Vid: "Radioactive"

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Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Jamieson » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:43 am

So...I've mentioned a vid in passing a few times, and I finally finished it. In fact, I finished it over a week ago, but my website host was having some big issues that have hopefully, finally been resolved.

I've been working on it off and on since last October, and it took me a LOT longer than I planned (there was a lot of rust to chip off), but I'm happy with the end product and I'm glad I didn't try to rush it. Besides...after four and a half years, I'll take "a lot longer than planned" over not finishing it at all.

If you're so inclined: "Radioactive"

Clips were taken from "The Expanse" through to "Bound"...I originally intended to include some stuff from "Demons"/"Terra Prime", but in the end it just didn't fit with the overall vibe (although technically there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot from "Demons").

I hope you enjoy it, and I always welcome any feedback you might have.

**May 4th** I've switched out the original video for one with a smaller filesize (the quality is still quite good), which should speed up buffering significantly. The video works best in Firefox and Chrome - it still seems to stutter and shake a bit with Internet Explorer, even with the smaller vid size, and I'm not sure why (the other vids on the site seem to do alright with IE, even the higher quality ones). So yeah, should be much easier to stream now.
Last edited by Jamieson on Sat May 04, 2013 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Cogito » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:12 am

:clap: :D

(I'd guess there's pretty low bandwidth available at that site judging by how slow the download was.)

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Jamieson » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:29 am

Thanks :-)

I think the server is still recovering from whatever meltdown it had the past few weeks...granted this vid file is a lot larger than my others, but I've noticed a few of the others taking a lot longer to load than normal, too. One of the big symptoms that most users seemed to have during this issue was glacial's better than it was a few days ago, for sure! Tech support told me (yesterday) that they hoped to have everything back up to speed (or even faster) within a couple of this point, as long as the actual playback isn't too adversely affected (as it was several day sago), I'll take it.

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Cogito » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:46 am

It seems to be delivering about 4Mbps for me, which is pretty darned generous, but less than it needs to stream that video. Anyway, I thought the video was great and it was nice to have a reminder of the pivotal episodes.

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Jamieson » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:02 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed it :-) It's been a long time coming - 4.5 years in terms of general vidding, and about six months in terms of this specific vid.

Hopefully it played (mostly) clean for you, even if it took a long time to buffer - I've tried it through a few different internet connections at home and at work, and as long as I let it buffer ahead, it usually is alright...although I noticed earlier today it seemed to hesitate a bit, so the web host is probably still working on their end.

The video file is huge, though...I've been trying different render settings to get it down, but it compromises the quality more than I'd like. I found one that is "okay" today (significantly smaller filesize but visible quality loss, although not as bad as the options I've tried), and I tested it on the site - it buffers quicker, but the playback itself is pretty much identical, just not nearly as crisp. The only difference between the two seems to be the buffer speed. If people would like the lower quality option, though, I can put it up.

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Jamieson » Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:50 pm

Quick update - I finally found a render setting that allowed me to make the vid file significantly smaller in size (it's about a third the size now) without too much quality loss, so I've replaced the old version and it should greatly reduce the buffering time.

I believe I've also isolated the issues of the occasional stuttering or shaky playback to a browser and/or flash update problem. Internet Explorer in particular seems to have trouble with smooth playback, especially in the "small" player (it usually performs a bit better in fullscreen mode with IE, but not always). I've checked the new version of this vid in Chrome and Firefox, and it seems to work fine in both the default and fullscreen views.

So hopefully that solves any viewing issues.

I have an idea for another Trip/T'Pol vid, but I'm not sure when I'll have the opportunity to sit down with it properly. Hopefully it won't take nearly as long as this one did! :D

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Re: Vid: "Radioactive"

Postby Cogito » Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:11 am

Thanks - it plays much better now, and it was nice to have an excuse to re-watch it.

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