Anime Detour 2010

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Anime Detour 2010

Postby CX » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:36 pm

This is supposed to be the big con of the area, usually taking place in Bloomington, Minnesota. I'd meant to go there for the first time in 2009, but unfortunately the yearly flooding of the Red River kept me from doing so because of the worry that all the bridges across it might be closed when we try to get back. Fortunately, the con is very flexible, and allowed me to roll over my ticket to the next year, when flooding ended up not being nearly as bad.

This is also the semi-official con of my local anime club, and many of them go every year. In 2010, they went all out and rented a state fleet 15 passenger van for it.

While the con was still mostly enjoyable, I didn't really find it as fun as Ai-Kon. Of course, part of the fun of Ai-Kon was being able to wander around downtown Winnipeg with a friend who knew the city pretty well. Bloomington didn't really have the same appeal. Also, while meeting Will's group of friends from the area was fun, they tended to just wander at random around the con without actually doing anything, and unfortunately I'm not in good enough shape to keep up with them while they do so, but I ended up forcing myself to do so anyway. My legs and feet hated me later, so for me it was pain for not really any purpose other than some small talk here and there.

I didn't cosplay at this con, but most of my friends did, and naturally I got some pictures of some good-looking female cosplayers. ;) Unfortunately I'd forgotten my camera, so most of these pics are either from friends, or from the camera on my phone.

First up, Haruhi:

And of course, a couple Yokos:

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In this shot, my friend Dave is cosplaying as Lelouche from Code Geass and my friend Will is posing with him next to a Yoko. I was caught trying to give them bunny ears.

And here's Revy, from Black Lagoon:
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Will cosplayed as HUNK again. In the first shot you can see some of the main courtyard in the background.

Here, he puts on his sister's hat from her "Indiana Hannah" costume.
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Here's Hannah herself, as we have some fun with the Metal Gear surprise icon.

And of course, yours truly.

A couple of Pyramid Heads from Silent Hill. Aren't they cute?

One of the guests was actually from Japan, being responsible for shows like Excel Saga. His name is Shinichi Watanabe, and he has a habit of putting a character based on himself which he voices in pretty much everything he directs, named Nabeshin. He also likes to cosplay as Nabeshin in pretty much every con he goes to.
Here my friend Shane cosplayed as "NabeShane" and poses with Nabeshin.

And here I pose with him, too, for the hell of it.

He was pretty friendly, and let pretty much anyone approach him to talk or take pictures. He spoke some English, but he also had a couple translators with him to help him out. You could see his group wandering around the con pretty much the whole time.

That Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything. :raspberry:

In the main courtyard, they had tables set up for food and rest. People were not only allowed to draw artwork on the tablecloths, but encouraged, and they put quite a few markers out on the tables to that end. By the end of the con, pretty much everything had been covered.
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Some of our random fun outside involved finding a car with a set of truck nuts.

And here Will and Shane are having some fun with candy, as Will discovers he can't eat it with a gas mask on:
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Kevin Thomas Riley
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Re: Anime Detour 2010

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:31 pm

OK, my prejudices are apparently way off since it seems there are a lot of pretty girls attending these cons! :shifty:
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-Malcolm Reed on T'Pol, in Shuttlepod One


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Re: Anime Detour 2010

Postby CX » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:36 am

Yes, there are, unlike Trek cons. OH BURN!

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Re: Anime Detour 2010

Postby CX » Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:14 pm

Oh come on, I was only jokin'. :raspberry:

Whelp, in a little under an hour, I'm going to be headed to Anime Detour '11. I'm going to be posting about the disappointment that was ValleyCon 2010 first, though, when I get back.

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Re: Anime Detour 2010

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:36 pm

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose! :-P

A Treasure Trove of Retro Cosplay
She's got an awfully nice bum!
-Malcolm Reed on T'Pol, in Shuttlepod One


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Re: Anime Detour 2010

Postby CX » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:26 am

Hey, cool, Dirty Pair.

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