I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:07 am

Oh yeah, that's it. Get my old movie stars mixed up. That is a funny story.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:17 am

I don't even want to think what my parents would say if I ever wanted to try LSD (and made the mistake of telling them about it). When my parents found out about my first tattoo, my parents were so freaked out they all but grounded me - and I was twenty at the time - and it was a week before my mom could look at me without tears in her eyes.

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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:47 am

Well, depending on how they grew up, they might see it as essentially announcing to the world at large that you're a slut or something like that. Or they just think it's ugly. Or that it's tacky or lower-class. It takes some getting used to for older generations. My stepdaughter has a couple and we were less than enthralled -- but it's her life and her body (and in the family she married into, she still has the fewest). I can understand the desire to commemorate the idea of something really meaningful, but I have a hard time with the concept of tattoos where they are easily seen. I can't even live with the same bedspread for 10 years -- so, a tattoo? What are the chances I won't get tired of it? It can also be hard, if you know someone is living on the edge financially, to see them spending money on something which is clearly a want rather than a need. (Especially if you've put aside any of your own wants to meet what you thought were their needs.)

But I don't think it's really a big deal. My otherwise very level-headed friend the guidance counselor, who used to run the Student Assistance Program, is a recovering alcoholic, and knows teen culture very well, is relatively fine with her 16-year-old daughter having sex, going to concerts, going to visit her 20-year-old boyfriend on the other side of the country before he ships out to Kuwait, etc. But she won't tolerate ANY drugs or alcohol -- to the point of drug-testing her own daughter -- and she won't tolerate any tattoos or gauging or any of that. She says if her daughter expects any financial support of any kind from her, she'd better not get them. I can understand the first rule very well (genetically her daughter is hard-wired to become an addict), but her vehemence about the second honestly puzzles me.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Silverbullet » Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:06 am

Gawd, when I was young a female did NOT get a tatto (well there were always the tattoed lady in the circus.) I will amend that. Nice girls didn't. Of course a female did NOT smoke on the street, sit on a Bar stool go into a Tavern unescorted or any bar for that matter unless it was a high end cocktail lounge and then in a group of females. GEt down to the seedy part of town then perhaps but those females were hardly young and unworldly.

My father got three sheets to the wind one night and got a Tattoo. He regrettted it the rest of his life. those things were damned hard to get off back then.

I have heard of females in this day getting a tatto in some pretty intimate places.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:10 am

Not quite sure what my parents's deal was as, at the time, I'd still a steady job and more than enough income to last me, and was only staying with them until I could find a place of my own, but they're about as open-minded as they come. I'd had it for over two months before they found out and, even then, it was only by great and irrepeatable accident that they saw it at all... but whatever. I've given up trying to figure out my parents. The ones I have are for me and, unless I get to know someone very well, no one but me will ever see them.

On Topic, just rewatched "Divergence" and noticed that, as Enterprise and Columbia are merging warp feilds, the positions of the ships on the displays in the Situation Room move throughout the scene. In one part, ships behind T'Pol and Archer are perfectly mirrored as Columbia is only begining to approach, in the next Columbia's moving into position, and it goes between variations of the two throughtout most the scene. Oh, and Trip's spacesuit has the Enterprise logo on it even though he is, obviously, coming from Columbia, but I think I saw that mentioned elsewhere....

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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:54 am

Yeah, if it's in a private area, I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe they're convinced it's how people get AIDS or hepatitis or something?

Personally I'm rather fond of my scars. Scars don't stand out very well on my pale skin, so it's a kind of subtle thing, and of course they're all there because of something I got through one way or the other.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Elessar » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:56 pm

This wasn't star trek but it felt relevant....

I have been re-watching Stargate Atlantis and it's in the midst of the Michael episodes.... It's very interesting because in one scene in the very first one, "Michael", he and Teyla are sparring and in the first few seconds of the scene I'm like "Oh Teyla's sparring with some guy and Michael's gonna come in and they're gonna spar and then it gets weird when he has a wraith impulse..." but it WAS Michael. It was some stunt actor instead of CT and they didn't have him actually in it until he's down on the mat and Teyla's helping him up! The average person doesn't recognize CT so well that they'd notice, but us, of course we will! :lol:
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:39 pm

Yeah, that happens. Probably more in HD. I always get taken aback in "Desert Crossing" when that other dude who looks vaguely like Connor goes flying through the air instead of him.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:27 am

So I was rewatching "Hatchery" tonight and its continuity is seriously messed up. I'm wondering if they changed the order of the scenes after they filmed it, or what.

After Trip shoots Archer on the surface, we get the usual shot of Enterprise in warp and this:

T'POL [OC]: Acting Captain's starlog, supplemental. We've resumed our course for Azati Prime. Major Hayes and his men have been temporarily relieved of duty. Doctor Phlox believes he has found an explanation for the Captain's behaviour.

Then we have a scene in sickbay where they discuss the captain's behavior and its causes, and how the captain is sleeping now, and T'Pol and Trip head out from sickbay.

Then we see Archer's quarters, where the guy is in bed, and Trip buzzes and comes in and apologizes for waking him (though Archer was kind of stirring, I believe). Trip apologizes for shooting him, Archer reassures him...

ARCHER: What's our status?
TUCKER: We just recovered the last of our antimatter reserves.
ARCHER: The hatchlings?
TUCKER: Phlox says there's nineteen of them running around down there. Chances are they'll survive until the next Xindi ship comes along.
ARCHER: It's time we got back on the road. I want you at your post. We're going to be pushing the engines pretty hard. I'll be on the Bridge.
TUCKER: Aren't you supposed to get some rest?
ARCHER: I've had plenty.
TUCKER: I'm sorry, sir, but the Doctor was insistent.
ARCHER: Okay. I guess I don't want another mutiny on my hands. Tell Travis to set a course for Azati Prime, maximum warp.
TUCKER: Right away, sir.

Are we supposed to think 1) Trip is humoring Archer (who would be able to look out the window and see how fast the ship is going and presumably knows whether it is at warp or not). 2) It's normal to take off from a planet at impulse and hope your shuttles ferrying antimatter back will just catch up with you, or ? :dunno:

I don't think I can write in a logical reason for this one. It's just plain messed up.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Kotik » Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:59 am

Alelou, maybe it would make sense, just to skip that one. It's one of those episodes, which make no sense whatsoever. It'd be not ideal to skip an episode, but better than trying to make sweets from a turd.

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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby enterprikayak » Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:03 am

But I wanna see her try and make turd sweee-eeets!
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Alelou » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:13 pm

I don't think the episode as a whole is a turd at all. I actually really enjoy it. It's a great exploration of the relationships between these characters, and I think the SF idea driving the plot is fabulous.

They just royally screwed up something in terms of continuity.

I think they just plain couldn't keep track. Does it make sense for nearly a whole month to pass between "E2" and "The Council"? But if you follow the date stamps and the mentions of three days to get here and three days to get there and so forth, and put it all down on paper and work it out like the Trekkie geek you are (raises hand), that's what happened.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby justTripn » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:35 pm

You DO realize you are probably the foremost Star Trek: Enterprise scholar IN THE WORLD? I wonder if there would be a way to turn that into a regular gig at conventions. The audience could ask you all these impossible continutity questions and you could tell tell them the answers you've come up with.
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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby Silverbullet » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:39 pm

Cold Front last night. It is apparent from the dialouge that Daniels had been on board the Enterprise for some time. Why didn't he reveal himself to Archer befrore. He knows when Silik was supposed to come on board why didn't he have his equipment set up a few days in advance.

Silik seems to be able to walk through walls, transport himself anywhere instantly. why didn't he just wait until Daniel was out of his Cabin go there get the piece of equipment and then transpoprt himself into space and fall to his ship?

How did silik live so long in open space? He evidently breathed an atmosphere, probably was warm blooded. The time and distance he fell should have frozen him solid and if theory is right his lungs should have been pushed outof his mouth by the internal pressure of his body without an external pressure to compensate.

T'Pol asks he good question "why didn't he come a dayy earlier" But he must have come much earlier.

Why doesn't T'Pol belive her own eyes. She sees Daniel put on a golve and walk into the Engine. she knows that there is no such Glove in existence in her timeline so Daniel must be from the Future with that sort of equipment. But she still denies Time Travel.

If Daniel knew that it was Silik who stopped the Cascade in the Engine he also should have kown that Silik was going to shoot him. So why wasn't Daniel armed. Why didn't he have a team with him to capture Silik.

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Re: I Just Rewatched ____ and Noticed ____

Postby pdsldl » Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:43 pm

Silverbullet wrote:Cold Front last night. It is apparent from the dialouge that Daniels had been on board the Enterprise for some time. Why didn't he reveal himself to Archer befrore. He knows when Silik was supposed to come on board why didn't he have his equipment set up a few days in advance.

Silik seems to be able to walk through walls, transport himself anywhere instantly. why didn't he just wait until Daniel was out of his Cabin go there get the piece of equipment and then transpoprt himself into space and fall to his ship?

How did silik live so long in open space? He evidently breathed an atmosphere, probably was warm blooded. The time and distance he fell should have frozen him solid and if theory is right his lungs should have been pushed outof his mouth by the internal pressure of his body without an external pressure to compensate.

T'Pol asks he good question "why didn't he come a dayy earlier" But he must have come much earlier.

Why doesn't T'Pol belive her own eyes. She sees Daniel put on a golve and walk into the Engine. she knows that there is no such Glove in existence in her timeline so Daniel must be from the Future with that sort of equipment. But she still denies Time Travel.

If Daniel knew that it was Silik who stopped the Cascade in the Engine he also should have kown that Silik was going to shoot him. So why wasn't Daniel armed. Why didn't he have a team with him to capture Silik.

Holes, lots of them.

I agree there are always holes but you answered some of your own questions. If I were T'Pol and had experienced all the things you point out about Silik I'd have doubts too. Like you said how did Silik do the things he did? Perhaps Daniels was enhanced like the Suliban were. And didn't Daniels tell Archer, when they went into the future that there were limitations on what they could do from the future? Maybe he couldn't step forward until there was an actual threat. And maybe he wasn't allowed to be armed. There had to have been some rules and Daniels was on the side that adhered to them while trying to stop those that were not so law abiding.
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