Rank your Treks

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby blacknblue » Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:55 am

VOY & TNG (About equally)
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Linda » Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:47 pm

Now when I rewatch TOS, I appreciate why I liked it when it first came out - damn that show had some good stuff! I get a little restless watching some of its dated stuff, but hey, nostalgic about some of it, but lthe culture has moved on - and partly because the direction of popular culture was set by Star Trek. Still, if I sit down to watch a bit of Trek, the ranking I made earlier still holds - with the exception of the elevation of a couple of the movies.

first place: ENT/DS9/First Contact movie
second place: VOY/TNG/Star Trek IV movie
third place: TOS/TAS/rest of ST movies
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby justTripn » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:15 pm

I am making a point to watch all the OS episodes (of course this means rewatch) but I first saw them so long ago I don't remember a thing. Strangely enouph, the plots and famous lines are all familiar to me nonetheless, because I've read the Strange New Worlds and other fanfics. (Or maybe it's my subconcious memory from childhood.) Anyway, it's like reading Shakespeare and going, "Oh! So that's where that phrase/cliche comes from!"
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Linda » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:46 pm

Yeah! And all those 'cliches' were not 'cliches' when TOS first aired them! I suppose someday some ENT lines will become cliches too (I hope so, as that would mean ENT has saturated the popular culture).

Lines like "Not quite the warm welcome you expected, Captain?"
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Eian Flannagan » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:11 pm

Okay, I've read this thread and learned how many of you would rank the series. I'm now interested in how you would rank the following Trek personnel:

1. Captains
2. First Officers
3. Engineers
4. Doctors
5. Security Chiefs

Here are mine:

Captains: Picard, Sisko, Kirk, Janeway, Archer (not an Archer fan, at all. Hell, I'd put Ransom ahead of Archer!

First Officers: T'Pol (well...duh), Spock, Nerys, Riker, Chakotay (and if I could get away with leaving Chuckles off, I would)

Engineers: Scotty, Torres, Tucker, LaForge, O'Brien (I put Torres ahead of Tucker simply because I feel she had to put up with a lot more bulls**t)

Doctors: McCoy, the EMH, Phlox, Crusher, Bashir (McCoy solely because he gave us the whole "I'm a doctor, not a ... schtick." And I, personally loved the EMH, hologram or not. I think what Robert Picardo did with the character was brilliant and often fun.)

Security Chiefs: Reed, Worf, Odo, Tuvok, did TOS have one? Sulu?

If there is a thread for this elsewhere, will someone please let me know?

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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Asso » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:33 pm

Captains: Kirk (A great cowboy, but you have to consider this term in right way), Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer (Well! He was a Captain, after all!).

First Officers: T'Pol (NO DOUBT! And not because she is T’Pol!), Spock, Nerys, Riker, Chakotay ( I find this one slightly boring.)

Engineers: Tucker (because he did have to contrive everything), Scotty, Torres, , LaForge, O'Brien (Slightly “flat”, don’t you believe?)

Doctors: McCoy (Again, without any doubt), the EMH, Crusher, Bashir, Phlox (personally I don’t like him. I already said it in some occasions: I find him cold and also irritant, sometimes).

Security Chiefs: Reed (certainly), Worf, Odo, Tuvok, Sulu? (I don’t know).
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby CoffeeCat » Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:14 pm

Captains: Sisco, Picard, Kirk, Janeway, Archer (I think Janeway and Kirk are actually interchangeable because they're both really good sometimes, but really arrogant at other times)
XO: Kira, Spock, Riker, Chakotay, T'Pol (I'm sorry, but after Trellium D, I think she should have been removed from the ship)
Engineers: (as far as skill is concerned) Trip, Scotty, LaForge, O'Brian, Torres (I love her to death, but she let implant hooters upstage her constantly - although, she may be of the same breed as Trip & Scotty because she did her job with Chakotay's ship alright)
Pilots: Paris, Mayweather, Sulu, Wesley Crusher, Data (Data is last here because he's all computerized - I think it takes passion to pilot a ship, which made Paris, by far, the best helmsman ever in Trek)
Doctors: McCoy, Phlox, EMH, Bashire, Crusher
Security: Odo, Tuvok, Worf, Reed, Chekov (I think he was put in charge of security either in the 3rd season, or that might have been fanon)
Science Officers: Spock, Dax, Data, 7of9 (the closest thing on Voyager), T'Pol (she was good, but didn't believe in time travel, sheesh)
Bar Wench: Guinan, Quark, Neelix
Useless Extras: Harry Kim, Kes, Chekov, Deanna Troi
Communications: Sato, Uhura
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby thecursor » Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:28 pm

Captains: Kirk, Sisko, Picard, Archer, Janeway

First Officers: Nerys (If I needed a second in command, I'd want a former terrorist), Spock, T'Pol, Chakotay, Riker

Engineers: Scotty (I know we all like Trip but this dude got into barfights, taught LaForge how to be awesome, Dropped a bunch of Tribbles on a Klingon ship, and played Die Hard when Spock's Brother took over the ship. Dude was bitchin'.),O'Brien, Trip, Torres, LaForge

Doctors: McCoy, Bashir, Phlox, SELAR! (We all know who was really doing all the work in that Sickbay!), Crusher, the EMH,

Security Chiefs: Odo (Everybody else was just a guy in a uniform and a phaser, Odo was an actual detective. He was a real cop who made his own calls and didn't just blindly follow orders. He was so good at his job that even the Cardassions wished he was still working for them. This was a real investigator.) Worf, Reed, Chekov, Tuvok

Eye Candy:7of9 (The first truly blantent piece of pretty, pretty was still the best.), Jadzia, T'Pol, Leeta, Deanna, Uhura
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Lady Rainbow » Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:24 pm

TV Series:

VOY (Sorry, never really been a Voyager fan :? )

The Wrath of Khan
The Voyage Home
The Undiscovered Country
First Contact
(All the other ones were :? )

Captains: Sisko, Picard, Kirk, Archer, Janeway
First Officers: Spock, Kira Nerys, T'Pol, Riker, Chakotay
Engineers: Scotty, Trip, B'Elanna, Geordi, O'Brien
Medical: McCoy, Phlox, EMH, Bashir, Crusher/Pulaski
Security: Reed, Worf, Odo, Tuvok, Chekov
Communications: Hoshi, Uhura
Science Officers: Spock, Data (OK I know he was Ops, but close enough), Dax, T'Pol, 7 of 9

Other characters I thought were kinda cool: SHRAN! Garak, Eddington, Kov, Soval, Forrest, Dukat (at least in the beginning), Lon Suder

Window Dressing: Travis, Harry Kim
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Linda » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:41 pm

Captains: Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Kirk, Archer
First officers: Spock, T'Pol,Kira,Chakoty,Riker
engineers: Scotty, Tucker,Geordi, O'Brien, B'elanna
Medical: McCoy, Phlox, EMH, CRusher, Bashir
Security: Worf, Reed, Odo, Tuvok, Chekov
Communications: Hoshi, Uhura
Science officers: Spock, T'Pol, Data, Dax, Tuvok
Helmsmen: Travis
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby justTripn » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:59 pm

Captains: Picard, Kirk, Janeway, Archer, Sisko
First Officers: Spock, Kira, T'Pol, Riker, Chakotay
Cheif Engineers: Trip, Jordi, Torres, Scotty, OBrien,
Science Officers: Data (HE WASN'T a science officer?!), Spock, 7 of 9, T'Pol, Jadzia Dax
Doctors: Bashir, McCoy, EMH, Plox, Chrusher
Security Officers: Malcolm, Tuvok, Warf, Odo, who was security on TOS? Checkov?
Ship councilors (sp?): Ezri Dax, Troy
Morale officers: UGH!

Did I forget anybody?
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:54 pm

CO - Kirk, Sisko, Picard, Archer/Janeway (tied for last)
XO - Spock, Kira, T'Pol, Riker, Chuckles
ChENg - Scotty, Trip, O'Brien, Torres, LaForge
CMO - McCoy, Phlox, EHM, Bashir, Crusher
Sec - Odo, Worf, Reed, Tuvok, Chekov
Science - Spock, Data (he was de facto the science officer), T'Pol, 7of9, Dax
Eye Candy - T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby Pitseleh » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:17 am

Show: ENT (just 'cause of TnT), TOS, DS9, TNG, VOY. Never watched TAS.

Dude or dudette in charge of the overall ship and supposed main character: Kirk, Sisko, Picard... toss up between Archer and Janeway if I must rank 'em...
Person in charge of the ship in case the Captain is off somehow: Spock, T'Pol, Kira... again, toss up between Riker and Chakotay if I must...
Boy or girl in charge of making the ship go fast and keeping it together: Tucker, Scotty, Torres, O'Brien, LaForge
Guy or gal administering the hyposprays: McCoy, Phlox, Crusher, Bashir, HoloDoc
He who makes things go "boom": Reed, Odo, Chekov, Worf, Tuvok
The one with the Science degree: Spock, T'Pol, Data, Dax, 7 of 9
Designated driver: Travis, Sulu, Paris
Receptionist: Hoshi, Uhura
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby WarpGirl » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:31 am

Eian Flannagan wrote:Okay, I've read this thread and learned how many of you would rank the series. I'm now interested in how you would rank the following Trek personnel:

1. Captains
2. First Officers
3. Engineers
4. Doctors
5. Security Chiefs

Well as series...

1. VOY

2. TNG

3. ENT (the only reason this isn't in last place, is because I cared about the crew) otherwise the stories would have made me ignore it. As a matter of fact I did for years until I found the fanfic.)

4. TOS

5. DS9 I hated every character except The O'Brians and they're technically TNG, and Garek. The stories production value that was all perfect, but it means nothing if you hate the people.

Now Crew...


1. Picard (The Absolute perfect Captain, Brains, Brawn, Ideals, and a Poet's Soul) not only that he could put himself comepletely last, either for a mission or crew.

2. Janeway (11 years I waited for a woman Captain, and she ROCKED!)

3. Kirk (Although to me he's still the Admiral)

4. Sisko (I don't know who or what he even IS) I've tried to figure it out, didn't work.

5. Archer (I'm still wating for Porthos to bite him below the belt) Is that clear enough?

First Officers:

1. Spock! (Really it CAN'T be anyone else)

2. Riker (Cute, funny, good at his job, yeah a bit of a man-whore for a while but his priority was his ship and his Captain. Oh and he had great hobbies, when they weren't women)

3. T'Pol (Although I have to say, they didn't let her do her job, and they shouldn't have given her the title until season 4)

4. Chakotay (The only interesting thing about him was his love for Janeway, and other than that his horrible taste in women EXCEPT Janeway!)

5. Kira (She was just not my type of person AT ALL!) If she had been Ro Laren like the origional idea, I would have put her above T'Pol and watched DS9.

Chief Engineers:

1. Scotty (THE MIRICAL WORKER) The standard from which all shall be judged. Sorry Trip.

2. B'Elanna Torres (She did more with less than ANYONE and managed to marry the ship's most eligable bachalor and have a baby) Not to mention A WOMAN Chief THANK YOU!

3. Trip (He's not LESSER than Scotty or B'Elanna, but he didn't get to shine at the job as much, and he had it relatively easy compared to them) BUT definitely the sexiest.

4. Geordie ("disabled" like me, hoast of Reading Rainbow, and just plain awsome) but WORST love life EVER!

5. Miles (I've never seen him in action)


1. TOM, TOM, TOM, TOM (Passion, talent, dedication, and he hated autopilot. He designed and built the Delta Flyer.) It has NOTHING to do with the fact he's played by Robbie McNiell NOTHING! :loveeyes:

2. Wesely (DON'T SHOOT! He was my love at six years old, and well he was good at it for a teenager) :hug:

3. Sulu (Too Awsome! But I didn't grow old enough to appreciate him until 5 years ago) :poke:

4. Did the Defiant have a pilot on DS9?

5. Travis (I'd rather watch dishwater!) Shame too he was handsome.

Doctors: This is in order of who I'd want to treat me, I have experience...

1. Beverly (Not too cold, not too sweet neither are good.) And she has an actual personality outside of her job that she didn't have to program.

2. Phlox (Again professonal so I feel safe, and someone to chat with as well) Besides I don't usually respond well to traditional medicine.

3. Bones (Arguably the most interesting. Unfortunately, I'd end up yelling JUST SHUT UP a lot, if he talked to me while he worked) but I'd hang out with him all of the time.

4. Doc (Frankly I'd want to hang out with him, not be treated by him)

5. Bashir (That guy can't touch me with a mile long poll NO WAY!)


1. Malcolm! (An actual Pyromaniac who has a REAL sense of humor, wicked charm, issues, and THE VOICE) be still my beating heart a non-Vulcan having the job and being INTERESTING!

2. Tuvok (I didn't like him at first, but after a while you just liked him because he was a GOOD MAN doing his job in awful circumstances. And he became a true friend and mentor to Tom and B'Elanna the TWO people you assume he would NEVER warm up too) The rivalry between him and Chakotay was awsome as well.

3. Chekov (he's cute)

4. Odo (I love Sherlock Holms, but Odo himself, was annoying)

5. Worf (CLICHE)


Search For Spock

Wrath of Khan


First Contact


That's it.
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Re: Rank your Treks

Postby alt_Toza » Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:36 pm

I'm a little late to the party, but I BMOO:

VOY (If I must)
Never seen TAS

Captain - Sisko. He made an ace Klingon! And he cooked. ;)
First Officer - Hmm... Riker or Kira... Riker or Kira.... Er... Riker's FO, Kira's "liason officer". Can I get away with that? Ok, scratch that, Kira. She was, if you'll pardon the expression, bad-ass.
Doctor - Well, I'd need two cos they couldn't work ALL HOURS, could they? LOL - Bones and Bashir. What a team! Night and day, as Vic would say. :)
Engineers - NOOOO! Don't make me choose between O'Brien and Trip! You heartless forumers! I'd need the sunnovabitch / bloody Cardassian computer! in shifts.
Security - Odo or Reed. Or a weird combination of both.
Science Officer - are you kidding? Jadzia Dax. Could you imagine her working on the same ship as Trip? They'd be drinking buddies and sharing dirty jokes, tales of strippers / pub brawls and schematics the whole time. Hmm, come to think of it, where WAS Dax back in the day...? The symbiont would have been on its, what, second lifetime, maybe? Fic, anyone? Or has this been done...?
Bar Wench: Quark. Gotta be.
Morale Officer: SuperArcher. Also Captain of the Water-Polo Team. And Dog-Walkers United.
Extras, useless or otherwise: T'Pol, Morn, that Hawaiian dude who did the spinning fire-dancing thing at Jadzia's pre-wedding party (would they ever find a uniform to fit him?), Rom, Porthos (he never complained), Sulu (THE VOICE of the ship's computer, now we've lost MJB :( ), the EMH as a chef, maybe... er.... loads others...? Oh yeah: Q!



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