ribs.

"Aaw, Cap'n that's not fair-!" Trip stopped as soon as he saw T'Pol. Archer jumped to his feet, and helped Trip off the floor.

T'Pol's eyebrow nearly disappeared into her hairline as she observed the rather embarrassed men before her.

"T'Pol," Archer said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Hey, darlin'," said Trip, also trying, but failing.

“Am I interrupting?" T'Pol asked, maintaining an aura of cool detachment.

Archer stammered, "No, we were just trying out some wrestling moves and, um..."

"Got carried away?" Trip supplied. Archer glared at him.

"Well, I guess we'll be going now. See you in the morning, Sub-Commander," Archer said briskly, as he and Trip left the room.

As she watched them leave, T'Pol realized she finally understood what Ensign Sato meant when she described human males as being 'just like children'.
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Distracted » Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:50 pm

Did she expect otherwise? :lol:

I confess that I can't see two sober straight grown men who aren't brothers (or maybe a father and his son) having a tickle fight. But then, I guess that's the point. They're just like two brothers in this. Or really close friends... maybe too close to be completely in character as a captain and his junior officer. It's sweet and makes me vaguely uncomfortable, both at the same time. ;-)
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Silverbullet » Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:14 pm

Read this elsewhere. Good, funny. Liked it.

However, it is a bit long for a drabble or at least the size drabbles we ae used to. Nothing wrong with that though.

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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Hummingbird2 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:01 pm

Distracted wrote:Did she expect otherwise? :lol:

I confess that I can't see two sober straight grown men who aren't brothers (or maybe a father and his son) having a tickle fight. But then, I guess that's the point. They're just like two brothers in this. Or really close friends... maybe too close to be completely in character as a captain and his junior officer. It's sweet and makes me vaguely uncomfortable, both at the same time. ;-)

Well, I see these two as having a father/son type of relationship , so that'll show up in my drabbles. I'm sorry it made you uncomfortable, though. :oops:

Thank you, Distracted and Silverbullet, for commenting! :D

And by the way, in case you were wondering, I don't write slash.
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby panyasan » Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:59 pm

The drabble reminds me a bit of that first scene when T'Pol is reporting for duty (and Phortos is sniffing at her leg) and Trip and Jon are joking with each other. They came across as two old, close friends (big brother and little brother may be), but almost during the first season we see that change.
Looking forward for more of your drabbles, Hummingbird2.
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Asso » Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:37 pm

I know your universe, Hummingbird2, so it is therefore perfectly understandable (and plausible) that in your small and delightful vignettes the relationship between Archer and Trip is the one that usually exists between father and son.
In any case, I personally did not feel at all uncomfortable in reading this decidedly cute little scene.
To be honest, I've been felt much more uncomfortable when reading other "inventions".
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Hummingbird2 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:27 pm

Thank you very much, Panyasan and Asso!

Here's the next one:

Some Vacation
Summary: Travis in Sickbay during 'Two Days And Two Nights'.
Rated G. Beta'd by Tishkajaku.

Travis was finally able to relax now that he could breathe easier.

"So," he asked Crewman Cutler. "How long do I have to stay here?"

She replied, "I'd say, at least a couple of days."

Travis groaned. Some vacation this turned out to be.

While Cutler tended to his leg, he thought, She's cute. Strange, he hadn't noticed that before...

His musings were interrupted by a loud snort from Phlox, who was still draped over a bio-bed.

Travis glanced over at the snoring Denobulan. "He'll be out of commission for a while."

Cutler nodded. "Guess I'll be looking after you, for the time being." She winked at him, and then gently brushed his hand.

As Liz walked off, Travis watched her, feeling pleasantly surprised.

Suddenly, a couple of days in Sickbay didn't sound so bad after all.
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby panyasan » Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:31 pm

I love this drabble! It made me add Liz Cutler in a story I am currently working on (thanks for the inspiration). Travis and Liz would have made a great couple.
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Asso » Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:43 pm

Hummingbird2 wrote:...Suddenly, a couple of days in Sickbay didn't sound so bad after all.

Ah is it so? Well, why don't I feel surprised? :D
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Distracted » Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:31 pm

Travis is lovely, isn't he? I seem to remember him being considerably younger than Liz, but hey... It worked for Demi and Ashton, right?
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Hummingbird2 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:38 pm

panyasan wrote:I love this drabble! It made me add Liz Cutler in a story I am currently working on (thanks for the inspiration). Travis and Liz would have made a great couple.

Thank you (and you're welcome)! :D

And thank you, Asso & Distracted. :)

Travis is lovely, isn't he? I seem to remember him being considerably younger than Liz, but hey... It worked for Demi and Ashton, right?

Really? I don't remember that... :?
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Cogito » Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:18 pm

Given the AU that many of your Archer/Trip stories are written in, I don't suppose a decade or two either way between Travis and Liz will worry you too much. :D

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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Hummingbird2 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:26 pm

I guess not. :lol:

I know this is a bit soon, but here's another one:

Whatever Works
Summary: How did Malcolm know about Trip saving the ship in his underwear? Tag to 'Acquisition'.
Rated PG. Beta'd by Tishkajaku.

Lieutenant Reed sat at the Tactical station, reviewing the security footage from earlier that day. An arse-achingly boring task to be sure, but it had to be done.

Apparently, Commander Tucker had been quite the hero, he thought sourly. While he, the bloody tactical officer, had been unconscious, Tucker had managed to trick the aliens and save Enterprise, with a little help from the captain and sub-commander, of course.

Reed shook his head. He knew he wasn’t being fair, but he couldn’t help feeling like he had failed to do his job, in spite of Archer’s reassurance that it wasn’t the case.

At that moment, he spotted something. Was that…? He replayed the last few seconds.

On the screen was Commander Tucker, skulking about the ship wearing nothing but his Starfleet blues.

An evil smile slowly crept across Reed’s face. He quickly composed his features when the man himself arrived on the Bridge.

“Commander,” he asked, in a casual tone. “Would you mind taking a look at this?”

Tucker headed for the Tactical station. “What’s up?”

When he saw himself onscreen, his eyes widened in shock. “Aw, hell,” he muttered.

Watching the playback, Malcolm was reminded of a poem that had the line ‘Barefoot boy with cheek of tan’. Glancing at Trip, he thought, Well, more like red.

“Not exactly regulation, but, whatever works, right, Commander?”

Trip hung his head. It was bad enough that the captain and T’Pol knew about this! He sighed. This day just kept getting better and better.

Reed leaned closer to him, and quietly said, “You do realize that you’re never going to live this down?”

Trip nodded. “I’m sure you’ll see to that.”

Reed smirked. “Certainly.”
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby Distracted » Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:40 pm

I learned that poem once. Don't remember who wrote it.


Blessings on thee, little man,
Barefoot boy with cheek of tan,
With thy turned up pantaloons,
And thy merry whistled tunes,
And thy red lips, redder still
Kissed by strawberries on the hill.
From my heart I give thee joy.
I was once a barefoot boy.

Or something like that. ;-)

Addendum: Darn. My OCD brain wouldn't let me drop it until I'd looked it up. It's a lot longer than I remember.

The Barefoot Boy

Now that I look at it I think maybe I did it as a poetry reading selection during my very limited stint on the high school speech and drama team, which I joined because I had a crush on Bart, the star of the drama squad. The boy could do a mean humorous interp, and now he's a balding chiropractor. Where did the time go?
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Re: My Mixed Bag O'Drabbles

Postby panyasan » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:01 am

Cogito wrote:Given the AU that many of your Archer/Trip stories are written in, I don't suppose a decade or two either way between Travis and Liz will worry you too much. :D

:? I always thought they were about the same age! Travis looks young, but what age is he? 25? And Liz is... late twenties, 30?
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