R/S: Why?

For all those girls that can't get enough of the British bomber.

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Cogito » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:04 pm

I'd be very keen to see them on TriaxianSilk too, but I can understand the appeal of posting them on a site with more traffic where you get told when people have commented on your story, and get reliable traffic stats and so on to tell you how many people are enjoying your stories.

At risk of contradicting Kotik, having your story on the front page wouldn't make the difference between me noticing it or not. (If it's in the Enterprise category, I'll notice it.) But, being selfish, I'd much rather spread the enjoyment out and read (say) one chapter a week rather than have the whole lot in a rush. It gives me time to read the story at leisure, comment on it when I've figured out what I want to say, and still feel I'm keeping up with the story as it evolves rather than reading through a backlog. Maybe it's just me, but for some reason I find that following a story 'live' adds to the enjoyment - I can't explain why.

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Eireann » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:56 pm

These are Missing Scenes, so I'm not sure how continuity would come into it. If you read them one after another, then there is (or at least I hope there is, as I deliberately set out to try to create one) a sense of change and development in the relationship, but each one stands on its own.

Also I'll make it clear from the start (before anyone gets their hopes up) that these stories are not nearly in Alelou's class. They are almost all just shorts. Considering the dearth of material for R and S as opposed to T and T - and that as these are Missing Scenes, not AU, I felt it important that I stick as closely to canon as possible - there was never a heck of a lot to work with to start off. I imported a couple of OCs from various sources now and then, but that was the only change I felt entitled to make. So nobody is going to need a couple of hours off to read any of the chapters, I assure you.

One last word to the interested. There wasn't an additional genre button for 'humour' but if you don't like the occasional foray into silliness, be warned: it's in there once or twice. All seriousness and no grins makes Eireann very fidgety, so yes, despite my best intentions canon purists will occasionally have to go 'ewww!' and hurry onwards to the next chapter. :badgrin:

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Weeble » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:07 am


Be advised that I am withholding any reviews until they appear here. I hope the evil :mrgreen: administrator of the south will see that they belong here and insist that you post them here. I have read the first two and off the record, unofficially, certainly not for attribution, I really liked 'em, but you didn't hear that from me.
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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Distracted » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:32 am

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Weeble » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:01 pm

Whoopsie, Busted! :spiraleyes:
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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Eireann » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:17 pm

I know exactly how to respond to outright blackmail, Weeble!

I, er .... well, I....

I give in.

And if the aforementioned Evil Administrator comes over here and clouts me with a rolling pin for giving her 96 chapters to post :shock:, I hope you'll feel really guilty...


Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Kotik » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:10 pm

Well, Alelou gave her more than 96 chapters to post and she's still very much alive, so don't ye worry about that :mrgreen:

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Weeble » Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:45 am

To quote one of my favorite cartoon characters...

:happyjump: :happyjump: :clap: Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy :clap: :clap:

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Distracted » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:18 pm

So... I've put up a few chapters now, but no one's reading them. If you guys are really serious about wanting more Malcolm and Hoshi, now would be the time to read and review. It gets mighty discouraging for an author to put something out there and get nothing back.
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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Cogito » Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:30 pm

It's a shame the story pages don't include stats any more to let us see how many times they have been read.

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Asso » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:25 pm

Distracted wrote:So... I've put up a few chapters now, but no one's reading them. If you guys are really serious about wanting more Malcolm and Hoshi, now would be the time to read and review. It gets mighty discouraging for an author to put something out there and get nothing back.

I'm not intervened previously, but I feel that I must say something in my defense.
You see, although I am very keen to feel Reed and Sato as a couple, I'm too engrossed in Trip and T'Pol. I can't help but conceive the first two only as a side dish to our two beloved ones.
The result is that I am unable to fully appreciate scenes and/or stories completely dedicated to Reed and Sato, to the point that I have really great difficulties to write appropriate comments.
Well written, yes, that I could say. But perhaps the author expects something more.
What can I say except "excuse me? :dunno:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.


Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Kotik » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:15 pm

Distracted wrote:So... I've put up a few chapters now, but no one's reading them. If you guys are really serious about wanting more Malcolm and Hoshi, now would be the time to read and review. It gets mighty discouraging for an author to put something out there and get nothing back.

Commenting has seriously gone out of style around here anyway. Most people comment of ff.net and not here. I'm seriously thinking of discontinuing "Words" here, since chapters are up for a week and not a single comment is coming. The fact that it is further down the front page doesn't help either. I doubt too many people have a look at "The Bridge", especially as those sections further down get much more infrequent updates.

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Cogito » Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:02 pm

To be honest I have trouble reading all the stories in the Bridge section, because of that stupid image in the page background. As if white text over a black-and-white image wasn't bad enough, the image is too narrow and leaves the right hand edge of the page white. White text on a white background is completely invisible. I can only suppose that the person who set this up wasn't in the habit of reading stories here. None of the other sections have this arrangement - why is The Bridge singled out to be made illegible?

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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Distracted » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:55 am

That's odd, Cogito. Maybe if you make the page less than full screen it will be more legible.
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Re: R/S: Why?

Postby Kotik » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:01 am

The background picture in the bridge section is 1585px wide. That is smaller than modern 24in monitors, which are 1900px or wider. Yes, making the browser window smaller solves the white-on-white issue, but not the fact that the background image makes it difficult to read. For instance the big ol' lens flare of the picture is also white and makes the text around it unreadable.
Why don't books have colorful background images? That's not even counting that such a design is very 1996 Geocity-ish. I think it would be nice if the design folks would go for a solid coloured background for all sections. Some sections could use with a colour change too. I don't often lurk in the poem section, but after having my eyes burned out by that garish purple-red-ish background, I was permanently healed from any ambition to post or read there. :spiraleyes:

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