Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Cap'n Frances » Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:06 am

Thanks, shanjeniah. I tried to send the file to you as a PM, but the system said it was too big. I'm not sure why. I've sent larger files in the past. Would you please PM me with an e-mail address I can send it to?


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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Cap'n Frances » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:43 am

Many thanks to mjimeyg for fixing the file attachment problem! :clap:

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:43 am


I got the file. =D

Apparently, though, I'm still too new to send PMs, so I'm replying here, and hope you'll see this.

I've got a process for betas: I do a complete readthrough, then let the story simmer in my mind, usually overnight (vivid dreaming is useful!). Then I read through again, highlighting what I'd like to comment on, and then I let that simmer. Next come comments, and then I'll send it out to you.

I've done the first two read throughs, and I have ideas. Sunday is also my biggest blogging day of the week, though, and my Accomplice is wrapping up his vacation, so it may be another day or so before I can get this back to you - I hope that's not too long, and that my input will be worth the wait.

Thanks for the opportunity to help you shine up your story! =D

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:08 am

I still can't message you directly, Capt. Frances, but I'll have your beta done by the time you see this (I still need post approval for everything; I'm really new here.) I just need to add final thoughts, and it's all set for you.

If you could PM me an alternate means of contacting you, that might speed things along a little! :ship:

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby 73Bruin » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:40 am

I have changed your status from a new user to a regular one. Hopefully, this will address your usability issues.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:31 am

Thank you, Bruin! =)

Cap'n Frances, I emailed it to you before I saw this. If there's any problem, let me know, and I'll try something else. I'm the stubborn sort, and I like ridldles. =)

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:46 pm

I'm still having issues with needing approval and posting PMs, so I'm going to put this up now, and hope someone will (eventually) see it.

I'm looking for a beta or betaa for a piece of slightly naughty romantic TnT fluff. It's post "Bound", pre "Demons". It runs about 3,500 words, at the moment, but I'll be making one more pass, so that's an estimated count.

Since it will be my first official piece posted at a fan fiction site, so I think having more eyes on it first would be very helpful.


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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby 73Bruin » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:42 pm


I am sorry for any inconvenience. I took you out of the newly registered users group once again. I am not sure how your status got changed back. Please let me know if you have any further issues.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:53 pm

I tend to see inconveniences and unexpected things as challenges and puzzles to unravel (and since I have children, that's probably for the best!). So long as it all eventually works out, I'm OK with it taking time.

I appreciate your efforts, and hope I haven't caused you too many headaches!

If this goes right through, I'll cheer (but quietly, because folks are sleeping here).

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby 73Bruin » Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:32 am


Can you please confirm one way or the other if you are having problems. I would rather not wait to hear things aren't working.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby shanjeniah » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:18 am

Sorry - I've been plotting a novel and my daughter has had social obligations. Everything seems to be working fine now. Thank you so much for all your problem-solving genius! :clap:

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby panyasan » Tue Jun 14, 2016 6:45 am

Hi! Since I am without a job, I have more time to write. So I am busy writing an extended version of The Naked Truth. It's a MU story when MU Charles Tucker meets RU T'Pol en Trip.

I would love to find someone who could beta this story. The chapters are about 3-4 pages each. I am not a native English speaker.
Please PM me if you're interested.

Update: I have a beta!! :happyjump:
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!

The Naked Truth and other necessities of life ... es-of-life

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby CoffeeCat » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:21 pm

Going to ask before I even get started with the first word:

Who wants to beta a series of stories starting with the premise that TnT's dna wasn't the only thing stolen from sickbay/enterpise?
Writing as TrekPyro.

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Cogito » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:36 pm

Wish I had the time and skills to help - but I don't. I'll look forward to reading it, though. :clap:

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Re: Need a Beta Reader? Post Here!

Postby Dinah » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:53 pm

As long as it's not the length of War and Peace, I can probably help you out. PM me when you're ready.

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