Favourite Bad Guys

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Re: Favourite Bad Guys

Postby Alelou » Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:58 pm

Misplaced wrote:And Aquarius: Is the book you're thinking of "Q-Squared"? I dunno if that's it... there have been a couple of Q books.

That's the one. It has Trelayne. It's the only Trek novel I still have on my shelves, for purely sentimental reasons unrelated to Trek (though I certainly did enjoy it).

"Spock's Brain" -- yes, I could definitely agree to nominating that whole episode as a terrible villain.
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Re: Favourite Bad Guys

Postby aadarshinah » Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:48 pm

Hmmm... least favourite villian? Idk. Any plague that turns people into another species pretty much covers it for me. Though "Threshold" - which, admittedly, has no real bad guy - is probably my least favourite Star Trek episode of all time, even including The Abomination.

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Re: Favourite Bad Guys

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:27 pm

EntAllat wrote:If we do start up a list for "Least Favorite Bad Guys"...

She's got an awfully nice bum!
-Malcolm Reed on T'Pol, in Shuttlepod One


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Re: Favourite Bad Guys

Postby enterprikayak » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:49 pm

Aquarius wrote:Q is awesome.

There was a novel--hardcover--in the 80s or 90s, by Peter David, I think--which supposed that Trellaine (who EntAllat referenced) is actually an adolescent Q. I'm pretty sure I still have it somewhere...might be worth a re-read, now that I think about it.

Have it here on my shelf. Y'know, I quite liked Trelane. But *then* I got the Simon and Schuster Audiobook of Q*Squared.... read entirely by John deLancie.....and his hideous, overly-cheerful, grampa-sweeney-reading-it-to-you-at-magic-carpet-storytime take on the Trelane voice was just too much, and now I hate Trelane. I'm mercurial that way.

He was good at Q, obviously. But Trelane? Not so much.

panyasan wrote:
Distracted wrote:My husband votes for the pool of black goo that swallowed Tasha Yar in TNG. He says no one and nothing else in any ST series beats it for sheer random and irredeemable evilness.
I could hardly contain my laughter when I saw that scene, because the goo looked so goo-ey and goo-fy. ;-)

LOL! I saw Jon Frakes in 1993 at a convention in Vancouver, BC. (And so that black goo scene was only, like, 6 years prior to that). And he said he was a little nobody in 1987 with no resume and no surety that Riker wouldn't be randomly killed off (as Tasha was being right then). And they mixed up this printer's ink (like newspaper ink) and Metamucil and water and poured it into this tank on the stage, and they were like, "Get in." (And he's laughing telling us this, cause he adds, "Nowadays (6th season tng) I would have told them to **** off and get one of the sweepers or a stunt man to do it :lol:) So poor little 1987-Jonathan climbs into the tarpit, and gets vomited out again, and he said it was so horrible and he couldn't breathe, but at least he had "done his own stunt" and felt like that was pretty cool, and then he saw the ep when it aired and he was like, "THAT COULD HAVE BEEN FREAKING WESLEY IN THERE FOR ALL IT LOOKED LIKE ME! IT WAS JUST SOME RANDOM GUY DROWINING IN METAMUCIL!" He was a riot at that con.
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