Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

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Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Linda » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:42 am

This one will be August 8 - 13, 2113. I keep saying 'next year' I'll go. It looks more likely that I actually will be going to this one and dragging my husband along. We are talking about driving out to it from Wisconsin. Is anyone else thinking of going?

Here is the info on the convention:
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Linda » Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:33 pm

One thing I don't like about this convention is that they only announce the gold package at first for the next year and do not put up the silver and bronze and lesser packages for months. But $700 is a bit steep for me. I would commit to a lesser package right away, so the organizers know they can count on me coming. Not sure why only the gold package is the only one up for months except maybe they need a certain amount of gold commitment to be able to pay for the convention? Then it would be fewer people to have to contact if they don't get enough money to make the convention a go?
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Distracted » Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:41 pm

Sounds reasonable to me.
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Cogito » Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:26 am

Seven hundred bucks? Wow, these things are expensive!

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Eireann » Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:26 pm

Not sure it counts, exactly, but there's some sort of a collector's con on at Milton Keynes here in the UK on 15-17 November and since Dominic and Connor are going to be there, so am I! On the 16th, tickets purchased ready, photos printed ready for autographs!

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Eireann » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:16 pm

Brief report from Collectormania for anyone who is interested.

The first thing that startled me was that both car parking and entry to the event were free. Now I have to ask, if they can do it for this event why do the people who attend ST conventions qualify for being milked so savagely? Presumably the event wasn't being run at a loss, but if the costs were covered through the traders (of whom they were many), then surely that would work for the standard conventions? I was surprised how FEW there were in London, given the demand there was likely to be for merchandise, but a trader I spoke to yesterday said that it was very, very difficult to get accepted for the 5 Captains one and he didn't qualify - though he had lots of good stuff at quite decent prices.

Anyway. The second thing to strike me was the temperature. The event was being held at the new MK Dons football stadium in Milton Keynes, and though the main hall was technically 'indoors', it was basically unheated. The last couple of days have been relatively mild for November, but Friday was quite bitter, and apparently the unfortunate celebrities were sitting around in blankets! It got slightly warmer yesterday as it filled up, but it never became warm enough to be comfortable walking around in with no coat on. How the people in costume managed (and some of them were wearing not very much of it) I have no idea.

Unsurprisingly, Connor and Dominic were seated side by side. Connor arrived first, wearing dark trousers, black leather gloves and a black leather jacket with a red check 'lumberjack' shirt underneath it. He was slightly unshaven but looked well, though his hair was dark, with no hint of the fair shade he sported on Enterprise. He didn't take his gloves off all day, though from what I heard when he arrived he accepted the cold more philosophically than Dominic, who was voluble about this as about practically everything.

Dominic, who arrived about five minutes later, was in dark grey denim with a matching scarf. His hair was cut very short and he didn't look as sturdy as Connor; one gets the impression that he lives on the edge. However, he was, as always, friendly, gracious and polite, signing both of my pictures and adding comments of his own.

Connor signed one of the pictures too, and although he isn't as forthcoming as Dominic he was very pleased when we mentioned that as well as loving what he did on 'Enterprise' we'd enjoyed his performance as Michael in 'Stargate Atlantis', though he ought to get a series where he had a happy ending! I told him that every time I watch 'Terra Prime' I cry at the end, and he said that those were real tears, because his wife had told him the day before that she was pregnant. So that was a 100% Awwww! moment, and I was really touched that he mentioned something so personal.

The photo shoots, some 5 hours later (and very tiring hours they were - we had a long lunch and a good rest in the car) took place in rooms on a balcony upstairs overlooking the football pitch. This was unheated AND windy, and the queues for the shoots were not nice places to be. Connor looked perished with the cold when he walked up - I think both of them will be well relieved to be on a plane back to the warmth of California tomorrow! He was very quiet, as usual, but of course Dominic who followed had to make a pantomime of the whole occasion, shouting, "Is this the queue of my adoring fans?" at the top of his voice. Then he got to the top of it, and said "Right, I'll take you, you and you-" pointing to three women, one of whom was me - "aaaand-" pointing to a rather large and brawly-looking bloke - "No, definitely not you!" He had everyone in gales of laughter, harassing the photographer, imitating Connor and generally acting like a clown on speed. When it was my turn to be photographed with him I handed him the phase pistol I'd brought along (I'd asked him beforehand if he'd mind), and he looked at it, looked around at everybody, and shouted, "For God's sake, do NOT give this thing to Connor. That man broke every f*ing prop we had on the entire series!" So that set everybody off again. But bless him, he gave me a pose to die for with the phase pistol, even though I think he was playing James Bond more than Malcolm Reed!

The last, but by no means least, noteworthy incident of the day was that I met up with our own charming Cogito, who graciously invited the three of us back to his home for coffee. We would have loved to stay longer but it had been a long, demanding day, and we were really exhausted and had a long drive still left in front of us. So we had to get back on the road, thankful for the delicious coffee which just about gave us enough strength to get home!

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Distracted » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:00 pm

Sounds like marvelous fun except for the frostbite-inducing temperatures. I'm glad it was you and not me! :lol:
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Weeble » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:00 am

Yeah Dis, I doubt you're into fishing in the snow. I am also convinced I am nuts. Glad you had the opportunity to go Eireann. Doubly happy that the Cog was there. Your descriptions of the environs and both Connor and Dominic allowed a wee bit of vicariousness.
thanks again.

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Alelou » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:49 pm

Oh, thanks for the nice full report. Definitely more fun than being there, I think. But you sound as if you scored some very nice moments!
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Cogito » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:19 am

It was great to see Eireann and family and meet a fellow Triaxian Silker in the flesh. I haven't been to one of these events before so it was quite surreal to see Dominic Keating just wandering around chatting to people. I didn't see Connor but apparently he was in the area. If only he'd persuaded Joleen to come too!

I was also surprised by the disparity in the queues to meet celebs of different periods. There was a massive queue for photographs signed by somebody who was apparently a "WWF Diva", shivering in an outfit that strained to contain several pounds of silicone, who had apparently resorted to half an inch of makeup to keep her warm. Meanwhile, only a few yards away was Delenn (yes, Mira Furlan in person) more or less ignored and kind enough to have a quick chat with me, although I think that strictly speaking I should probably have been buying signed photos or something. I had always supposed that these actors and actresses were chosen because they were photogenic/telegenic but it turns out I was wrong in this case - Mira is far prettier in person than on the screen and has a devastating smile. I just wish we'd had a warmer place for the show, so that these celebs could have enjoyed the experience as much as we did. Anyway, it was a grand day out despite the cold.

PS If you're thinking that some of those cosplay costumes look a bit skimpy - yes, there were some young ladies there who were evidently feeling the cold.

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Distracted » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:36 am

I'm jealous, now. I had a massive girl-crush on Mira Furlan when B-5 first came out. Her character just seemed to have it all together and was soooo wise. I was disappointed when I found out that the actress was a chain smoker.
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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby putaro » Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:16 am

Funny - I looked Mira Furlan up on IMDB and found out she was also Rosseau on Lost. Never made the connection before.

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Re: Star Trek convention in Las Vegas 2013

Postby Distracted » Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:00 pm

I wouldn't know. I don't think I ever managed to get through an entire episode of Lost without losing interest and changing the channel. It could have had something to do with the fact that I didn't watch it from the beginning, so by the time I tried watching it I got hopelessly... Lost! 8)
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