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How does Phlox do it?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:20 pm
by Cap'n Frances
I am working on a story in which Phlox needs to treat someone for a serious burn. I can't remember what he does for that. I'm thinking it might have been his osmotic eel or something made from the droppings of one of his creatures. Does anyone know?


Re: How does Phlox do it?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:19 pm
by Cogito
I think of the osmotic eel as a stereotypical cure-all that is probably a standing joke among the crew, but perhaps he has a particularly unpleasant-smelling salve for burns, and nobody has had the courage to inquire about its origins. :badgrin:

Re: How does Phlox do it?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:31 pm
by Cap'n Frances

Re: How does Phlox do it?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:26 am
by Distracted
Depends on the severity of the burns. For first degree (like a sunburn) he'd want a cream with pain relieving and moisturizing properties. For second degree (blisters) the cream would also be antibacterial since the blisters eventually leave open wounds prone to infection. For third degree (full skin thickness) or fourth degree (down to fat and muscle) he'd likely have synthetic skin graft and tissue graft material to replace lost tissue. I got the impression that the osmotic eel was used like transplant surgeons use leeches, to draw blood through tissues to encourage healing. But I don't remember exactly how the writers used it.

Re: How does Phlox do it?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:12 am
by Cap'n Frances
Thanks. That makes sense to me. I'm glad Phlox didn't have a menagerie special I'd forgotten about.