Another music mix

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Another music mix

Postby Escriba » Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:34 pm

Again, I don't know if music compilations can be published in this precise thread, so mods, please, if you have any issue, tell me.

Anyway, another mix or music compilation for our lovely couple. As always (here I am, talking like an expert, when I've made just two of these things :lol:) it's focused on the third and fourth seasons. It's called "Hellos and Goodbyes" (because sometimes it looks like the two of them meet like they were strangers again and again.) The cover is quite bad, but it's just there to inform you about the songs' titles :D

There are songs in English, Spanish and one in *gasp!* Basque. What? It's my mix and I can do whatever I want with it :raspberry: Ah! there are two bonus songs of two music vids from youtube that I like very much.

1. Asleep by The Smiths: This song can be used for the first episode of the third season or for *the_abomination*. It conveys the two moments of Trip's life. No, really, it does. It's a little sad for a beginning, but the third season was a little sad too.

2. Adventures in Solitude by The New Pornographers: The band's name is a little scary, but the music isn't :D It's a song for Trip after he awakens from the coma. The lyrics don't match it perfectly, but it's close enough.

3. Afiladas Palabras (Sharp words) by Tahures Zurdos: The first song in Spanish is for T'Pol after Trip wakes up from the coma. I loved Tahures Zurdos when I was a child. Even if you don't understand the lyrics, the music it's good. Pure classic rock (of the 80s more or less.) Aurora Beltrán is a great singer. The song is about Trip and T'Pol, even if it can look a little ambiguous (but the situation was very ambiguous.) As alway, here is the (crappy) translation:

Hace tiempo que no cerraba los ojos (So much time since I closed my eyes)
y te veia tan claro, hasta creo que te he tocado. (and I saw you so clearly, I even think I've touched you)
Yo que intenté que lo tuyo quedara lejos (I who tried to keep you far away)
y no sabes lo que has hecho al abrazarme así. (and you don't know what you've done hugging me like this.)

He creido morirme. He creido morir. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying)
He creido morirme. He creido morir. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying)

Cuantos siglos-luz te he estado esperando (How many light-years I've been waiting you)
pero siempre habia alguien y todavia lo hay. (but there was always somebody and still there is)
Afiladas palabras y deseadas (Sharp words and desired ones)
no has debido pronunciarlas si no son verdad. (you shouldn't have pronounced them if they aren't true.)

He creido morirme. He creido morir. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying)
He creido morirme. He creido morir. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying)

He creido morirme. He creido morir. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying)
He creido morirme. He creido morir... sin ti. (I thought I was dying. I thought I was dying... without you)

4. Fall at Your Feet by Crowded House: Hello "Harbinger"! Song for "the night". I think the song would fit better if they haven't had sex, actually, but some of the lines are perfect for them, especially if you listen to the song from Trip's POV.

5. Feel the Silence by Goo Goo Dolls: And hello "the morning after" scene from Harbinger! The lyrics fit Trip's POV incredibly well, except for the "blue eyes crying" part. Well, nobody is perfect! :D

6. No by Tahures Zurdos: Yes, them again. Song for T'Pol, because, you know, I think it reflects her personality very much. The entire song doesn't fit her, but some parts... yeah, some parts are "her".

No, no me asusta la oscuridad. (No, I'm not afraid of darkness.)
Es mentira. (It's a lie.)
No, tu ya sabes que soy muy fuerte. (No, you know I'm very strong.)
Todo mentira. (Everything a lie.)

Mi fuerza es mentira (My strenght is a lie)
cuando soy transparente. (when I'm transparent.)
Mi corazón no es de metal. (My heart isn't made of metal.)

No, tú ya sabes que nunca lloro. (No, you know I never cry.)
Es mentira. (It's a lie.)
Que soy fluida e inteligente. (That I'm fluent and intelligent.)
Todo mentira. (Everything a lie.)

Es una excusa hermano (It's an excuse brother)
y yo mismo te la he dado (and I've given it to you myself)
para que no te sientas mal. (to not make you feel bad.)

Me has herido, me has herido. (You've hurt me. You've hurt me.)
Que rota me siento. (How broken I feel.)
Pero no creas (but believe me)
yo también te he usado a ti. (I've used you too.)
Es mi manera de vengarme (It's my way to take revenge)
cuando me causan dolor. (when somebody hurts me.)
Con ella he escrito (With it I've written)
canciones de roto amor. (songs of broken love.)

Mi fuerza es una excusa más (My strenght is one excuse more)
para que tú no te sientas mal. (for you not to feel bad.)

Me has herido, me has herido. (You've hurt me. You've hurt me.)
Que rota me siento. (How broken I feel.)
Pero no creas (But believe me)
yo también te he usado a ti (I've used you too.)
Es mi manera de vengarme (It's my way to take revenge)
cuando me causan dolor. (when somebody hurts me.)
Con ella he escrito (With it I've written)
canciones de roto amor. (broken love songs.)

Hasta a las lágrimas (Even from tears)
se les saca partido. (you can benefit.)
Por eso escribo (That's why I write)
canciones de roto amor. (broken love songs.)

7. Zure Begiek (Your eyes) by Mikel Markez: Basque is not very friendly for the ear, I admit, but this song doesn't have many lyrics and most of them the singer repeats them like 5.488.889 times, so it can be useful to learn a little of the language :lol: A lot of people say that T'Pol rejected Trip in "Harbinger" because she was afraid. Well, if that's the case, this song fits T'Pol perfectly.

Zure begiek mintzen naute, (Your eyes hurt me)
zure ahoak beldurtzen nau, (your mouth scares me.)
niretzako nahi zinduket. (I would want you for myself.)
Sentimendu mugaezin hau. (This unlimited feeling.)

Urontzi bat naiz, (I'm a boat,)
nora ezean dabilen urontzia. (a boat that goes adrift.)
Mila arroken kontra jo dut (I've hit against thousands of rocks)
baina beti korronteak (but the currents always)
zure kostaldetara narama. (carry me to your coast.)

Zure begiek mintzen naute, (Your eyes hurt me)
zure ahoak beldurtzen nau, (your mouth scares me.)
niretzako nahi zinduket. (I would want you for myself.)
Sentimendu mugaezin hau. (This unlimited feeling.)

Zu gabe ez naiz ezer, (I'm nothing without you)
zu gabe zertarako bizi, (without you why living?)
bizitza hontan ditudan helburu guztiak (all the objetives I have)
ez dira ezer lortuz gero (are nothing if I get them)
zurekin konpartitzen ez ba ditut. ([and] I can't share them with you.)

(singing) (x2)
Zure begiek mintzen naute, (Your eyes hurt me)
zure ahoak beldurtzen nau, (your mouth scares me.)
niretzako nahi zinduket. (I would want you for myself.)
Sentimendu mugaezin hau. (This unlimited feeling.)

8. This Rope's getting Tighter by Emma Pollock: I don't know why, this song reminds me of "Home." Maybe it's just me. So you can say "what were you thinking?", because really, I can's explain it :D

9. Breaking My Heart by Aqualung: Oh, poor Trip after "Daedalus." In fact, this song could fit Trip any time, but since it says "you're breaking my heart again"... Curious question, is it just me or this song begins in a different style but later it looks a lot like a song by Coldplay? :?

10. Stop and Stare by One Republic: OK, the truth, I don't like One Republic. Unfortunately (for me) they've created the soundtrack for TnT. Really, every song by them reminds me of the couple. It's scary! :shock: This particular song is for Trip during his stay at Columbia.

11. Tan tranquila (So calm) by Pauline en la playa: While Trip is in Columbia, this is what T'Pol is feeling. I've done what I could with the translation, but even in Spanish their wording is not exactly usual and more poetic.

Es tan triste. (It's so sad)
Ya no sé si puedo comprender (I don't know if I can understand)
que no existe. (that s/he/it doesn't exist.)

Tan tranquila, (So calm)
vuelvo a recordar las cosas que (I begin to remember the things that)
me dijiste. (you told me.)

Y es que ya no me sorprende ver, (Because it doesn't surprise me anymore to see)
sin razón, (with no reason)
escondido en la nevera (hiding in the fridge)
mi corazón (my heart.)

Al momento, (Instantly,)
me deja de recordar a ti (it stops to remind me of you)
lo que pienso. (what I think)

Tan paciente, (So patient)
que con ello debería ser (that with that it should be)
suficiente. (enough.)

Y es que ya no me sorprende ver, (Because it doesn't surprise me anymore to see)
sin razón, (with no reason)
escondido en la nevera (hiding in the fridge)
mi corazón (my heart.)

12. You Love Me by Kimya Dawson: But as we know, Trip comes back and our lovely couple can express and share their feelings (about time!) Even if this song is sweet and naive it fits T'Pol. Yeah, she's a Care Bear inside :twisted:

13. Zero by Lamb: I began with a sad song and unfortunately I end the same way. But there is a reason. This song is like any member of Lamb saw "Terra Prime" and wrote a song of Trip's feelings. I swear. It fits so perfectly that it's almost eerie. The song isn't the usual song, with an easy melody, but listen to it and then tell me if I'm wrong or not.

Bonus songs:

14. Heartbeats by Jose González: From this video (try not to think in balls of different colors going down through a slope.)

15. A Message by Coldplay: From this video.

OK, enough of talking download the mix in THIS LINK (as you'll see once you click on the link, you can download the songs you want, and this way you won't have to download songs you already have or that you don't like a bit. Yeah, I'm nice like that :lol:)

By the way, if there is any problem, please, tell me.

Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest the use of Mediafire in any way that constitutes distribution of U.S.- or internationally- copy-written material. Please, be responsible and try to get the music by legal ways as mush as you can.
Last edited by Escriba on Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another music mix

Postby Alelou » Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:35 pm

When I try to right click and save individual songs, it wants to save them as a firefox document, which maybe is something bizarre about firefox taking over my default settings (especially since I was in IE at the time).

Otherwise, it appears to download anything I need to save it to my free account (which I don't have yet, I don't think). Is that how this thing works? Can you really download or can you only listen from your own account?

Total newbie with this stuff. I'd like to hear all of it except Heartbeats and A Message, since I already have those. :)
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Pitseleh » Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:37 am

Thank you! :D I'm DLing some of them right now... (The ones I'm not DLing is 'cause I already have.)
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Alelou » Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:38 am

So are you downloading from the list or do you have an account with them?

I'm just curious how this thing works.
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Escriba » Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:14 am

Sorry, Alelou, I went to bed :D

You have to download them, yes. Mediafire is a site like rapidshare or megaupload, a place to share files. You don't need to right-click them, just normal click them and you'll go to the downloading link.

Don't worry about being a newbie, it's the first time I'm using mediafire to upload too. I liked the feature of being able to download individual files instead of the entire album. But now that I think about it maybe it was best if I used 4Shared, since you can listen to the files without downloading them and then decide to actually download them or not. Hmmmm... I'll think about that for another occasion.

Pitseleh wrote:Thank you! :D I'm DLing some of them right now... (The ones I'm not DLing is 'cause I already have.)

You're welcome :D

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Re: Another music mix

Postby Distracted » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:37 pm

Should we have concerns about illegal download issues and copyright violations here? Seems to me there have been a couple of well-publicized cases recently of huge fines being levied on people who put other people's music up on sites for their friends to download for free. Sorry to put a damper on things, but I just wanted to point that out just in case.

The lyrics are very fitting, Escriba. Thanks for sharing them. :D
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Escriba » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:40 pm

No, Distracted, you are right. Technically speaking the site could have problems. Although I doubt 15 songs (11, in fact, since American Law can't claim the Spanish songs :D) can arise too much suspicion.

But, better safe than sorry, so you could write a text in some part of the forum as a disclaimer, like "we're not responsible for the opinions of the members or the content of their posts" or something like that and then the responsability would come directly to me. I think that should work.

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Re: Another music mix

Postby Distracted » Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:37 pm

That might be a good idea. I will consult with Fearless Leader.
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Elessar » Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:16 am

Distracted wrote:That might be a good idea. I will consult with Fearless Leader.

Thanks for grabbing my attention, D.

It looks like the actual hyperlinks above have been removed... so I can't really tell what we're dealing with. By the way, I appreciate the sentiment Escriba if that was you who removed them for the time being. I'm not familiar with (by name) something called Mediafire. I saw you say it's "like rapidshare". I have heard of Rapidshare but I've never used it. My only concern is that the context in which I've heard of rapidshare is a place to get cracks for warez, which is illegal territory. However...

I am pretty sure that we are safe as long as we at Triaxian Silk are not hosting said copy-written material... Basically, it is the distributor who is legally culpable, not the consumer. From what I understand, rapid share is a direct download site. If that is what Mediafire is, then I think we are safe.

Just please issue a disclaimer that you're not condoning or suggesting use of Mediafire in any way that constitutes distribution of U.S.- or internationally- copy-written material.
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Re: Another music mix

Postby Escriba » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:14 am

Elessar wrote:I am pretty sure that we are safe as long as we at Triaxian Silk are not hosting said copy-written material... Basically, it is the distributor who is legally culpable, not the consumer. From what I understand, rapid share is a direct download site. If that is what Mediafire is, then I think we are safe.

Yes, that's the case. But I was a little afraid that the site could be a subsidiary responsible. Anyway, a "no responsability clause" could help the site for opinions considered slander. That's why DVDs and TV shows and such have this funny "the show is not responsible for the opinions of the hosts etc..."

Elessar wrote:Just please issue a disclaimer that you're not condoning or suggesting use of Mediafire in any way that constitutes distribution of U.S.- or internationally- copy-written material.

Considered done.

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