Admin Roster

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Moderators: justTripn, Elessar, dark_rain

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Admin Roster

Postby Elessar » Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:26 pm

We have had a few administrative roster changes over the last several months and I think for the most part, everyone is up to speed but for the record I thought we would make this official:

Elessar - Owner/Admin

JustTripn - Fanfiction Consigliere

Dark_rain - DB/Forums Admin

mjimeyg - DB/Forums Admin

Distracted - Fanfiction Admin

Linda - Fanfiction Admin

Enterprikayak - Forum Admin

If you have questions about fanfiction, forums, etc other than that which belongs in the Bug Reports & Inquires Forum, please feel free to PM the appropriate Admin.

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"I call nine millimeter." - John and Cameron

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