Ye Olde Drabble Archive

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:41 am

For the record any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes are because I have a cheap word processor, and I can't spell. But I'm not high, and definitely sober. I once read a quote where a very famous author said, "I do character and plot. Anything else is the reason I have editors." I ascribe to the philosophy. But drabbles are just for fun.
WarpGirl wrote:“So did I say anything embarrassing?”

“In what way?”

“I don't know...”

“I am uncertain what you would consider humiliating. But you did mention being with someone named Hopping Cassidy, and Leena in New Zeland.”

“Well, that's not so bad. I wish I could remember what happened.”

“You enjoyed giving up your corporal form?”

“Well... That's just it, I don't remember. But compared to what I've been through since we shipped out it doesn't sound horrible.”

“You mean getting pregnant.”

“We agreed not to talk about that.”

“Have a pleasant evening Commander.”

WarpGirl wrote:She had her portable music player on and was dancing furiously. Her skin was shining from her exertion, her black hair was slick with sweat, and her white tank top clung to her, nearly becoming transparent. He’d come down here every night for the last two weeks. She would push herself to the very limits of exhaustion finally crumpling into a heap on the floor. Usually, he’d come out of his hiding place and help her walk to her quarters. But not tonight. Tonight he would enter the world she used to shut out her nightmares.

“Dance with me Luv.”

WarpGirl wrote:Big brothers. Those are two words which mean, horrible memories of torture and fleeing suitors. I admit I suffered plenty of both during my life. But on the whole, I have to say I have the best big brothers in the universe. In fact, I never have enough time with them. But what do you expect when one travels the world exploring dead cultures, and the other has decided to explore the galaxy? I take what I can get. Today I get my galaxy wanderer. He better be on time, these reservations don't come easy. Besides, 1200, it's lunch time.

WarpGirl wrote:Jon packs a mean punch. I say this with all confidence in my masculinity, the man can hit. Truthfully, I'm slightly surprised. He's not the type to get his hands dirty. Henry Archer's son had never had to get his hands dirty. Well, he will steal a warp engine but physical violence is not his style. Not that I advocate violence, I'm all for the peaceful solution. But I'm not innocent enough to believe we'll be welcomed with open arms. He is. I think that's a good thing. But I intend to be captain of the first warp 5 ship.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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